The Death Knell

Chapter 4411 People are not goods

"Ahem, cough, hey, I'm too young to do this, I'm going to die, I'm going to die."

Constantine sat down against a street lamp and vomited several mouthfuls of black blood. The shirt on his chest was soaked:

"I can't stand it anymore. The continuous casting of spells really can't bear the physical burden. Damn it, I feel like God is waving to me."

"Judgment Day is no more."

Batman is now blind, and he naturally turns a deaf ear to Zha Kang's vomiting blood. In the rainy night in Gotham, the dark knight stands quietly on the street, also ignoring the crowds who are busy fleeing.

Generally speaking, when people see superheroes when they are running for their lives, they always feel safe, and maybe someone will come close and try to seek shelter.

But these are not true for Batman. People who are fleeing will only hide far away and take a detour when they see him.

"Ah, it's gone. I don't know who is so brave. Just now a basketball-sized light bullet hit Judgment Day, and he flew out. But isn't this good news?"

Zha Kang shivered and took out the cigarette from his pocket, smoothed the broken part, dipped it in bloody saliva, pinched it and put it in his mouth.

For him, he thinks this is a good thing, because he can finally take a breather. Before, he had no friends around him, so he could only use illusions to delay the day of judgment, which was very stressful.

Fortunately, Judgment Day is a crazy Superman.

Everyone says Superman has no magic resistance, but this is actually a joke.

Superman is actually very resistant to common elemental attack magic, such as fire and lightning. The reason why he has no magic resistance is that he is completely unable to resist illusion and mind control magic. No matter how many times it is used on him, it will always work.

Unfortunately, Constantine's power comes from heaven and hell. He is not good at illusions. The few magic tricks commonly used in street tricks that he memorized and memorized are not very suitable to be driven by the power of hell. It is a waste of time.

Didn't anyone look at it and choked it to the point of vomiting blood?


Without answering the wizard's words, Batman turned around and got into the Batmobile, kicked the accelerator and disappeared into the darkness.

The temporary disappearance of Judgment Day is not a good thing for Batman.

He had just replaced the charge in the 'Final Smile' device with a large amount of kryptonite powder, and was just waiting to detonate the final weapon, covering the entire city with high-concentration kryptonite radiation to make a big splash on Judgment Day. of.

Considering that the other party is not a human being, but a crazy Kryptonian, killing him does not violate the principle. The bat is murderous this time.

He knew that his current physical condition was not good, so he had to solve the problem once and for all.

"Ahem, ugh. They say Batman never says goodbye. Ahem, it's true." Constantine squirmed on the ground a few times, leaned his back on the lamppost more comfortably, exhaled a puff of smoke, and said to himself A joke.

The cold rain, with a sour smell, poured down on him, but he had no intention of moving because casting spells consumes mental energy, and now he had a splitting headache.

"Hey, look who this is? Isn't this Constantine, the master of dark arts? Why have you suddenly become so lazy after not seeing him for a few hours?"

Along with a strange monkey cry, Bobo's fur paws also landed on Zha Kang's head, rubbing the latter's wet golden hair.

But the orangutan made a mistake. The last time Constantine washed his hair was probably a few years ago. Now he reached out and rubbed it, and a large amount of dandruff stuck to the orangutan's hair like shredded paper. The effect was very disgusting.

Su Ming and others left Morgan and decided to take a look at Gotham first to see if the big hole had been patched and whether Deadpool and the others had returned to their original state.

However, when I passed by here from the air, I happened to see Batman driving away, and also found the half-dead Zha Kang, so I came down to take a look.

Although Constantine is a scumbag, he can't watch him die.

When they landed, they happened to hear him complaining about other people's bats behind his back. Now everyone felt at ease. Seeing that he was in a good mood, it proved that he would not die this time.

"Haha, if it were an orangutan like you who faced Judgment Day, wouldn't he be quartered in one face to face?" Constantine held a cigarette in his mouth and stretched out his hand to the death knell with a playful smile: "Okay, since you Now that I'm here, I won't have anything to do. Good brother, please give me a hand, the ground is very cold."

