The Death Knell

Chapter 4424 Waiting is also a tactic

Everyone fell into a brief silence, and the projected out-of-control Protocol was fighting Nailhead because no other murderer could stop it.

Batman's fighting ability, Batman's tactical design, Batman's darkness. This special machine has them all, which is much better than Brother Eye. I hope Bats didn’t design a networking function for it.

Everyone is thinking about this situation. Only Shazam is having fun. He seems to have picked a good character in the mobile game.

"Okay, Slade, what's our next plan?"

The orangutan decided not to pay attention to Batman's side of things anymore, because just looking at that city and that person would make people feel dark and dull.

"Wait, just wait." Su Ming took a puff of cigarette, squinted his eyes and exhaled the smoke, leaning his upper body back slightly: "The cloak has been away for five minutes, but he hasn't come back yet, which means a lot of things."

"Well, okay, then bring me a bottle of wine, my bottle is empty."

Bobo took out the stainless steel flask from his arms, turned it upside down and shook it, showing that not a drop was left.

Of course, Deathstroke was never short of wine. He took out many different drinks from his pocket and let Bobo choose. From sparkling wine to vodka, everything is available here.

Not to mention other props for eating, drinking and having fun, when it comes to wine making, Wilson Enterprises is professional.

"Aren't you anxious?" People who run the fastest are the most anxious. Wally seems to have turned into King Jiji, walking around the small circle where everyone is sitting: "The enemy is not only attacking Gotham. , there have been more or less terrorist attacks in other cities, and we still have to look for Zeus and the remnants."

"Flash, this is why we stay here."

Damian held a cup, but did not drink the milk tea inside. He just took a small sip to taste the taste.

"Boy, what do you mean by that?"

Wally sat down next to him and asked the question straightforwardly, regardless of the fact that he was bigger than rice.

"You have also seen the speed of the magic floating cloak. It has been away for so long and has not come back. Either this dimension is very large, or it has not found anything noteworthy."

Damian didn't want to explain, so the task still fell on Bobo. While pouring whiskey into the small flask, he explained to Wally:

"Then it and the adjutant will not be used for the time being, so we have to change our thinking. Wally, please recall, how did we get in here?"

"Teleportation? Is that considered teleportation?" Second Generation Shan said a little uncertainly.

"Yes, we were teleported to a location on the grassland, but this point was definitely not randomly chosen. It is most likely like the waiting area in front of a nightclub. Anyone who enters this dimension will come here first, and then , waiting for someone arranged by Zeus to pick him up."

Gently tugging on the brim of his deerstalker hat, Bobo smiled like a famous detective. The reason why he was able to make the inference that 'this point was not chosen randomly'.

It’s because the neighborhood is so beautiful, yet so monotonous.

Green grass, blue sky, white clouds, soil, sun, breeze.

Apart from this, there is nothing here.

Are there no mosquitoes on normal grasslands? Not a speck of dust on the blades of grass? Even the force of the wind blowing on the orangutan's head hair remains unchanged?

It's perfect here.

Even the dimensions created by God should not be so perfect. Because everyone has seen it before, there is dust in heaven.

Wherever there are living things, there are changes in entropy, which cannot be combated with magic, let alone concealed at all times.

In short, this place is as fake as a stage set. It is specially for someone to see. It is most likely to leave a good first impression on people who enter this dimension for the first time.

As soon as Deathstroke came in, he noticed the problem that the environment was too excellent and beautiful. There was not even a trace of biological activity, but he did not say anything.

Bobo said it, which inspired Damian. Obviously, little Robin has figured out the key.

"You mean, this is like a transit station, like a bridge in Sepurk, or the cafe set up by Batman. Then if a 'waiter' comes to pick you up, we have a source of intelligence ”

Donna smiled and punched her fist. She already understood. This was a wait-and-wait tactic. It was also used by the sisters when hunting on Paradise Island.

"Yes, it may be difficult to find people in a strange dimension, but it is relatively easy to be found by the local indigenous people."

The death knell holding the teacup simply changed his position and lay on his side on the grass:

"Assuming that the current location where we are teleporting is a unified teleportation landing point, then we will wait for the person who comes to pick him up, and I will take out the information from the other party's mind; if it is not a fixed location, then I will ask the adjutant to take that person Throw the crystal as a portkey into New Olympus. I imagine there will be many old gods on the mountain still loyal to Zeus, and these lurkers know what this crystal is."

At this point, he smiled and raised his eyebrows to let him know, and then the little fu gorilla completed the work.

The animal detective first took a puff of cigarette and then took a sip of wine. The strong alcohol made him grin, so he drank half a cup of milk tea and wiped his lips:

"It's like God's followers picked up the key to the door to heaven, Satan's followers picked up the demonic token that leads directly to hell, Sandman's creation picked up the mask, and the Asgardians picked up the branches of the World Tree. It's hard for them to withstand it. The temptation, the gods they believe in and worship, and the props mentioned in the stories will fall into their hands one day, who can resist using them?"

"As long as someone uses that crystal to teleport into the dimension, they will be blocked by us waiting here. Won't the information come by then?"

Seeing that Wally was a little disappointed and seemed to have doubts about his IQ, Su Ming smiled and comforted him. While talking, he handed him a bag of potato chips and asked him to eat them slowly to pass the time.

If that wasn't enough to calm Wally down, it was time for him to consider using a frying pan.

It's better for Barry. Because Wally made a mistake, he is now eager to do something to make up for it, as if he has an anxiety attack. After this mission is over, he can let Harley take care of him.

"Chief Sergeant, Professor Xu has contacted you. Do you want to get through?"

Just when Su Ming was conceiving some dark plans, the deputy's projection appeared next to the projection of the Gotham action movie. She seemed to be aware of the boredom of everyone waiting, so she helped the deputy have some fun.

You must know that normally, when the mission is in progress, no communication will be received from unrelated personnel.

"Xu Xian? She rarely takes the initiative to contact me. Could it be that the base construction of the alien voyage is not going well?"

Su Ming touched his chin and signaled the adjutant with his eyes to get through. He wanted to see what information Professor Xu would provide.

So another projection screen showed the image of the female mage. She was still the same, with a cat-like mask and a cloud-like figure. When she saw the death knell, the expression on the mask immediately changed to (=^ェ^=) look like.

"Supreme Mage, oh, and friends, I have completed a new magic and I must show it to you."

Regardless of whether they know each other or not, they are friends when they open their mouths. The professor is very good at talking, and she also has a cute smile on her face.

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