The Death Knell

Chapter 4408 Self-destruction of eight hundred

Morgan is indeed a veteran magician. She is very good at both practice and theory.

While tinkering with her magic circle on the ground, she still found time to give lectures to everyone. Perhaps because Shazam was here, the topic she chose to lecture today was the relationship between divine power and blood.

As an observer, Bobo nodded repeatedly, as if he understood, but the big boy was absent-minded, as if what he was talking about had nothing to do with him, and he was just playing with his mobile phone.

Morgan has taught many students in the past and adopted them as adopted sons and daughters. Those knights may be the earliest magic warriors in the DC universe. They have magic in one hand and a sword in the other. They wear heavy armor and ride war horses. They can be said to be super tanks in the Middle Ages. .

She is a good teacher. As long as she is in a good mood, she will not kill people casually. She is not as difficult to deal with as Bobo said.

Of course, it could also be because Deathstroke's fists are relatively big, and the gifts given to others were delivered to Xinba.

The magic teacher was giving a lecture here, and Su Mingze and Donna were chatting quietly, because the topic mentioned divine power, which made Donna realize something.

The main difference is the difference between the Titan power she inherited and the Olympus power possessed by her sister Diana.

The power of the Titans obviously comes from blood, but more from the power of the elements. The magic of the Titans is often represented by magma and floods, supplemented by earthquakes and tornadoes.

On the Olympus side, the divine power used has many traces of Hecate's witchcraft. The usage is more refined and has more tricks, but it seems that there are not many manifestations of blood inheritance.

As they chatted, she began to wonder about Su Ming's Kama Taj again. What kind of magic was there?

But the underlying meaning behind her words, as well as her cute expression, all showed that she just wanted to travel to the 40K universe.

Su Ming didn't care. Anyway, the 40K earth was relatively stable now. Even the Transcendent Gods had been destroyed. He only needed to pay attention to the movements of the original gods and the upcoming Life Tribunal election, so that it would be stable for at least a while.

So she wanted to travel and visit, which was easy to say. After all, she could go there from Batman's cafe, and she didn't actually have to say hello to herself.

Just when Su Ming was about to say that he welcomed her as a guest at home and could arrange a tour guide, Strangler's sixth sense was suddenly triggered. He felt a chill on his back and instantly pulled Donna away.

Almost at the same time, a huge beam of light shot out from under the ground, almost grazing the two of them and rushed into the sky. This beam of light was golden, and it was the purest cosmic energy. It was like a fairy spell, but it didn't seem to be simple. It's the effect of magic.

Morgan's preparations were interrupted for a moment. She frowned and looked at the light, but the light beam only lasted for two seconds before being interrupted, leaving a large crater with a smooth inner wall and a diameter of more than thirty meters in front of everyone.

"Kind of like Merlin's siege magic, but stronger. I thought he was dead."

With that said, the queen looked at Bobo and Deathstroke with suspicion, as if waiting for an answer.

"Maybe it's because your lectures are so good. This is the Golden Lotus from the Earth."

Su Ming first told a cold joke, then walked to the big hole and looked down:

"I killed Merlin, and I also took his soul to generate electricity. There is no doubt about this. The attack came from the other side of the earth. My eyesight is relatively good, and I can see into the clouds on the other side of the cave. , there are shadows caused by the bat light.”

"Hey, let me take a look too. Is Gotham on the other side?" The orangutan ran over, hugged Deathstroke's thigh, and looked down.

But what he did was just for fun. The eyes of orangutans have basically the same structure as human eyes. They don’t have that kind of abnormally good dark vision, so his sight can go up to fifty meters underground. Any further than that. All that could be seen was darkness.

Seeing this excitement, everyone who was still listening to Morgan's lecture, regardless of their eyesight, gathered next to the big hole and poked their heads in the air.

"Adjutant, what happened? Is there another person like this in 'My Lord'?" Su Ming did not stop his teammates. He contacted the adjutant immediately and called Gotham's surveillance: "Can you use magic?" Not many people have penetrated the earth, give me a name.”

The communication popped up in the form of a projection, floating aside, but the person who appeared was not only the adjutant, but also Harley, who looked cute.

"Ah, Honey, it's actually me."

She was like a middle school girl admitting her mistakes to the teacher. She looked at the death knell with big watery eyes. She lifted up her jacket to expose her belly, and then showed off her long legs in stockings. This meant that after returning home, she would use actions to make up for it. Possible planning implications of large movements.

Then Little Sugar Bean talked about what she did after returning to Gotham, as well as the current record of the Killer Squad. Finally, she talked lightly while playing with her nail paint, while mentioning by the way that she had painted the Yellow Fairy Something I found.

After hearing this, Su Ming was speechless. He made a slap in the air, signaling that he would come back to settle the score with her:

"You can go to any devil for help, even Beelzebub. The most the sequelae will be is maggots that will cause chaos in Gotham for a while. Why do you want to find a 'show magician'? The Yellow Fairy can be in the main universe Running around?"

The Magician is Su Ming's personal nickname for the Yellow Fairy. It was this character who provided the template for the weak-headed and powerful witch in countless comics.

As Su Ming knew, there were such showy witches in many Japanese comics, light novels, and games in the previous life, but they were not as showy as the Yellow Fairy.

How should I put it, she is neither stupid nor stupid, she can even be said to be a clever little girl, but the key problem is that her brain is funny, and she feels like there is a bad electrical connection.

Is it strong? She is really strong, mainly in her fighting ability.

Because after showing off her brain, the magic she used even hit her teammates. Most of the magic she used was mental and transformation magic, which made her hard to guard against.

This is why Su Ming never asked her for help in the past. Although Huang Fairy was very enthusiastic and always responded to her friends' requests for help, she was a particularly good person.

After being forgiven, Harley twisted her waist. Maybe she felt that the punishment game was actually a reward, so her tone returned to her usual carefree spirited girl state:

"What, Xiao Huang didn't do it unintentionally. What bad intentions could a magical girl have? Our people are not dead anyway."

"She punched through the earth, but she hasn't turned Deadpool back yet. Now I'm just worried about whether our universe will still be intact after she completes her trial and error."

Deathstroke, who was walking back and forth next to the cave entrance, took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath:

"This wave, this wave is just looking for trouble. 'My Lord' didn't hurt me at all, but I almost lost my job because of the Witch's light cannon. She should watch less cartoons. On Earth 0, using cannons to make friends is a way of making friends." impossible."

"Okay, little bee, don't be angry. After everything is settled, Xiaohong, Xiaohong, and Xiaohuang will be with me. You know, we can play some games like All Colors and Flowers on the Ridge, hehe!"

Harry raised his eyebrows as he kept hinting, as if he thought that just four people could play Japanese mahjong.

"No, I don't want to have anything to do with the Yellow Fairy. If she throws her into the tenth dimension, it will be another problem."

Su Ming refused without thinking. Although Huang Fairy was indeed kind-hearted and had no evil intentions, she was a real walking trouble:

"You let her retreat first. I'll find someone to repair the earth and change Wade and the others back from their snack state. You go back and guard them first, so they don't get picked up by wild cats and dogs."

"Well, okay then, eh, I love you young."

Harley, who was promised a solution, smiled and expressed her gratitude, and then cut off the communication. She felt that she had saved Gotham again today.

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