The Death Knell

Chapter 4415 The Gods of the Past

In addition to the footprints, Bobo searched around again, but found nothing more.

But it felt very uncomfortable, as if someone had specifically appeared here and stepped on the footprints of the death knell.

"Haha, are you just here for a visit? I think it's nothing." Su Ming laughed from behind his mask. He stretched out his hand to measure the size of the shoe print, and then stood up. "Maybe someone wants to pay tribute to me. You Look at the Chinese Theater on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and how many celebrities have their handprints stepped on by tourists."

"You still like telling jokes so much, but experience tells me that in the life of a superhero, crazy psychotic fans are the scariest thing."

Donna checked the magic circle itself. The energy in it had declined a bit, but the problem was not serious. It could still support the world well, so she added another sentence, as if she was remembering some unpleasant experience.

She doesn't have any decent old enemies, but her sister's old enemies are also hers. When those assholes can't find Diana, they often come to fight with her. Only Leopard Girl is still devoted to Wonder Woman.

"I've told you so many times, I'm not a superhero."

The speechless Su Ming shook his head, raised his hand and snapped his fingers to invite everyone to come closer, and then it was time to enter the abyss.

"I think you are."

Donna insisted on her point of view, but still walked to the front with a sword and shield. After all, her team was positioned as a human shield.

It is best to walk the next journey, because you need to find a dimensional entrance. It is not possible to rely on Shazam. You have to throw out the cloak and let it look for energy reactions.

After leaving the rotunda and coming to the edge of the broken cliff, Su Ming glanced into the foggy abyss below. Su Ming found a pretty good route and jumped directly.

There was a whistling wind in my ears, and the deep trench under the sacred mountain seemed to be bottomless. This was probably an important reason why the Olympus God System abandoned this place, because it was really unsuitable for living here.

The stench in the air is getting stronger and stronger, but it is still within the range that humans can bear, but the negative energy in it has a biting chill, and even ordinary people can feel it.

This is not good news. For the cloak looking for the entrance to the dimension, the negative energy everywhere is a distraction.

About three minutes later, Su Ming, who was holding the orangutan, was the first to land, followed by Shazam, who was holding Wally and Damian. Donna fell freely with a shield hitting the ground. She moved her hands and feet immediately, Obviously not very comfortable.

"It's shallower than expected, less than two kilometers deep?" Su Ming patted the orangutan on his shoulder, because at this time the wave was blowing against the back of his neck.

"Fu, fu..." Bobo covered his nose with a handkerchief and breathed only through his mouth. He said in between gasps: "It's not shallow anymore. Which direction should we go now? Should we go left or right?"

"Waiting for the news from the cloak, since we are looking for the entrance to the dimension, there must be a spillover effect of space energy." In a completely lightless environment, Deathstroke used his lightsaber to provide lighting for the team, and everyone was surrounded by a thick brown fog. , and there is black earth under your feet.

Ah, there are corpses everywhere, broken and crushed, as dense as sesame seeds on sesame seeds.

"Huh, do you have a special gas mask that can isolate the smell? It's too smelly here." The orangutan still covered his mouth. He seemed very uncomfortable, but he still insisted, "There may be more powerful undead creatures here, Si Ryder, be vigilant, as far as I know, there were many bodies of Olympus gods that were not found."

"There are gas masks, but we don't have the version for orangutans. I'll give you this to make do." Su Ming took out a small concentrated oxygen tank in the shape of a bat from his pocket and handed it to Bobo.

This was a prop he bought for free from Bliss when he first arrived in the DC Universe. Although he uses it less and less, he still carries it with him like a talisman.

Under this situation, Bobo had nothing to be picky about, and immediately replaced the pipe with an oxygen tank 4, and his walnut-wrinkled facial expression suddenly became much more relaxed.

