The Death Knell

Chapter 4414 Revisiting the old place

"The environment here is like a mixture of Hades and Hell, plus a public restroom in a New York subway station."

This was what Alberta said with a cigarette in her mouth when she arrived at the ruins of Mount Olympus last time.

A death canyon densely covered with brown miasma. Some withered and burnt vines blocked the way forward. Fragments of bones could even be faintly seen under the boulders on the roadside. Greek-style polygonal columns were covered with mushrooms and lichen and were slumped. In the mist.

Su Ming still remembered that he added to the witch's statement that the smell here was very much like the sewers of Gotham.

"It hasn't changed at all. The battle between Chusheng and Olympus caused the death of too many gods here. The corpses of those gods rotted in the abyss under the canyon, constantly releasing miasma."

Bobo lit his pipe and used tobacco to mask the smell. His dark eyes looked at the canyon in front of everyone. To be precise, he looked down at the yellow-green mist.

"Ah, it's just that when we came last time, we were still standing on the ground, but now the perspective is different."

Deathstroke smiled and nodded, pinched off the cigarette in his hand and put it away, then raised his mask:

"Last time we entered the depth of the canyon to find the seal that supports the world, but this time we will go down from here, deep into the center of the earth, to find the entrance to a dimension."

"This reminds me of that seal, Slade." Donna was also ready to fight, her face a little red. "Last time the witch said that there was power from heaven in the seal. I was wondering if it would come from Since then, my lord, have you already begun to make plans?"

"Well, it's a novel idea, but it's indeed possible." Su Ming patted her shoulder, her delicate skin feeling slightly cold to the touch. "Anyway, let's take a look at the seal first. If possible, move it." place to avoid being affected by the possible battle that may follow."

No one had any opinions. Anyway, Deathstroke had the final say in the team.

Wally had heard Barry talk about that battle, the Hour of the Witch, and so on. The seventh generation Doctor Destiny was also "sacrificed" here. Deathstroke chopped off his head and used his head as a balloon to burst. @Essence\\/Shu Ge·The first mistake-free release~~

The cloak entered the invisible state and led everyone into the canyon. They flew through the low altitude with thick yellow fog. You can see some undead creatures appearing on the surface.

There were skeletons wearing torn sheets, and some rotten or broken animals.

The dark illusion that has not seen the light of day all year round, as well as the fear and resentment at the time of death, have actually formed a rare birthplace of the undead.

You know, the nearest Greek city is only a hundred kilometers away.

"I've never heard from the Justice League that there are undead creatures here before." Wally scratched his nose exposed outside the mask, and sighed, "After this operation, I will come back to clean up this place."

"Well, there are some new changes, but if you touch these bones, it will be completely thankless."

Bobo took a puff of cigarette and glanced at Donna again, and the female warrior nodded, supporting his statement, so he continued:

"The undead creatures are full of negative energy, and there may also be infectious plagues or viruses. These things are difficult for the Speed ​​Force to defend against. Moreover, destroying the undead creatures should be the work of the Life Council, so you should not interfere."

"Parliament of life? Is it the parliament of flowers, plants and trees?" Wally was a little unwilling. He didn't want to see these monsters attack the town one day, just because he found the monster today but did nothing.

"The flowers, plants and trees you mentioned are the green of all things. They are just one of the members of the Parliament of Life, and even ten of you alone can't beat them. Do you know what the concept of "plant" is?"

The absolutely neutral Bobo exhaled a puff of smoke and continued in a vicissitudes of tone:

"I have seen too many people hanged in their sleep by the bedside table with paper and vines growing out of them in the middle of the night because they angered the Green of All Things; the Red of All Living Things is even more terrifying. The last time the person who provoked it was killed by thousands of people, Ten thousand mosquito bites will kill you.”

"...So we can't interfere in the work of the Life Parliament?" Damian just wanted a final conclusion.

"Not necessarily." The orangutan glanced at Deathstroke, who had no expression on his face. He added: "If Slade wants to intervene, the Life Council will probably have no objection and will say thank you afterwards."

Isn't it? Poison Ivy is now in charge of the Green of All Things, and the spokesperson of the Red of All Living Things is generally indebted to Deathstroke. Coupled with his previous deeds of killing the spokesperson of the Black Decay, the Life Council will not have trouble with such Deathstroke.

"It's such a realistic life."

Damian withdrew his gaze, and he no longer paid attention to the undead.

Anyway, those who died here should have been the gods and divine weapons of Olympus during their lifetime, right? Then it has nothing to do with humans, let them solve the problem on their own.

Focus on the main goal and don't get distracted by the little things along the way.

The cave entrance in the canyon slopes downward, the cliffs are hidden among the clouds and mist, and the stench becomes stronger.

However, the magic floating cloak found the last route with ease, leading everyone into the collapsed corridor, passing the hall where the death knell knocked Athena unconscious, and then continued forward to the location of the seal.

"Ah, it seems that we can't do anything without fighting." This underground hall has been occupied by various undead creatures. They are blocking the way. Su Ming can only shake his head and stretch out his hand: "Force choke!"

Skeletons also have cervical vertebrae, which is not a big problem. Breaking these slightly weathered bones is easier than breaking corn.

In the amphitheater-like hall, there was a crackle and explosion, and the heads of hundreds of undead fell to the ground.

"Okay, Wally, clean up the area around the magic circle. Donna and Bobo, you guys should take a look. Damian, you're on guard, and's okay. Let's continue playing."

After assigning the task, Su Ming and others landed lightly and found a small open space among the rotting and stinking corpses.

The magic circle has the power of heaven. Obviously, this power makes the undead want to get close but dare not get close. Finally, there are signs of gathering here, but this is not important. No one cares what the undead think.

Bobo took out a magnifying glass to study the magic circle, and Donna, as an expert on the weaknesses of the Olympus gods, also joined in the observation.

It was a good idea for Flash to be in charge of cleaning. He quickly ran around and brought up strong winds, quickly providing everyone with a relatively less smelly environment.

"Well, Slade, look." Bobo pointed to the center of the huge wreath. He turned and called the mercenaries to come closer: "These are the footprints left by your last step. These are the blood of Dr. Destiny, and in After this incident, someone else came here.”

He pointed to another footprint and said this. If you look closely, you will find that this mark is on top of the mark left by the death knell.

Su Ming squatted down next to the orangutan, combined the clues and thought at the same time, and touched his chin and said: "It's not like the footprints of leather sandals, but a pair of hiking boots sold in a store, so it's not the traces left by Zeus, then... it's Have the survivors been here?"

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