The Death Knell

Chapter 4423 Grassland Tea Party

"Tell me, what is Batman thinking?"

Bobo, who was drinking milk tea, asked Deathstroke. Because the waiting process was a bit boring, he asked for the real-time surveillance footage of Gotham to be played. Everyone just treated it as watching a football match, except that Gotham was playing with heads.

The last members of the 52nd Alliance Army were carrying out random killings. Some of the various active groups in the city rose up to resist, while others took advantage of the opportunity to rob them.

The originally good carnival was turned into a mess. It's just that the fireworks were probably set off automatically by the computer program, so now even though the city is about to turn into a pot of porridge, they still bloom uninterruptedly in the night sky.

There are also the dark clouds that always rain acid rain, just like a dark sky. Even if the shock wave caused by the battle between Judgment Day and Black Adam will blow them away for a short time, they will still reunite again at a strange speed.

"What are you talking about? About Batman designing a suicide robot, or why he let this robot chase him?"

Su Ming refilled himself a cup of milk tea and asked the orangutan with a smile.

"Of course it's the latter. Batman has always had a tendency to self-destruct. I know this." The orangutan took a long puff of cigarette and took another sip of milk tea: "But he should also have a backup plan to deal with this robot."

"There must be, but he forgot on purpose."

Su Ming calmly explained to his teammates who were also curious:

"If I were him and designed a murderous robot to prevent myself from going crazy, and I also had to counterattack the robot when it went crazy, then I would have to find a way to ensure that the plan was effective but would not be used by the robot after it went crazy. You know it yourself.”

"I understand, psychological suggestion."

Damian instantly caught up with his thoughts, and the corners of his mouth curled up on his expressionless face:

"He only needs to set a plan, and then hypnotize himself so that he only knows that he has a backup plan, but forgets the details of the plan. In this way, if he becomes a maniac and laughs wildly, he remembers that there is such a plan and cannot remember the details, which makes it even more confusing. Trouble. And if the robot wants to kill him when he is not crazy, when certain 'trigger words' or 'scenarios' are met, the hypnosis will take effect, and Batman will immediately think of a counter plan."

"Well, it makes sense, but it's still not safe enough. Maybe he turned into the Laughing Bat and can deduce it based on the known clues."

Bobo nodded first, then shook his head, feeling that this was not a foolproof solution.

Many people have the ability to hypnotize. As long as Batman can do it, he can laugh wildly, so there is no guarantee that no memory will be left. Even if another magician is found to cleanse the memory, or the ultimate machine is used to brainwash, it is still not absolute. safe.

Damian thought for a moment and realized what Bobo said made sense.

"Actually, you two are just a little bit away from my idea. Do you still remember how I got rid of Lao Liu's illusion?"

After taking a sip of milk tea and feeling the mellow fragrance in his mouth, Su Ming stretched out his hand and made a small gap with his fingers, with a somewhat regretful expression on his face:

"My opinion is that Batman hypnotized himself and split a new personality in his mind. Then, he gave that personality the task of formulating various 'counterplans' and then handed it over to that personality. Hypnotize yourself again and make yourself forget the existence of the second personality."

Speaking of which, Batman may not necessarily know that Deathstroke has a backup plan of using a symbiote to replace his own brain and think independently, but he also knows the people in the Doom Patrol, and naturally knows about Kai's situation.

Kai has countless personalities, and the memories and thoughts between personalities of the same level but different individuals are not interconnected, which is simply the best way to keep it secret.

"Batman's second personality? Isn't that the Joker?" Donna interjected. Even she knew that the Bat and the Joker were actually two sides of the same person, and both were patients caused by certain extreme emotions.

"Tsk, you're right, then let's call the insurance personality created by Batman the third personality."

Su Ming smacked his lips. What Donna said made sense, so he didn't correct him, but continued:

"In short, with this set of designs, when the main personality loses consciousness due to some reasons, such as being too seriously injured, the third personality will automatically come online to control the body, and take out what he has prepared alone. The main personality doesn’t even know the plan to fix the out-of-control agreement, or wait until Crazy Laughter completes the agreement, and then he will fix Crazy Laughter.”

Of course, this is all speculation, but after knowing that he might become the Laughing Bat, taking the initiative to split a personality as the future opponent of the Laughing Bat is a good backup plan.

One possibility is that Batman speculates that once the Laughing Bat is born, it may be able to counteract the out-of-control protocol, and the third personality is actually prepared to deal with the Laughing Bat from within.

"It's like you can use strangulation to think of a plan. I understand, Batman didn't simply hypnotize himself, he used potro." After hearing this, the orangutan fully agreed with Deathstroke's guess, and gave further information. inference.

Yes, Batman doesn't have a symbiote, but he has another parasite in his hands that is good at manipulating the minds of intelligent beings.

No one has seen the starfish in the jar for a long time. It must have been hidden somewhere by Batman, preparing it as one of his back-ups.

Once Batman transforms into the Laughing Bat, and the Out of Control Protocol does not kill the Laughing Bat, the third personality may develop secretly, and then one day kill the Laughing Bat's personality to complete the ultimate mission.

Then the third personality will use a method similar to self-hypnosis, or find a pot, and split the normal Batman personality in the brain, thus retiring successfully and completing the closed loop of the personality cycle.

The final result is that Batman returns to Gotham, the new Laughing personality is eliminated, and the Joker virus is freed once and for all, and it is done.

The most important thing is that by constantly brainwashing and hypnotizing himself, he himself has forgotten the existence of the third personality and completely forgotten it. Therefore, even if it turns into laughter, it is impossible to know any countermeasures plan.

For the habits of bats, a good plan is a plan that no one knows about.

So sometimes, even if ordinary people look at what Batman is doing, they can't guess what he is thinking, it's just so dark.

"So, now you understand, even if Wade and Harley don't save Batman, he can still save himself. I am 80% sure that the third personality really exists. And just now, without Harley's comfort, maybe He has turned into the Laughing Bat and started going through the planning process.”

After explaining the situation of Batman in the projection screen, Su Ming lit another cigarette and smoked. Watching the team fighting the robot again, he smiled and shook his head:

"But it's none of my business, just watch the fun. In other words, this out-of-control protocol is pretty good. The material of the shell is N metal, and the energy source may be X metal. It can do all the fighting skills that Batman knows, but it is stronger. , stronger endurance, no blood and no tears, and treating human life as nothing, it is simply the most ideal state of a law enforcer."

"After all, it is still a killing robot. Normal people are afraid of the omnic crisis, but Batman has specially built a machine to kill himself, and also designed a lot of matryoshka dolls that make people's scalp numb. Plan, alas.”

Wally sighed. His thinking speed was also blessed by the Speed ​​Force, which could be said to be as fast as lightning.

But Batman thinks from an angle that no one else can learn from. Except for Deathstroke, no one has his dark energy.

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