The Death Knell

Chapter 4416 Blood vessel knitting sweater

"Slade, can you give me a Molotov cocktail?"

The female warrior Donna once again killed Ares who was pretending to be a corpse. She looked at the fallen armor and sighed with complicated expressions for a few seconds. Then she asked Deathstroke for something and planned to destroy the corpse and eliminate traces.

Yes, the feeling of burning a complete corpse is different from burning a pile of meat.

The former is a funeral, the latter is cooking.

Life always needs some sense of ritual. Donna asked to do it herself just to give Ares a decent ending. The friendship between them was only worth so much.

How to deal with the body next, of course, must use a scientific and safe plan, which is to burn it with fire to prevent enemies from using the body of the former God of War.

Su Ming supported this, and because Ares was larger, he gave him a few more incendiary grenades.

Compared to Xiao Dai, Donna was better at using modern weapons. She skillfully pulled apart a bundle of grenades and threw them at the corpse on the ground.

The flames burst into flames, and a smell that was a hundred times more intense permeated the air, like someone making sizzling durian and fried stinky tofu. But fortunately, Ares still caught fire under the action of white phosphorus and napalm, but it was a bit smoky. , there was also the sound of gurgling boiling water coming from the abdominal cavity.

But soon, the fire grew stronger and stronger, and the stench disappeared. The fire illuminated everyone's faces, and seemed to disperse or burn the yellow fog nearby.

This is good news. It is discovered that this rotten mist of negative energy can be dispelled by fire. The next step is to spread... no, everyone can move forward with torches.

At this time, the cloak also flew back from the darkness in the distance, draped back on Deathstroke's shoulders. The collar rubbed the Supreme Mage's face, and then changed into the direction of an arrow.

"As expected, it's the left." Bobo sighed, Deathstroke was always right.

"Haha, it's actually reasoning. There is still logic behind it."

Su Ming, who was laughing, took out some torches from his pocket, lit them with the flames of the God of War's corpse, handed them to everyone to use to dispel the miasma, and explained his judgment:

"After all, Ares is one of the powerful old gods. After he dies and pretends to be a corpse, he will be stronger than other living corpses. So according to the principle of strong people gathering together, he will inevitably be closer to the newly born seal area. , because the newborn is stronger. And Zeus must have hidden the dimensional entrance here with the intention of letting the newborn be a watchdog, so finding the newborn is equivalent to finding the dimensional entrance, and the direction from which Ares came is the existence The direction of birth.”

Damian behind him thought for a moment and nodded slightly. He fully recognized this logic.

Zeus is a well-known conspirator, and he will definitely not miss anything he can use, even the most rebellious son.

"Oh, let's move on then."

Shazam took the torch and played with it in his hand. He had never used such a backward lighting tool before, and it felt very fresh.

But at the same time, his move to change the topic also completely exposed the fact that he didn't understand it this time.

Needless to say, everyone took torches and went on the road. The yellow mist seemed to be alive and would avoid the light source. The air was much fresher.

But the feet are still one foot deep and one foot shallow. If you are not careful, a skeleton on the roadside will suddenly sit up and make random gestures with the weapons in his hands, adding some fun to the march.

A bit like a Greek ruins-style haunted house or an escape room?

After advancing for about a few hundred meters, the density of debris on the roadside reached its limit. Mountains of skeletons almost blocked the road ahead. Su Ming could only take action on his own to clean up these skeletons or mummies that kept pretending to be corpses.

During this period, he also saw the corpses of Dionysus and Heracles, especially the latter. The huge rotting corpse inevitably made people feel sad.

The legendary invincible warrior who has gone through twelve trials is just an abandoned son of Olympus in the end. People who use their brains are always darker than those who work hard.

Burn it, it's easy.



Su Ming stopped. In front of him was a transparent barrier.

On the side where everyone is, not far away is the yellow-brown fog that lingers; on the other side of the barrier, there is rich crimson smoke, just light. ??Looking at it, one can feel the anger rising and the blood rushing to the head.

"Is this the nascent power?" Bobo, holding the bat tank in his mouth, took a deep breath of oxygen to calm down his mood: "This kind of power, this kind of resentment, is simply..."

"It's like hell." Donna continued the second half of the sentence, her fingers holding the sword tighter and tighter.

"Indeed, whenever Lucifer mentions God, I can hear similar hatred in his laughter." Su Ming used his lightsaber to dig a hole in the transparent barrier, and he was no longer too lazy to look for it. Where is the formal entrance? "Currently we don’t know the form of the seal of the newborn, so everyone should be vigilant."

There was no need to be more vigilant, because the barrier suddenly shattered, and the newborn had already appeared in front of everyone.

This is a fruit man with a completely black body. His body is densely covered with red blood vessels like spider webs. He looks weird and disgusting. His face has no skin, only a bloody skull and empty eye sockets, so Su Ming doesn't know what he looks like. What kind of thing, and what kind of mood is it at this time.

"Have seven thousand years arrived? First Zeus came to see me, and then...the messenger of the Titans?"

The newborn was not in a hurry to do anything, but it proved that he seemed to be in a good mood. He crossed his arms, and the red blood vessels behind him began to stretch out, knitting together in mid-air, forming a pair of butterfly-like wings for him.

The so-called messenger of the Titans refers to Donna. The fluctuations of the Titan power on her equipment are as obvious as fireflies in the dark night.

"It seems that the days of being sealed are very difficult, and the days are like years? Seven thousand years is still early. For the first time, seven years may be about the same.

Su Ming, who only found it funny, interrupted the other party's emotion. He shook his head at the enemy and raised his lightsaber.

"The curse of Zeus is to use Mount Olympus to suppress you for seven thousand years, and then you will be free. But I don't plan to give you a chance to seek revenge from Diana. I will end your life here." Any last words?"

"Oh? Just you? A creation of the Titans, a few mortals, and a monkey?"

The newborn flapped the vascular wings behind him and slowly rose into the air. The pair of butterfly wings, which looked like woven wool, were spread out to a length of more than thirty meters. When they flapped gently, strong winds hit them.

"You are the monkey, and your whole family is a monkey!" Bobo angrily jumped off Deathstroke's shoulders and hid towards the back of the team, not forgetting to curse: "Kill him, Slade, chop him to death. , stop talking nonsense to this monster."

"Monster? I am the strongest god! Hahahahaha!"

The freshman who laughed loudly clenched his fists, and a crimson cosmic energy lit up from his body like a sea of ​​blood.

"I am the eldest son of Zeus and Hera, the orthodox successor of Olympus! Sad mortals, I wanted to give you who are ignorant and offended me a chance to join you today when I regain my freedom, but I have changed my mind now. , Kneel down! And die!"

Su Ming didn't need any light and shadow effects. The cloak behind him rolled like waves. He also rose into the air, even a head taller than the so-called strongest god. He looked down at the black and red weirdo:

"Hey, that's right. What's the use of talking nonsense? Soldiers should rely on their ability to speak. Come on, weak god, I'll let you attack first."

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