The Death Knell

Chapter 4412 Buying and selling

Su Ming smiled at Ulysses, who was lying in the water on the side of the road. The other party also looked up and smiled politely.


Black tentacles emerged from the mercenary's body in an instant, becoming much thinner this time, and penetrated into the hacker's crest like a needle thread.

Reading the memory of living creatures can be done, but it can only obtain recent memories, and the process is very painful.

However, just a Mexican old man is not worthy of Deathstroke thinking too much about him. Just by reselling the Brother Eye program and casually catching chickens and killing the fat man to death, you can see that this is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Qualifications for Batman figures.



The Mexican, who had undergone countless bone marrow punctures at the same time, was rolling on the ground in pain, but among the group, only Wally showed a slightly unbearable look and turned his head.

Damian looked at the man rolling in the rain with a blank expression, and Donna was equally indifferent to this. Bobo was even concentrating on filling his pipe, and his concentration was almost the same as that of Shazam who was playing with his mobile phone next to him with his head down.

Even if Ulysses died of pain here and his skin and skull were torn off, no one would speak for him.

But Su Ming was thinking about something else at this time.

That is - there are so many Batman figures, but there seems to be no hacker type in the Arkham figure cabinet.

Well, among the psychopaths in Gotham, who has the best computer? Mr. Freeze? Or remain silent? Dr. Hugo?

Anyway, these people are not professional hackers. Just because they can use computers does not mean they are good at network intrusion. This is the direction of crime in the new era. The veterans are all involved in the red ocean, and no one has opened up this blue ocean.

So we have a general idea of ​​how to deal with this person.

First use the symbiote to read Ulysses' memory, obtain information and keep him alive. Then hand him over to Harley for psychological counseling, stimulate him, drive him crazy, and turn him into a super villain.

Little Sugar Bean is good at doing this kind of thing, and she likes it very much. She always likes to awaken the evil thoughts deep in people's hearts, turning them into demons who lose control in order to satisfy various desires.

She calls this 'knowing your true self', and she herself went crazy like this back then.

In short, after this process, it is the harvest season. Sell this newly born hacker villain to Batman and earn the difference.

It was decided happily. Su Ming had always been interested in Alfred's recipes. Is it okay to use such a new figurine to learn another recipe for Gin?

Yes, the value of Ulysses is just another recipe. This kind of weakling has no strength and a bad mind. He is only a third-rate villain in Gotham.

After all, what he did has not caused any serious consequences so far. He just killed a fat housewife. He is an Internet thief at best.

It has collectible value, but its value is not high. In this way, it is because Batman likes thieves and understands them all.



The Mexican was wallowing in pain in the muddy water. His face was ferocious, his eyes were bulging, and he couldn't even hold the computer in his arms.

Bobo also noticed that the other party had two dislocated fingers, a typical bat work, so in order to prevent the laptop from getting wet and to reduce the burden on the poor man, he reached out and grabbed the hacker's computer and sipped it himself. Lip checking machine.

Very good, the quality of the computer bag is very good, there is no water in the machine, and the boot speed is very fast.

He looked at Deathstroke, who nodded to him, so the orangutan calmly sent the trophies into the Maia dimension, a storage box that only he knew.

"That's right. Now you have a computer in your bar. We'll add a projector later."

Su Ming admired the orangutan's behavior. To be a mercenary, one must be good at discovering opportunities. When catching toads, one has to urinate in order to gain maximum benefit during the execution of the mission.

Bobo just shrugged cutely. Anyway, he had already seen from Deathstroke's methods that Ulysses was not in the plan at all.

The piercing scream lasted for about a minute, during which it attracted some good old Gothams to poke their heads in the alley, but after seeing Deathstroke's black and yellow armor, they left obviously faster than when they came.

Strangler retracted into the host's body, and the Mexican who rolled his eyes seemed to feel relief in his coma. A sickly cheerful expression actually appeared on his face.

"How's it going? What did you find?" Donna came over and asked. Against the backdrop of Gotham's acid rain, she smelled a bit like strawberries.

"There is no valuable information. The person he traded should be the 'remnant' in the green robe. The other party deceived him without even meeting him. This is a gap in IQ."

While answering his sister-in-law's questions with a smile, Su Ming picked up the Mexican on the ground, and then let the cloak used as a rain shelter pick up everyone, and everyone went to the murderous team.

You can leave Ulysses to Harley to carry, it won't be a problem anyway, just let Jason or Leatherface carry it, and start psychological counseling as soon as he wakes up.

Of course, it would also be a good idea to take a short trip and go to Arkham first.

Gotham is a big city, but for Cloak, this distance can only be reached in the blink of an eye. When Su Ming arrived, the Yellow Fairy had disappeared, and Deadpool and others were having a meeting on the spot to discuss the extradimensional creatures on the street. What to do with the convenience food that has been turned into.

Wade suggested collecting them and selling them. After all, in the apocalypse, food is hard currency.

Harley plans to distribute these things to everyone, eat them if they can, and give them to the poor if they can't eat them. Now that she is a reformed superhero cutie, she can't do anything too dark.

"Very good, I noticed that the big hole has been filled up, and your little yellow has also left." Su Ming led everyone to the ground, and casually threw the Mexican to Jason: "Have the enemies been turned into food?"

"Yes." Harley hugged his arm, put her foot on his face and took a sip: "Hehe, I'm going to send the dry food turned by these alien monsters to the orphanage for the children to eat, do you think it's okay? Okay? Honey?"

"They are your trophies. Of course you have the final say. You just need to make up the money for Wade, because he also has a share." Su Ming took out five hundred dollars on the spot, and threw Earth's 40K money to his cousin. .

Sure enough, Deadpool immediately had no objection and immediately started counting the money with his saliva, and said while counting back:

"Good cousin, Gotham is really fun, and you can make money quickly. I will give you a list of the people I killed later, but you follow me over there first. I have a big secret to tell you."

As he spoke, he uncharacteristically just counted the money twice and put it away. With a serious expression, he pointed to the depths of the ruins not far away.

"Oh? Do you have any newly discovered information?" Su Ming became a little more interested, so he first walked towards the corner.

After letting go of Xia Kaila, his cousin trotted after him and whispered:

"The veterans in the live broadcast room saw the origin of the remnants in the past, and they told me. I am going to tell you, so."

After saying that, he started rubbing his fingers, asking for more money again.

"Five hundred dollars."

The rich man Su Ming was so generous that he gave the quote directly without verifying the information.

Wade was also very satisfied. He took his elder brother's arm and led him away from the crowd, whispering like a thief:

"The remnant is an iron orphan in the true sense. This is what happened."

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