The Death Knell

Chapter 4413 Dark under another lamp

So, Su Ming spent about three minutes listening to Wade tell a story about the park and the man.

My cousin talks a lot of nonsense. He always gives detailed descriptions in unimportant places and tells his own completely unreliable conjectures.

But Su Ming, who knows his style, will discard the dross of human linguistics and extract the core key content.

In this way, there is some new progress in understanding the ‘remnants’.

First of all, Yimin used to be a good person, an excellent biology and pathologist, and he should also be good at chemistry and social anthropology, with an extremely high IQ.

What kind of magical medicine was invented that can actually cure all human diseases. Obviously, this is also an important factor in Deadpool's interest in it. He wants his cousin to help him get this medicine to cure cancer.

The method is very simple. You only need to kill the survivors and let Zhuo Zhu eat the other party's brains, then you can harvest the prescriptions, and then bring them back for the adjutant to copy.

Secondly, it is the reason why the remnant went crazy, because his wife, daughter and the world were all annihilated. According to Deadpool's description, when the disaster occurred, golden lightning flashed across the sky.

So this probably represents the Flashpoint event. That major event restarted many worlds and erased more worlds. The world of the survivors is likely to be one of them.

The remnant is a survivor. It is not clear how he survived, but the stimulation he received is indeed enough to drive people crazy. Anyone who has a family and love will fall into the abyss after losing everything.

"Your condition has worsened again, Wade. There is no live broadcast room at all, and you haven't heard anything, let alone told me."

After Su Ming was silent for a few seconds, he took out five hundred yuan and stuffed it into his cousin's hand, and moved his one eye in the direction of nothing.

"I understand, I always understand, suck! Hehe, I don't have to know anything."

Deadpool smiled and took the money. He took a deep breath of the smell of the banknotes, as if he was drunk. Two suspicious pink spots appeared on his mask. He changed the topic and said:

"I will continue to deal with the psychopaths from the 52nd Alliance Army. To be honest, I actually kind of like them. You know? When we drove over a crazy Louis Lane not long ago, her scream was me The highest soprano I have ever heard, she could have had a great future on Broadway, but ended up becoming a pie on the road. Alas, the war, it was the war that destroyed them. The saddest thing is that the war also made us successful, The fate of mercenaries is really dark, too dark."

"Stop talking about these pretentious nonsense. Even if you get to the DC universe, you can't take the deep route. If you imitate others, you will only lose your popularity. So just do your job. Kill as many people as you want, and let Gin pay for it later. "

After interrupting his cousin Qi Faner, Su Ming turned to leave. Now that he was sure that all his people were intact, he could deal with Zeus with peace of mind.

But Veda grabbed the back of his belt, and behind him, he was already crying when he spoke:

"Brother, you are going to fight an unknown battle. I know that superheroes are unreliable, so you have to go, but I, don't you have anything to explain to me? For example, the issue of inheritance distribution, your lawyer's phone number What is it? Is the fax number the same?"

These words sounded normal at first, but by the second half of the sentence, the bitch could no longer suppress his joy. He had no heart at all and was only thinking about his cousin's inheritance.

In response, Su Ming just smiled.



The black-red figure flew out and smashed seven or eight walls in succession. At this time, my cousin asked Strangler to pull the owl dagger back, and gently patted the back of his left hand with his right hand:

"Oops, my hand slipped again."

While Wade was recovering, everyone had some exchanges with the murderous team. To be precise, apart from the bitch, the only ones who could speak were Harley and Xia Kaila.

Harley is familiar with everyone and sees her often, so there is nothing much to say.

The Succubus Queen was completely unfamiliar with them, so the conversation was limited to introducing themselves to each other and getting to know each other.

Before leaving, Su Ming did not forget to use the Force to gather all the food scattered on the street in front of him, and handed it over to Harry to handle. He also asked the adjutant to send a school bus to replace the food that had been transformed into Toy truck head.

Why a school bus? Naturally, it’s because the school bus is all yellow, which goes well with Gotham’s dark night.

"Dangdou, remember, don't take risks. If you encounter an enemy you can't beat, just run away. There are several crazy lanterns in the last 52 coalition forces. Take it easy. If it doesn't work, just use the murderers to back you up. I'll resurrect them later." It’s not a hassle either.”

This team of human demons is the product of Su Ming's experiments with dark concepts, and combined with the skills learned from Peppertua's brain, they are considered to be Su Ming's experimental subjects for fabricating human beings, and they are an aggregation of evil thoughts.

Although they are definitely stronger than the android soldiers, they are also expendable.

"I'm a psychology expert. If you want to make people cry, they will never laugh. Manipulating emotions is my specialty." Harley nodded repeatedly, looked at the man affectionately with watery eyes, and gently touched his lips. Breastplate, said with a raised voice: "So don't worry about me, I'm sure of dealing with the Lantern, and I won't call Xiao Huang here again."

"Well, the last part of the sentence is very good." Su Ming hugged her and placed a kiss on the top of her head: "Let's go, let's start taking action."

After speaking, he nodded politely to Xia Kaila, and then invited everyone to board the flying carpet and head to the next destination.

The teleportation is too noisy and there is energy reaction, so using a flying carpet to sneak in is a better choice.

Bobo guessed that the destination was a new dimension, similar to Maia, but the specific situation inside was not yet clear.

But the location of the entrance is known, it is in Olympus.

"It's not the new Olympus. The one where Vulcan went for a meeting before was the newly built Olympus. Do you remember? There is also an abandoned old Olympus." During the flight, Su Ming said to The teammates explained and guided their thinking.

"Of course you remember, New Olympus is a lonely peak on the sea, more like a resort. The former Mount Olympus has become the location of one of the three seals, where we defeated Dr. Fate."

Bobo took a puff of cigarette, and he had a rough idea. He understood what Deathstroke said.

Donna also understood, after all, she was also present, but

"The dimensional entrance you are talking about is in the big pit where the 'Newborn' is sealed? If we want to fight him, we must have a strategy that will not destroy the earth."

She was a little worried about this. Speaking of which, back then everyone was spitting in the big pit, and the newborns were very cautious.

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