"No, I'm not your good brother. Your brother isn't even worth fifty dollars." Su Ming raised his hand and used the force to lift Zha Kang up, but had no intention of joining hands with him. He threw out his cloak to help everyone. After covering the rain, he said: "Tell me, what are you doing in Gotham? Don't say you are here to save the world, I will die laughing."

The mage who was helped up sighed, lowered his head and grasped the water in his pants, and replied casually:

"Hey, I guessed the riddle wrong."

"Ah, I see. You asked Madam Xanadu for a divination, and she asked you to come to Gotham to solve the mystery, right? I guess you came here to find medicine for Zatanna?"

The tongue-splitting orangutan hurried to the roadside to wash his hands with stagnant water while quickly answering. Anyway, the Riddler in Justice League Dark is Mrs. Kamito.

It's not that Muni likes to be mysterious, but her fortune-telling also comes with a price.

For things like divination of the future, the more she talks about it and the more specific it is, the higher the price will be. She went to Mongolia when she was young. According to Eastern sayings, this seems to be called revealing the secrets of heaven and being punished by God?

Anyway, she had divined about vampires in the world in London before. Just because she named a specific place, she vomited three liters of blood and lost her fighting ability for nearly a month.

With the current unstable situation on earth, how can she dare to bet that she won't have to take action in the next month? She can point out Gotham to Zha Kang, which is the most righteous thing to do.

"You are really smart, Bobo, much smarter than Jim, so he is dead and you are alive." Constantine exhaled a puff of smoke. Apparently the orangutan guessed his plan, which made him unhappy and deliberately mentioned He asked the Dark Night Master to stimulate the orangutan.

Bobo's face turned dark as expected, but Su Ming didn't give them time to argue and joined the conversation in time, saying:

"But you haven't left yet. You should have discovered something. Tell me, what did you discover?"

Su Ming looked at Zha Kang's face. The expression on this man's face was very disgusting, and he had obviously discovered something.

Otherwise, just because Madam Xanadu tricked him into coming here to soak in the rain, he would have been cursing and complaining endlessly. How could he say it so lightly?

As if waiting for Su Ming to ask, Constantine smiled crookedly and patted Deathstroke's butt frivolously:

"I caught Ulysses, the Mexican hacker that you and Batman were looking for. Hey, how about it? How much are you willing to pay for it?"

In response, Su Ming just looked at him as if he were a fool.

Zha Kang was not an ordinary person, he looked directly at Deathstroke, but after all, Ulysses was a burden in his hands, and he couldn't resist it in his eagerness to take action.

"What do you mean? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm sorry, Ulysses is of no use to me. I have obtained information from other people's brains. Didn't Ulysses just sell a copy of Brother Eye's program to 'my lord'? I already know it. , the buyer you are looking for should be Batman, not me. With the existence of the lieutenant, am I still worried about what kind of trouble a castrated AI will cause?"

Su Ming waved his hand very disdainfully, indicating that Zha Kang could go back to the House of Mystery and sleep. He was not interested in meat tickets.

"That's a living person! Slade, he's not a commodity!" Constantine raised his head and looked seriously at Deathstroke's one eye. His eyes were full of determination and belief, but he suddenly showed a greasy smile: "It's a pity that I have no use for living people, so I'll sell them for money. Ah, you can give me some, and you can take them away."

Knowing this would happen, Su Ming smiled slightly and took out a silver coin from his pocket:

"It's just the equivalent of fifty dollars, no more, you want it or not, but I advise you to accept it when you're ready."

"Deal! Open sesame!"

Constantine grabbed the silver coin, stuffed it into his mouth and bit it to make sure it was genuine. He took out Houdini's key and opened the door on the roadside, catching the hacker in Limbo who had not yet figured out the situation. Throw it to Death Knell like trash.

Then he made a gesture of bye, and walked out of the way with a sigh. He really took a breath, and that was the sound of him sucking saliva.

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