The Death Knell

Chapter 4421 New aid appears



While his cousin was drinking milk tea with his teammates on the grassland, Deadpool and the others were playing a new game.

The school bus brought by Deathstroke seems to have awakened Wade's memories of his school days. Although he dropped out of school in the second grade of elementary school, he still has memories.

So now the Killer Squad is playing childish games.

To put it simply, it means grabbing a target, and then everyone takes turns attacking him with all their weapons. If anyone accidentally kills someone, he loses.

The rules of the game are a bit like removing building blocks, and a bit like drawing ghost cards, but it is indeed a bit interesting.

The victim this time is a lantern, a mad man named Guy Gardner who came from an unknown parallel world. He has a red light and a black light, which makes him look similar to Deadpool, but this unimportant.


Mike pulled out the kitchen knife from the opponent's body, moved slightly out of the way, and signaled that it was Deadpool's turn next.

The combat effectiveness of this cover is not bad. Because of the existence of the black light, it can also drive away the bodies of some unfortunate victims in the city. The representative blood vomiting attack of the red light ring is also a good area-killing ability.

Unfortunately, he has ears and a brain.

Harley's words changed his mentality, and he broke through the defense in a matter of seconds. Wade took off his mask and gave him a look, and he fell to the ground.

The result was that he was wrapped in chains by a nail head and became everyone's toy.

"It doesn't seem to be going well with my cousin, but he is drinking tea leisurely." Deadpool stabbed the toy through with a carbon steel weapon knife. After drawing out the weapon, he made sure that the prisoner was not dead, and continued chatting with Harley: " As expected of my cousin, his idea of ​​finding time to play during battles is the same as mine.??_o_m??"

The next Deadpool is Leatherface. His chainsaw is so powerful that it can easily kill someone if he attacks with all his strength, so he just uses a trick to cut off one of the captive's fingers with all his strength, and then gives up his position.

Harley was next. She spat into her palms, rubbed her little hands, grabbed Dorothy and hit the prisoner on the head.

The sound was loud and the movement was not quiet, but Harley was not good at physical attacks. Even if she used her full strength, she was only at the level of a human athlete, and she was still far away from knocking to death the Lantern who was protected by a uniform.

Of course, due to the special effects of the weapon, it is inevitable for the person she hits to get dizzy and vomit. This weird guy opened his mouth and vomited out a bunch of food that looked like eyeballs. Even his stomach acid was black, which was very weird.

"Oh, it's a pity that Xiao Dai is too rigid, so we can't even let her play. I hope she won't ruin my survivor base. We are still building an outpost recently. By the way, do you want to play? Hmm ?Take your wife with you."

After one blow, the prisoner was still alive. While laughing and chatting, Ha Li signaled to Xia Kela next to her that she would be next.

"Can I go too? Oh, Harley, you are really the best of the three sisters-in-law." Wade turned his head, the eyepieces on his mask turned into a cartoon-style poached egg shape, and tears were brewing in it. "Qin Sa never lets me touch her things because she is afraid that I will dirty them for her. You are the only one who doesn't discriminate against me at all. Woohoo, I'm so touched!"

"Then do you want to take the commission that Slade gave you just now and buy me a big cake? I want fresh strawberries."

Harley smiled happily after being praised. She likes strawberry-flavored things and even eats pasta with strawberry jam.

However, after listening to his request, Deadpool's head turned to the other side, and his tone returned to his mean tone.

"Well, I'm very touched, but I'm not moved to the extent that I want to spend money on you. It's not easy for me to make money. Hey, the veterans in the live broadcast room all know that I have a great long-term goal, which is to make money. ...Uh...I'm thinking about how to make it up, yes, I just want to save money to buy a bicycle."

"Hahaha! You are so funny, my cousin." Harley laughed so hard that she hugged Xia Kaila who came back and rubbed her for a while, and kissed her on the face a few times: "Your man is a middle school boy. ? You can save your pocket money from working to buy a bicycle, why not go have some fun."

"Actually, he bought it." Xia Kaila also replied with a smile. She kissed Harry generously on the face and said, "He spent all his money on the women standing on the street, which gave us a harvest." Quite a few.

Happy, money-driven humans are sometimes more obedient than my demons. "

How else could she be called the Succubus Queen? Xia Kaila has always been extremely open-minded about the relationship between men and women.

They were the only three people in the Killer Squad who could talk, and they all happened to love talking, so once they started chatting, they would never end.

But just when they were talking about which girl was the best in Gotham's nightclub, a red shadow fell from the sky and hit somewhere in the city, causing a strong explosion and earthquake.

"Ah, it's Judgment Day. Who brought him back? Not bad. I thought there was no one left in the Justice League."

Deadpool sniffed. After realizing that he could not penetrate the nearby buildings and see the explosion site even with his feet, he turned to look at the deserted place.

"Have you seen this, old guys? Gotham is so dangerous. Maybe one second you were eating hot pot and singing at home, but the next second, you have become a hot pot and the one singing is someone else, quack!"

"It's Black Adam. It's rare. I knew he had recently joined the Justice League, but I didn't expect him to be willing to leave his Kandak, haha."

Harley squinted her eyes and looked into the sky. Although she didn't see anyone, she saw thought bubbles.

Black Adam's thought bubble is very similar to his uniform. It has a black background and a lightning bolt logo on one corner. The golden text inside is as sharp as a sword.

The black uniform of the East African tyrant blended into the night and was not particularly easy to see, but when he raised his hand to summon thunder and lightning, the entire city was illuminated.

Using the bright light, he glanced towards Harley, nodded slightly, and then dived, hitting Judgment Day who was getting up.

The next second was another round of earthquakes.

Red fire and white thunder and lightning took turns to dominate the sky over Gotham. Although the two sides could not be said to be evenly matched, it was obvious that Black Adam had gained a temporary upper hand through some methods.

"It's kryptonite. Luther provided him with a complete set of artificial kryptonite in various colors. Oh, Little Bee asked Luther for it and handed it over to Black Adam. It's great."

When the other party saw Harley, his thinking naturally changed. Little Sugar Bean told his teammates the new information he had seen, and he laughed as he watched:

"I see, when Xiao Huang blew up Judgment Day, did he blow it up to Kandak? He also ruined Black Adam's reconstruction work these days. No wonder he wants to fight Judgment Day desperately. At this time, Luther happened to Send him kryptonite... Is this also part of Honey's plan? Hehe, I love him so much. ??_o_m??"



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