Except for Wally who needs a mask, no one else needs this kind of thing. Donna and Damian can use their willpower to fight the environment, while Shazam benefits from the protection of the power of the gods.

cloak. ??This will be flying in the direction of the canyon extension, so we don’t know the news yet, but just when everyone was about to take a few steps to observe the surrounding environment, heavy footsteps sounded in the thick fog.

Others may not be able to see clearly, but Su Ming saw clearly that it was a tall figure wearing heavy blue armor with red eyes under the mask.

Su Ming was not short, less than 1.9 meters tall, which was pretty good among ordinary people, but the giant in front of him was nearly three meters tall, with a heavy back and heavy waist, and wore heavy armor like a tank.

"Oh my's Ares! Ugh, what is the brown liquid flowing out of the gaps in his armor?"

After all, the orangutan couldn't help but exclaimed, but as he spoke, he inhaled more stench, and finally started retching, as if he hadn't finished speaking.

But there was no need for him to explain in detail. Su Ming also recognized this person. One of Diana's old enemies, but at the last moment, in order to cut off the queen of the Olympus gods, he fought alone with the new god of war, and finally died in the battle. .

It was only after his death that the priesthood of the God of War fell on Xiao Dai.

"I asked knowingly, it's tissue fluid after the corpse has decomposed." Su Ming glanced at the other party's wet legs and raised the lightsaber in his hand: "The corpse of the old god will decay quite slowly. This is determined by the strength of the body's cells. We came at the right time, it’s just over fermented today.”

The body composition of carbon-based organisms is mostly protein, which will release ammonia gas and ammonia water when they deteriorate. Obviously, the opponent's armor acts as a container to contain and preserve these irritating liquids and gases.

Yes, what is currently approaching everyone is the corpse of the God of War, an undead creature transformed from the old god. He did die in battle. There is a big hole in the front of the chest armor, which penetrates the front and back of the corpse.

The newborn should have used the black tiger move on Ares to take out his heart.


Unlike skeletons, living zombies still have some flesh, so they can make some sounds, but just like ordinary zombies, they are just meaningless ***.

The body of the God of War was like this, staggering close to everyone. In one of his hands, he still held the weapon tightly, a huge black double-sided battle axe.

"Invite me to fight him."

When Su Ming was about to kill the living corpse with a sword, Donna stopped him. The female warrior sighed and said seriously

"Although Ares is one of my sister's old enemies. In the past, he instigated the First and Second World Wars, indirectly killing tens of millions of people. Many people wanted to kill him. But in the end, he was He died with honor, and I want to do my best to ensure that his body is intact."

"In ancient Egypt, people would take out the hearts of dead pharaohs and put them in jars, because when he was reincarnated, Anubis would weigh the hearts on the scales. It would be more polite to take them out in advance."

After making a gesture of invitation, Deathstroke did not fight with her. He turned around and started talking to Bobo about fairy tales and asked:

"I wonder how much you know about customs? Are there any similar rules here in Greece?"

"No, the ancient Greek funeral was to put silver coins on the eyelids of the corpse, which was the ferry fee for the Styx. Then relatives and friends rolled the corpse in a robe like a white sheet and found a place in the wild to throw it away. But speaking of it, Olin God Pease likes to play with hearts the most, such as Hercules, whose heart was bought from a lion."

The orangutan was holding a bat oxygen tank in its mouth, and its speech was a bit muffled, but it was clear enough.

Deathstroke shrugged and watched as Donna pierced the mask of the enemy's armor with her sword in front of her, followed by a frenzy of stirring like beating eggs. @Essence\\/Bookstore*First update~~

The undead creatures in this abyss canyon have almost no IQ. Ares, the god of war, could indeed overwhelm Xiao Dai and beat him in the past, but now he is just a soulless living corpse, wearing armor and holding weapons, with more strength and size. That’s all.

Not to mention Donna, Su Ming estimated that he couldn't even beat Bobo.

"I think it doesn't really matter whether the body is complete or not. Ares came from the direction on our left, and I bet the dimensional entrance that the magic floating cloak found will be there."

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