The Death Knell

Chapter 4399 The mystery behind it

How can there be a war between Rao and the universe? Everything is just a more advanced illusion magic.

After the dizzying feeling passed, what came to my ears were the exclamations of teammates, the sound of sea water pouring in, and the sound of air leaking from human lungs being severely damaged and breathing rapidly when dying.

Su Ming was still wearing the black and red Zod family armor, but the person in his arms was wearing black and yellow equipment. At this time, the person was grabbing another dagger with his hand, but he had no strength. Stab over.

Calmly taking the dagger from the opponent's hand and taking a look at the dark poison on it, Su Ming let the strangulation fight back half of the tongue in his mouth, and said with a smile:

"Looks like I won, the other me."

Yes, the person who was pushed aside and whose body was being rapidly eroded by the tears of death was the other death knell that Su Ming had been looking for. Not long ago, he gave this other self a warm kiss. The name is Lao Liu.

He is very powerful, and may be the most dangerous enemy Su Ming has ever seen. He is a greater potential threat than Laughter and Darkseid, because what this Deathstroke wants is to replace Su Ming himself.

But now Lao Liu is almost dead. With his physical condition from using magic for a long time, he has no ability to fight against the Tears of Destruction.

Magic can be used to change many things, but dark arts at the cost of souls and lives are never something that can save one's life.

The funniest thing is here, with powerful magic, you can save many people and change the world, but when that day comes, magic cannot save the caster himself.

This is the ultimate price that is rarely mentioned but that no mage can avoid.

It sounds a bit like a doctor. No matter how skilled he is, he can't perform life-saving surgery on himself, right? The most he can do is cut out his appendix and repair the bones of his hands and feet. If he really wants to perform brain surgery on himself, there's no chance.

", ahem, how did you, ahem, find out?"

A difficult question came out from behind Lao Liu's mask, and with the sound of bubbles rolling, he seemed to want an answer.

But the only response was a finishing blow. Su Ming did not explain to the enemy at all, but pulled out his head with his bare hands, and with his spine, he coiled it in his hand like a snake.

"Ugh!!!" The doctor on his shoulder grinned. He felt like he was going to vomit: "Take it easy, Slade, this is your counterpart from another world, and he was going to be poisoned to death." No need to use such cruel methods."

"Shh, it's not over yet. Adjutant, teleport us to the kingdom of death. I have to tell death to prevent this guy's soul from pretending to be me and deceiving people."

Su Ming felt it was not enough and immediately issued a new order.


"You are worrying too much, Slade. I am not the sister of death from the next universe. I will not be fooled by such small tricks."

Death was sitting on a large smooth stone with a small umbrella. She smiled and looked at Death Knell, who came to find her again. Then she stretched out her little hand and cutely imitated the Lucky Cat's soliciting behavior, knocking out the soul of Old Six who was not far away. Into a puddle of fly ash:

"After all, death cannot be deceived. Everyone's soul is different. I will not recognize people based on their appearance or their memories of their lifetime. Even you in another timeline are not you in front of me. Do you understand? ?"

The ashes floated up, as if being blown by the wind, and dispersed in an instant, blending into the ashes that were constantly falling like heavy snow in the world that originally existed between heaven and earth.

It was only then that Su Ming understood what those large pieces of dust were.

They are shattered souls, unrecyclable sediments, another manifestation of the entropy of the universe.

"Ah, that's good." He moved his tongue in his mouth, but still felt a little pain. He simply sat down next to death, planning to drink a soda and enjoy a carbonated massage: "Today is really dangerous, this guy should He's just greedy for my body, he's so ****."

Death's arms were cold, completely different from when she was human.

"Haha, it's true, but others are like this, but your story is not like this." She sat there with a smile, like a black orchid blooming quietly, looking at the man with gentle eyes, but not (This chapter is not over yet! )

Chapter 4398 The mystery behind it

Accepting the orange-flavored drink that was handed over: "However, today is obviously not the time for you to talk to me, right? You still have something to be busy with, right?"

"Yes, because I will definitely not die today." Su Ming took back the soda that he had unscrewed and handed it to the orangutan on his shoulder. He had just sat down and could only stand up again: "Okay, I'll take the first step. It’s quite busy today.”

After saying that, he looked back at his teammates behind him, nodded to death, and left with everyone in a blue light.

Death turned the umbrella handle and stood up. She walked towards the many souls lining up, because this was her duty.

I just don’t know how many people the death knell will send here today?


Everyone returned to New Krypton again. At this time, the adjutant had stopped filling the planet with water. The yellow sun in the sky still hung there, like a big cake.

Damian looked up at Deathstroke. He had almost figured out most of the situation, but some details were still unclear.

From their perspective, Deathstroke and his adjutant were discussing the sun, but they seemed to be suddenly stunned. About thirty seconds later, he suddenly pulled out his dagger and stabbed it at his side. Another death knell comes out.

It's almost like the other party is there to take the knife.

The superficial process and results were seen, but Damian did not understand the secret contest between the two Deathstrokes.

"Let's give these people a red sun first, adjutant." Su Ming took a sip of the soda, sat down cross-legged on the flying carpet in mid-air, glanced at the confused teammates around him, and smiled: " It seems that you are all a little curious, so let me explain what happened before."

The orangutan was also holding a soda bottle. He slid down the arm of the death knell and slid down his shoulder. He looked at the headless corpse on the side shrinking due to loss of water. He couldn't drink anything.

But he was also willing to listen to Deathstroke's explanation of the process, at least as a distraction.

Donna and Wally naturally wanted to hear it too. As for Shazam, he didn't care. There were mobile games to play anyway, and nothing else mattered.

"Actually, I have always been thinking about what Deathstroke's ability would be. I did several rounds of trials and finally determined that in addition to magic, his ability also has the possibility of climbing over the fourth wall and observing narrative stories. So I transferred my thoughts, replaced my brain with strangled body cells, and secretly executed another set of thoughts, thus deceiving him at a higher level. When he finally showed up, he used a A better dagger than his.”

Taking out a cigarette and lighting it, watching the adjutant change the yellow sun in the sky to a red one, and watching the Kryptonians below losing strength, Su Ming drank another sip of soda for himself, and told his teammates about it while resting. The process of things.

Chapter 4398 The mystery behind it

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