The Death Knell

Chapter 4410 The Great Man in the Park

This is a park.

The unremarkable community park is just a sparse forest, a few concrete paths, and a small river flowing quietly not far away. Some people have tried to fish by the river, but with little success.

More often than not, people use this place as a sports ground, or to play throwing games with their children, or to throw Frisbees with their pet dogs. In addition to the large amount of mud produced by the fallen leaves and rain in the forest in autumn, it is a bit troublesome. , this is a good place.

The street lamps are the simplest style, like medieval gas lamps, and the bench beside them is the man's favorite spot. He likes to sit here for a while on his way from get off work and watch the river and the sunset.

On days when you have a lot of money, buy a cup of coffee or ice cream from the stall. If you have a good appetite that day, maybe a chocolate donut.

Don't get me wrong, he actually has a very close relationship with his wife and children, and they know that he often comes here to meditate.

He is not here to escape the so-called 'midlife crisis', but every man needs his own space and time. He just used the time that others used to look at beautiful women to relax in the park and quietly think about his own life.

As a celebrity, everyone around him knows him, so even if he is sitting on a park bench, there is not much quiet time. Many people will smile and say hello to him when they pass by:

"Good afternoon, sir."

"Hello, sir, we meet again. You are so punctual."

"It's a nice day today, sir."

He responded to such greetings with a smile, because it made him feel his connection with society, which was so heart-warming.

People live for different purposes, some are to be recognized by themselves, some are to be recognized by others, he is both.

People know him all because of the effect of his fame. As the greatest scientist on the planet, he single-handedly developed the 'God's elixir' and eliminated all diseases known to mankind.

Who doesn’t have a patient yet? Maybe it's the elderly, maybe it's the children, maybe it's the people themselves.

Thanks to this magical medicine, the life of the elderly has been extended, and children who might have died in infancy have survived. Whether it is cancer, AIDS, polio, stroke and hemiplegia, even athlete's foot or myopia, the medicine can cure all diseases.

To put it bluntly, everyone is in his debt.

The most important thing is that he made a heroic move that was difficult for others to understand. He disclosed the drug development process, molecular structure formula, and even the indigenous method of making medicine to the world for free.

He didn't charge a penny, and he didn't cooperate with any consortium for profit. Even if a beggar on the street wanted to learn how to make medicine, he would teach him step by step so that everyone could afford the medicine.

His family was not wealthy before, but after achieving the greatest human achievement - 'interfering in the realm of God with a human body', his family became even poorer.

But with this heroic act, he gained everyone's respect.

People once called him a god, but he always denied this statement with a smile and emphasized that he was just an ordinary person with better luck. Now everyone's lifespan has been extended and everyone can do something for society. Made more contributions.

Then, he turned down all interviews and invitations and returned to his unpretentious research work. He had a small laboratory in an ordinary medical university. His next plan was to develop a method that could A potion that can extend one's lifespan indefinitely.

And he had an idea.

To be honest, money and scientific research are not important to him, he cares more about his family.

His wife and children are very supportive of him. They cherish each other and agree with each other's ideas, so this makes him feel happiest.

Today was just an ordinary day. After leaving the laboratory, he felt the warmth brought by the sunset, walked to the park, drank a paper cup of coffee, and then admired how healthy people enjoy life happily.

This is his reward for himself.

The breeze by the river blew his long hair, and he was smiling with a handsome face. He was sincerely happy for mankind. Yes, everyone has the right to enjoy a happy life.

"Kyle, you're not going home."

At this time, a woman's angry voice came from behind, and her footsteps made a rustling sound on the fallen leaves on the grass.


Yes, there's another little girl's voice with a cute-sounding accent.

The man sitting on the bench turned around and saw his wife and daughter running towards him with a smile. Obviously, they were looking for him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my girls, I may have forgotten the time." The man stood up. He was tall and strong, having also taken special medicine, and his handsome face was full of smiles. He bent down to catch the quick run. The daughter who came over picked her up and spun her around several times: "Haha, let's go home. After dinner, daddy will watch cartoons with you."

"Ahem, we are eating out today." His wife came over, gently put her arm on his arm, and pinched him with her fingers: "Don't you remember what day it is today?"

"Uh." The man lowered his head and thought, but couldn't think of anything. In the end, he could only show his wife an awkward smile.

The awkward atmosphere didn't last long. The woman just rolled her eyes cutely, raised her hand to straighten his tie, and gave him the answer:

"Today is our wedding anniversary, and you forgot it again. Don't men always remember these anniversaries?"

"Ah! Oh, I, I'm too busy. Today's experiment didn't go very well. I'm a little dizzy." The man was shocked and felt sincerely ashamed. He hugged his wife's shoulders and said, "You reserve a seat. Are you ready? No, let me ask someone to get a seat at the best restaurant in the city, so I can eat better today."

"Well, isn't it too wasteful? Well, if you insist, let's not order too expensive dishes. We still have a lot of money at home, and it's almost time to pay the bill."

The wife nodded understandingly. She had always been thrifty, but because of today's special situation, she finally accepted the man's kindness.

He handed the daughter in his arms to his wife and took out his mobile phone to make a call. The two of them walked out of the park. The street lights also turned on at this time. Everything looked beautiful and full of hope.

If only the story had ended here.

However, at this moment, a huge golden lightning flashed in the sky, and then the man's world became like pale gravel, shattered, collapsed, and annihilated.

Wife, daughter, healthy people, everything he worked for.

All gone.

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