The Death Knell

Chapter 4418 Language Stimulation

Seeing the old god's eyes roll, Su Ming knew exactly what he was thinking.

It is true that someone is not as expert in psychology as Harley, and cannot perform psychological profiling and abnormal behavior prediction on people in battle, but if you want to see whether a person is willing to fight, you don't need any advanced psychology. Learn knowledge.

When Su Ming saw Chusheng trying to escape, he didn't even reach out to stop him. He just said lightly:

"Do you know? The Diana who pierced your chest with a sword and almost killed you is now my woman. She is very well-behaved and very cool. So run away, weak god. Only a lone wolf like you can do it." Want to be a god-king like Zeus? Daydream, I will become the King of Olympus! Your sisters and your mother will be my slaves in the future! The whole world will know that you are a waste, baa hahahaha!"

The sound of the death knell was so loud that everyone far behind heard it. Bobo quickly jumped on Shazam's shoulders and covered the boy's ears.

"This is not what you should hear. Come and memorize the alphabet with me."

In order to protect Shazam's innocence, Bobo actually made such an unreasonable request. He wanted to know a big boy with the wisdom of Solomon, but he ranked last in the class every time he took the test. He didn't even know how many English letters there were in total.

But fortunately, Shazam didn't understand Deathstroke's words at all. He went in his left ear and out in his right ear. He just rolled his eyes at the orangutan, then let the monkey mutter on his shoulder and continued to play with his phone with his head down.

Damian on the side just pursed his lips. He knew that this was obviously Deathstroke's tactic, because the truth was not what he said.

Deathstroke didn't like gods. Many people knew this. Hera had previously planned to marry three of his goddesses, but he had rejected them all.

Coupled with the exaggerated tone of Deathstroke and the expression of thoughts like a villain at this time, Da Mi believed that Deathstroke had a plan.

Did the father judge that the newborn liked Diana? What he said was to stimulate Xinsheng to continue fighting with him?

But why was he so sure it would work? What's the logic?

But having said that, in order to achieve your goal, can you even use your girlfriend as bait? Well, I learned something again today.

Wally sighed, and he moved his wrists and ankles to prepare to join the battle. He didn't know what Deathstroke was going to say next, but it would definitely be more extreme.

As an upright person, he also wants to protect children like Damian and Shazam from hearing content that even adults find dark.

On the other hand, Donna was thinking about other things. She was still holding half of a wing in her hand, so she was a little distracted.

In any case, Su Ming's language tactics were successful. The originally rational freshman was instantly swallowed up by anger, and his eyes became sinister and crazy.

Obviously, he hated the union of gods and humans, and was even more angry that gods were still in a subordinate position in this relationship.

The reasoning logic that Damian is looking for actually lies in Xinsheng's past experience.

How could they be allowed to mate with native dogs if they were raised by wolves and regarded themselves as wolf kings? They regarded every female in the population as their mate.

The Olympus Protoss is one of the groups he believes he belongs to, and humans are just local dogs in his eyes.

When the first born attacked Olympus, not a single goddess was killed. Combined with Olympus's tradition of incest

What thoughts he has, you can guess it with the toenails on his toes, right?

This is not Su Ming's nonsense, but is based on information from his past life. Chusheng had many children in the past. These half-human, half-animal monsters formed his army, and were called hyena people. He and various female canines Animal children.

Yes, this does sound weird. Reproductive isolation has been broken, and Darwin is expected to rise.

But what I’m talking about here is the Olympus pantheon, who likes animals and makes orcs. This is his family’s tradition. Zeus is even more playful.

So, once a newborn rules Olympus and becomes the leader of the old gods, can you still expect such a person to have any ethics and morals and not attack female gods such as sisters and mothers?

Of all the goddesses, the one who impressed Chusheng the most was undoubtedly Diana. After all, she escaped from Chusheng three times, and in the end she almost killed him with a sword after releasing the divine power seal, piercing his heart.

Who can not love such a woman?

Su Ming could have made up a story about himself and Athena or other goddesses, but the effect would definitely not be as good as Diana's.

Therefore, I can only aggrieve her and dirty her name a little. Anyway, his teammates all know that he is talking nonsense, so it is not a big problem.



The newly born, who had lost his mind, was taunted by the death knell. A scream came out of his skull, blood was splashed on the broken shoulder and he rushed towards the latter. It was obvious that his destined spouse had been robbed, which reminded him of a lot.

He used the things he wanted to do as a template and put it on Deathstroke. Naturally, he thought that this human being and many goddesses might be the same.

The reason why animals fight among themselves is simply to compete for food and mates.

The mortal in front of him now claims to have snatched away all the mates he expected when he was born, so of course he has to fight.

Otherwise, what would the tribe think of him? How can he be a god king in the future?

Sometimes you have to fight even though you know there is little hope of victory. This is the belief that a soldier must stick to.

Countless blood vessels of varying thicknesses penetrated the dark body like spears. Su Ming did not dodge, but chose to let Strangler launch a similar attack at the same time.

The result is obvious. As a special symbiote that masters the devouring method, Strangler's eating efficiency is many times higher than that of the newborn.

The two sides were entangled, and the moment their blood vessels and tentacles entangled each other, the winner was decided.

The newborn instantly turned into a human being and fell to the ground, looking just like a mummy. Only the slight rise and fall of his chest showed that he was still alive.

Well, one of his abilities is immortality, so even Zeus could only seal him in the past.

But for Su Ming, this is not a big problem.

He chopped off the newborn's head with his sword, smiled at the red skull, and then let Strangler eat the headless body of the opponent, and then tapped his ear:

"Adjutant, throw the newborn head into the total body and make it a companion for the Upside Down and the others."

"Okay Sheriff."

There was a flash of blue light, the head disappeared, and the battle was over.

"Okay, guys, come and find the dimension entrance. It should be nearby, because the newborn seal pit is there."

Su Ming took off his mask and lit a cigarette, calling his teammates to come over. He was just an appetizer, and he hadn't finished the main mission yet.

Bobo drove Shazam to be the first to come. He immediately jumped back on Deathstroke's shoulder, took out the pipe, sighed, shook his head, and then put the cigarette holder into his mouth:

"You are too dark. Do you need to be so unscrupulous when dealing with a freshman? There are still minors in the team. What you said before is inappropriate."

"A quick victory can buy us more time. I don't need to activate the concept, and the risk of being noticed by Zeus is naturally greatly reduced. This has already gained the next strategic advantage; the magic circle above our heads supporting the world has not been affected. , intact; besides, today’s children are exposed to the Internet every day, and they know better than you whether Shazam is causing trouble or not.”

Bobo rolled his eyes and stopped talking. After all, he was just an orangutan. He didn't want to see too much evidence of the darkness of the world. Anyway, he only needed to verify that Deathstroke was not crazy and his thinking was still clear.

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