The Death Knell

Chapter 4398: The picture shows the dagger

Speaking of which, humans are definitely the darkest and most thoughtful race in the universe.

Compared with many alien races, humans are not simple enough because their desires are too complex and their human hearts are too complex.

In the original universe, there were only seven kinds of emotions. It can also be seen from the number of lamp clusters that all living creatures in the universe are basically inseparable from these emotional categories.

But humans just bred the spirit of white light in the earth, and later created invisible light that represents regret and despair. These are emotions that aliens cannot play with.

Rao, who was standing in front of him at this time, was indeed very generous and God-like. When humans asked him, he answered very patiently.

It seems that they are planning to develop Su Ming to become his disciple?

It's a pity that Su Ming, as a time traveler, doesn't believe in religion at all. Although his life was a bit miserable in his previous life, he was still a generation who grew up under the red flag. How could he worship superstitious idols?

He doesn't even believe in O Shutu, the ancient god of the earth. How can he believe in you, Rao, an alien?

The Kryptonian god has been paying attention to Deathstroke's every move. He probably forgot to look at the Kryptonite pillar not far from Deathstroke. While the two were talking, the weapon was gradually getting thicker and larger. At this time, there were already Although the thickness of the moon is smaller than that of the moon, at a special angle in the universe, it is not conspicuous because there is no reference object for comparison.

Both sides smiled and stared at each other affectionately, but Su Ming secretly hooked the towering pillar with a strangle, and shot it towards Rao like a slingshot.

Even while launching the attack, Deathstroke was still smiling, as if the person who carried out the murder was not him at all.



The thick kryptonite spike directly hits the target. It is not a particularly hard material. When it hits the enemy, it explodes into powder all over the sky. Due to gravity and various complex cosmic environmental factors, a small gravel belt is formed.

Rao blocked the blow with both arms, but golden blood flowed from one of his wrists, floating in space like a liquid asteroid.

His loving smile froze on his face, as if he couldn't understand why humans turned against him so quickly, and why humans had so much strength.

But once Su Ming takes action, it will be a thunderous plan. He will not give the enemy a chance to breathe, let alone fight turn-based battles like in the past when his strength was insufficient.

The black sun rose from behind him, with the symbol of Sigma shining in it. The cold and bright image absorbed the light and heat of everything nearby, and the entire universe seemed to darken.

"Adjutant, mobilize the witchcraft power of Confused Man and Merlin, and let the masters of the Sky Council seal space and time."

The lightsaber in his hand suddenly expanded to tens of thousands of kilometers in length. Deathstroke's disguise faded away, revealing his black and yellow armor. He jumped towards the God of Krypton and silently gave the order.

Su Ming's darkness is more powerful than Rao's light, which brings together all the dark concepts in many multiverses. The Kryptonian God is not the real God after all.

He may not even realize that he himself is God's creation.

Rao had no weapons. He used his fists to compete with Deathstroke's sword. This lightsaber was forged by Su Ming to deal with the real Darkseid. It is the ultimate weapon that can cut off concepts and gods.

As expected, the mercenary chopped off a small section of the opponent's finger, as easily as cutting off half a planet.

"You are brave!"

The golden blood from the incision was scattered in the universe, Rao's face turned ugly, he made a sound of rebuke, and then activated his concept.

As the god of Krypton, as the god of the sun, his concept needs no introduction.

"I said, let there be light!"

In the next second, the white robe, beard and hair on his body disappeared like bubbles, and his whole person once again emitted a brilliant light. The billowing heat wave instantly ignited the surrounding space, as if all materials were burning.

However, Su Ming had already asked his adjutant to mobilize the mage group. At this time, the space where Deathstroke and Rao were located was a relatively independent mirror space. No matter how they were burned or beaten, they would not affect the outside world.

The reason why I chatted with Rao for so long was, on the one hand, to find out the other person's motives, and on the other hand, to play a game.

Ah, it’s so fun to play games.

"It's useless, Rao, you yourself said that in the multiverse we live in, darkness is the mainstream." Su Ming calmly shook the lightsaber in his hand, and the mirror space he rotated like a kaleidoscope also began. Spin: "I have home field advantage, what about you?"

"You are Darkseid. No, it turns out you are darkness." Rao put the bleeding finger into his mouth and said harshly: "It seems that 'that' still underestimated you, but it doesn't matter, next I will let you realize the gap between mortals and gods!"

After that, he took a deep breath. Since the black sun behind Deathstroke was absorbing heat, Rao decided not to release heat, but instead used ice breath to cool down the space, thus freezing the space. Effect.

His chest swelled, and a pitiful and compassionate smile appeared on his face again.

But at this moment, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and the forward swing of the attack was directly interrupted. At the same time, he also saw Deathstroke's eyes as if looking at a retarded person.

Su Ming's expression became very strange.

It is known that before, he used a giant kryptonite to hit Rao, and the kryptonite was shattered and scattered in the surrounding space.

Then he asked the mage group to borrow the authority of the Upside Down to activate the mirror space here and include the kryptonite powder to create a home field advantage.

So now Rao wants to activate his ice breath and take a deep breath in this space. What will be the result?

All the conditions are clearly right in front of him, why can't he see it? Or should I say. So that’s how it is.

"No, Teacher La, don't do this. Don't hurt yourself."

Su Ming even began to persuade Rao to stop getting excited. He even wanted to go over and pat Rao on the back to see if he could cough up the massive amount of kryptonite he had inhaled:

"If you keep acting like this, I won't have any sense of accomplishment. What I want to kill is a God, a real and powerful god. With your performance, even if I win, I will be disgraced. Others will say that you were originally He is just weak and a little loser."


Rao didn't know whether he was angry or really injured internally. This time he vomited out a green Milky Way, which was very spectacular. Then he began to bleed from all his orifices, his face turned green, he fell down and rolled around in the space, and finally, crazily He kicked his legs, tilted his head and died.

"Adjutant, lift the time and space blockade." Su Ming didn't even intend to check the body. He just smiled and shook his head.

The kaleidoscope-like rotating space disappeared, and the chill of the universe enveloped the Supreme Mage again. He saw Shazam, the second fastest flying speed in the team, leaving New Krypton and flying towards him. The fool's face was also full of smiles. .

"You did it, Uncle Slade! You won! You always have a way."

The big boy jumped around in the universe, full of youthful atmosphere. He flew excitedly to the death knell, reaching out to help the man who had just experienced a fierce battle.

"Ah, I win, you came at the right time, haha."

As a Supreme Mage, Su Ming took Shazam's hand, even hooked it around his neck like he did with Little Flash, rubbed his head affectionately, and then bit off his tongue with a smile.

While the world was spinning, he took out the owl dagger from his pocket as quickly as possible and stabbed the person in his arms in the chest and abdomen!

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