The Death Knell

Chapter 4417 Such a weak god

Chusheng is a person who wants to be a god king, but does not have the destiny of a god king.

He was the first child of Zeus and Hera. When he was born, the three goddesses of fate performed a divination and predicted that one day this child would kill everyone and sit on the throne of Olympus.

This frightened Zeus because his father, Cronus, rebelled and rose to power, and Zeus himself also rebelled and became the King of Gods. He was a professional rebel in his family, and there was a genealogy of rebellion in his blood.

He was afraid that one day he would be overthrown by this unnamed child. Zeus ordered a witch to kill the newborn, but the witch did not do so and just abandoned the child in the wilderness. As a result, the child was picked up by wild wolves and raised.

After the newborn grew up, he established his own kingdom with the natural power brought by his bloodline. At first, he planned to prove his ability to Zeus. If he thought he was capable, he could return to Olympus to recognize his ancestors.

His kingdom continued to expand and develop, but Zeus never said anything. This caused Chusheng to be unable to bear it any longer and directly led his army to attack Olympus.

The first time he failed without a doubt, he was driven deep into the earth during the battle, and he didn't know where he went. Zeus thought he was dead, and seven thousand years passed like this.

Seven thousand years later, he was dug out from under the Arctic ice cap by an American scientific expedition team. After recovering, he began to recruit troops to counterattack Olympus. This is the time everyone knows.

The charred state of the newborn's whole body is the work of Apollo. During the battle, the proud sun god wanted to use the blazing sunlight to tan the newborn into an African chicken. He was indeed tanned very darkly, but it did not cause any harm. It was like having his head ripped off and used as a wine glass.

That battle destroyed Olympus until Diana arrived with her allies, and Zeus finally returned, once again driving the newborn into the ground under the sacred mountain, and setting a seal for seven thousand years.

At this time, Zeus was actually no longer afraid of newborns, because he found that his eldest son seemed to have only the same ability, and there was no possibility of overthrowing him.

Besides, the newborn still has immortality, so there is no need to worry about it. Use the fallen Mount Olympus as a seal to suppress it, and seal it for seven thousand years to see if the child will recognize the reality.

By the way, it’s seven again.

Life underground is like a year, and today Chusheng even thinks that the seven thousand years have come, and he wants the Dragon King to return to his throne today.


He and Deathstroke exchanged punches in the dim environment, but the latter's body did not even sway and was still floating there leisurely. On the other hand, the newborn was pushed hundreds of meters away by the reaction force and fell to the ground, leaving two bodies behind. A deep scratch.

"That's it? You are such a weak god. You can't even break the earth with this punch. How can you possibly defeat me? Try harder."

The man in black and yellow armor was still looking weird, and even though he was wearing a mask, you could still see the joking expression on his face.

Through the analysis of the newborn's growth experience, it can be seen that he was raised by wolves, and he also has the nature of a wolf. He is bloodthirsty, cruel, and inhumane. He will bite his target even if he chases it to the end of the world.

In the DC universe, the most dangerous animal is always the bat. Darkness, agility, cleverness, and speed are the best qualities.

In terms of high EQ, this is called steadfastness; in terms of low EQ, this is called iron-headedness, which may be used.

"You are not a mortal, what kind of god are you?"

The newborn who had just stood firm on the ground shook his hand, and his bones made a rattling sound. The wings made of blood vessels on his back kept flapping, taking away the impact from him.

Looking at the armored man floating in the sky, he couldn't help but ask a question. The red skull-like face was expressionless, but his voice was full of surprise.

"The age of gods has long passed! The old gods." Bobo hid behind Donna and Shazam, and stuck out his head to shout in a mocking manner: "Humans have the final say on the current earth. You gods, like the orangutan and I, are history." Cannon fodder in the garbage heap!"

Well, maybe ancient apes may have ruled the earth hundreds of millions of years ago, but biologically speaking, ancient apes are not orangutans, and the difference is quite big.

However, given that newborns can’t even tell the difference between an orangutan and a monkey, Bobo doesn’t mind changing the concept.

This is the advantage of having a secretary. Bobo is responsible for talking and talking, and Su Ming is only responsible for killing people. He uses his stubbornness to gradually destroy his self-confidence and then destroy his body.

Yes, the ultimate goal is to destroy Zeus, and Chusheng also wants to kill his father. It seems that there is room for cooperation between the two parties.

But the biggest problem with the birth is that he wants to be a king, not only the king of the gods, but also wants to rule mankind. In addition, he is also a cannibal tyrant.

It's not that he's targeting humans, but he eats everything. One of his abilities is blood-sucking, using his spiderweb-like blood vessels to suck the blood of living things to strengthen himself.

So whether they are humans, cats, dogs, or other gods, he eats them all.

This is not within the scope of cooperation. Like a vampire, Su Ming thinks it's okay to drink some blood occasionally to fill his stomach.

But the newborn is more like the snake god Seth. His appetite and ambition have no upper limit, so this is definitely not possible.

Deathstroke didn't have the habit of answering the enemy's questions directly. In the past, if he spoke during battle, he would almost always dig holes and set traps for the enemy.

In addition, the newborn who has just recovered is very weak, and his combat power level is not as good as that of Haile before, so he will try the straight shot first.

Raising the lightsaber with both hands, Deathstroke's figure flashed and instantly came to Chusheng's head hundreds of meters away, and directed a New Year's greeting sword technique towards him.

The opponent's reaction speed was quite fast. He was worthy of being a warrior who had fought out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Perhaps it was his subconscious reaction that made him dodge, which saved his life.

This sword, which was enough to kill a god, only cut off one of his arms and one wing. The amount of bleeding was huge, but it was not fatal.


The tough guy like him also let out a muffled grunt and quickly retreated like a lazy donkey, while Deathstroke stretched out its tentacles and caught the two parts that fell from the sky.

Arms are nothing to look at. Who doesn’t have arms? So what Su Ming was looking at were the wings made of blood vessels, which he pinched and rubbed in his hands.

It's amazing. It feels a bit like a sweater, and a bit like the white foam mesh cover you would put on the apples when you bought them in your previous life. It's just that it's tighter, stronger, and even airtight.

"Oh? Why are you retreating?" Su Ming asked the same puzzled question. He held a sword flower and pressed closer to the newborn: "Are you afraid of me? Afraid of me, an ordinary human being?"

As he spoke, he threw his wings behind him and landed accurately in the arms of Donna, who was several hundred meters away, as if covering her with a huge quilt.

Seeing the countless tentacles squirming on his body, his one eye emitting red light, and the cosmic energy on his body constantly changing colors like a lantern, Xinsheng even choked up, and he didn't know what to say.

He now needs to drink blood to heal his injuries. He has been trapped in the seal for these years, and there are all undead outside the seal. He is already in a very weak state, and even the wound that Diana left on his heart, It's not completely healed yet.

Therefore, he decided to quit.

Although the anger in his heart was burning his reason, making him want to rush over and tear the humans into pieces, a mature wolf knew how to wait for the opportunity.

Today was not a good day to fight, so he decided to run away and wait until he recovered before fighting another day.

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