The Death Knell

Chapter 4409: The patching up cat

"Hey Morgan, can I borrow your lioness for a while?"

Su Ming, who cut off the communication, turned to face everyone, and then his eyes fell on the lions not far away who were hiding in fear because they were frightened just now.

These female lions are already quite courageous. The cosmic energy ray attack with such a high concentration just now would frighten ordinary beasts to death.

This is not nonsense, because when the ray broke out of the ground, many birds in the nearby trees fell down. In the physical sense, they were frightened and died suddenly on the spot.

Even Su Ming himself felt a little chilly on his back.


Morgan was still thinking about the Yellow Fairy. She searched her memory and determined that she didn't know such a person at all.

It’s normal if you don’t know each other. The Yellow Fairy has no teachers and has nothing to do with the traditional magic world. She is all self-taught. She debuts when she becomes a talent, and her peak is when she debuts. But she soon went downhill and left the multiverse to play football outside. Morgan Where did I know she was going?

Why is Batman so secretive about magic that he sets up the Justice League Dark, led by Diana, who has high magic resistance and can kill people? In fact, it was the psychological shadow left by the Yellow Fairy and Constantine on him.

"Magic is a dark art", "magic is elusive", "magic is very evil", etc. Bats understand it very well.

Bobo knew the Yellow Fairy, but he didn't know that she was back. Recalling the light just now, he, who usually always squatted on the death knell's shoulder, felt relieved. Fortunately, he had gone to play with the lion before.

As for who to turn to to repair the earth? Who else could I turn to? The one who speaks best is definitely the Dream of a Thousand Cats. There just happen to be so many big cats here.

Su Ming caught one at random, no matter how much the lioness resisted. He took out a box of catnip from his pocket with one hand, held the lion's ears in the other, and whispered.

To be more precise, he sang a song quietly:

"Let's meow like a cat, meow, meow, meow, let's act like a baby in front of you, hey, meow, meow, meow, meow."

Before the chorus was even sung, as soon as the song started, a puff of smoke erupted from the seven orifices of the lioness, and the smoke quickly condensed into a big cat in the style of an ink painting.

However, the big cat's eyes were disgusting now, and he shivered as if he had just finished peeing.

The cat opened its mouth, spitting out a small piece of starlight, and its little pink tongue hung out of the mouth:

"Stop singing, we are all embarrassed for you, meow, please don't act coquettishly in front of us, you know! Who would act coquettishly to a cat? Is it perverted? It should be the other way around!"

"I know you should always be looking at me, so why don't you express your feelings for you?" Su Ming's face did not change. He had long since stopped caring about other people's comments. As long as he achieved his goal, he handed it over casually. The box of catnip, then said: "You should know why I'm looking for you, right?"

"Ah, I got it, you humans are out of control again, meow." The big cat rolled up the gift with its torch-like tail, turned it into a cigar on the spot, stuffed it into his mouth and lit it: "We'll deal with it right now. , after all, Gotham is also our hometown."

"Well, how about you follow my team next?" Su Ming thought for a while and felt that it was better to keep this trump card with him. The lack of information about 'Blank' made him need to think more about things.

"Now? Not now." The big cat shook his ears and squinted his eyes with some light: "Daniel and I are preparing a story and holding an audition for a new generation of 'Destiny', so we don't have time."

Bobo tilted his head and added: "Audition? Since when did your Endless Family become so popular?"

In fact, it's not trendy at all. This type of activity can even be said to be bad, but Bobo is a bit out of date. He doesn't usually watch TV programs, and there is no TV in the bar.

As a detective, his hobby is smoking and drinking.

"You'll never know how many people watch America's Got Talent with their cats in their arms."

A big smile appeared on the cat's face, his chin raised slightly, and his lovely whiskers trembled:

"Anyway, Destiny has to change someone, and it has to be a blind man, so I suggested it. Daniel is also very interested, and we are about to have a meeting. Did you know? Among the contestants participating in the talent show, there are many capable disabled people. "

Destiny requires ruthlessness, justice, and blindness.

It sounds like an oxymoron, but the draft is essentially just another story, a show, a performance.

That's right.

"I know this." Damian calmly joined the conversation, and the expression on the boy's face never changed: "My friends in Teen Titans call that show a competition. As long as the story is good enough, it will always win. Get in a few more rounds.”

"Little Robin is right, I guess you are one of those children who never believe in the existence of Santa Claus, meow?" The flame on the big cat's tail turned into the shape of a human hand, and he waved to everyone as if saying goodbye: "I'm going to I’ll help you repair the earth, but if anything happens next, you’d better go find Lucifer, our Endless Family is going to have a meeting.”

"Well, please go to the entrance of the cave and recover some of my people."

Su Ming, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth, was thinking because he felt that Big Mao emphasized the two meetings and seemed to be hinting at something.

The timing was a coincidence. She seemed to be in a hurry to leave when she went to Death.

Is there some connection between this and the current situation?

Nodding in agreement, the pattern on the big cat's body changed, as if forming a black circle. It glanced at the death knell again, and then jumped into the hole behind everyone, exploding like a cloud of mist.

When the clouds and fog dissipated, the large cave had been restored to its original mountain appearance, and even the weeds that once appeared here had returned to their original appearance.

If the appearance of the Yellow Fairy made Morgan feel pressure, then the arrival of a being like A Thousand Cats' Dream would destroy her outlook on life.

She has never seen anyone so familiar with the members of the Endless Family. The Dream of a Thousand Cats is actually the Sandman, and as we all know, the Sandman is the most elusive, as lifeless as a cloud.

The other side of the dream is the nightmare. The Sandman is both a prison guard and a prisoner. Contact with him is a shortcut to madness for some magicians.

So as a smart witch, Morgan made the wisest choice, which was to quickly complete the missing person magic ritual and then send Deathstroke and his gang away as soon as possible.

Her magic is also golden and very gorgeous. Compared to the visual effects, Zatanna's magic is nothing.

The magic circle lit up with golden light, and Morgan threw a chess piece into it. Then after reciting a series of spells, the chess piece disappeared.

It was laborious, much more laborious than expected, but the magic worked.

She closed her eyes and sensed it, then gave another coordinate. Hippolyta had been found by the 'knight' and was there.

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