The Death Knell

Chapter 4425 Authentic old magic

The place where Professor Xu is now is none other than the space colony assigned to the Spear Bureau, Alpha Centaur.

Thanks to Deathstroke's sponsorship of a large android workforce, in just two days, the newly built forward base has begun to take shape. Even Xu Xian, as the team leader, has time to study magic instead of busy with other chores. .

"What new magic? Is it particularly powerful?"

Su Ming became a little interested. Anyway, he had nothing to do. It would be nice to watch the magic show while watching the excitement of Gotham.

"Well, it's not a big deal, but it's very meaningful. I've completed the second step of localization work."

"Localization, I probably understand." The Supreme Mage nodded and raised the milk tea in his hand in greeting: "Congratulations on your new progress. China's magic career has made progress again. This is exactly what was used in the Age of Exploration. Good news to get.”

The localization of magic in other worlds has been one of the long-term tasks of the Sky Council.

To put it simply, Su Ming takes control of a world each time. If there is magic in that world, they will reverse-engineer these magic spells to complete the localized reproduction using the energy conditions of the 40K earth.

The second step of the localization work is to change the complex English spells into Chinese ones that are simple, convenient, and shorter in pronunciation, so as to enhance the strength of the magic world of the Celestial Empire and achieve long-term peace and stability under the rule of Kama Taj.

"Yes, I think so too." Professor Xu moved her shoulders on the spot, and she turned the camera casually to show her training ground.

The clean and beautiful metal walls and floors are brightly lit, with a track like a shooting range. Not far away is a wooden target. The wooden man also holds a kitchen knife in his hand and has a ferocious expression on his face.

(fuck dishfuck)

Professor Xu is an old master of facial expressions. She approached the camera and took out a magic wand from her clothes: "Well, master, I learned the disarming spell from Karma Taj not long ago and adapted it. Then I will start." ?”

"Please begin your performance."

Su Ming looked expectant, and the teammates around him were also paying attention to the cat-faced witch's next performance. It didn't matter if he couldn't understand Chinese communication. Wouldn't you like to watch the fun?

I saw the witch standing still in front of the camera, her steps unsteady, and the wand in her hand pointed in the direction of the wooden man. She flicked her wrist gently and used a Chinese spell to cast the spell:

"Except you guys!"

A ray of golden light shot out from the top of the staff and hit the wooden man accurately. The kitchen knife in the wooden man's hand instantly bounced to the ceiling. The impact splashed a cluster of sparks, and then fell to the ground.

The spell casting was successful. Professor Xu turned around, his cat-faced mask waiting expectantly for the Supreme Mage's comments.

Even though Su Ming can't use any magic, he has the status of Supreme Mage, which is the current magic authority of 40K Earth.



In any case, the Supreme Mage made a huge circle with one arm, showed his thumb, and started to comment on the spot:

"This magic is called authentic, and the 'you' in it sounds very polite; and the 'guy-style' is localized enough to make people feel friendly; the pronunciation of 'er' sounds a little playful, allowing children to practice this magic in the future. The process will not be particularly boring; these words together completely put forward the request for the opponent to drop their weapons, and successfully used magic to change reality. The closeness reflects some sense of distance, but does not make the opponent feel too distant. , leaving room for persuading surrender. By the way, Professor Xu, are you from the old Imperial Capital?"

After being praised for a while, Xu Xian was a little embarrassed. Her face in the cat-head mask turned red. She scratched the back of her head:

"Hey, I didn't know there were so many ways to do this spell. I just think it's easy to understand. But I'm not from the old Imperial City. My hometown is in Shushan. I just live in a courtyard near Shichahai. It's one of the universities I teach at. My partner bought it for me."

"Haha, Lao Zheng is so lucky to have such an excellent deputy like you. Look at the mages of Kama Taj, none of them are worry-free."

At this time, the expression of the Supreme Mage changed a little. He originally wanted to chat for a few words, but he cleared his throat and changed the topic:

"Ahem, I hope you will keep up your hard work and do whatever you want. Well, I have about the same time here, and I have a visitor."

"Okay, then goodbye, master, I won't delay your business."

Professor Xu was very satisfied with the authoritative recognition. Next, she would train a large number of spellcasters belonging to the Divine Spear Bureau on other planets.

Do you think she's here to show off her magic? Not at all.

She has been watching the Supreme Mage's attitude from beginning to end. After all, there is no "right leader" in the magic world who nods. If the secret transmission of magic from another world causes conflicts between the Divine Spear Bureau and Kama Taj in the future, it will be more than worth the gain.

The Except You Guy style is an entry-level magic from another world, very suitable for use against aliens who don’t know their enemies or friends in the great voyages of the universe. She wants to train some magic agents from the Divine Spear Bureau to carry out pioneering work, but this requires death knell. nod.

Now that she had received a satisfactory answer, she naturally chose to withdraw with a wink, but she was still extra polite. She smiled and waited for Deathstroke to hang up first.

Su Ming cut off the communication and didn't give everyone the time to explain the spell. Instead, he directly grabbed Wally beside him and pointed him in a direction:

"An old god is coming from that direction. He should be the 'front desk customer service' we are waiting for. You can take Donna to catch him and bring him back. Can you do it? Let's make a deal first. The other party is very fast."

"I will handle it!"

Anyway, he didn't believe that no one else could be faster than the Speed ​​Force. Wally picked up one of Donna's arms next to him, and without even waiting for her to pull out the sword, he dragged her into a golden lightning and disappeared in place.

Only then did Bobo react. He looked at the death knell and took another puff of cigarette:

"It seems that the adjutant noticed someone approaching. Do you know the god who rushed over?"

Just now everyone was watching a magic show, and the next second Deathstroke announced that he had made a discovery. There was no more reasonable explanation except that the adjutant gave him a silent report.

"Ah, he is an acquaintance. You should know Hermes, right? He is somewhat famous after all."

With a smile of memories and nostalgia on his face, Su Ming pinched the cigarette butt and raised his mask:

"About half a year ago, I killed his son and then threw the deceased's soul into the eighteenth level of hell in the Eastern Underworld. I guess Hermes might hate me a little. If he scolds me later , how about you slap him for me?"

The orangutan shook his head repeatedly, looking speechless: "My hands are weak, no, I can't do this job. Let Shazam do it. It's not a bad thing for young people to learn more torture techniques. Having more skills is not a burden."

"Huh? It's not good to beat a prisoner, right? And he's still a god."

Shazam is a bit nervous. He has been taught since childhood to be kind to others, and torturing and torturing captives requires a high level of anti-hero, and he can't do it.

"Let me do it. I have learned all the torture methods of the Assassin's League before."

Damian volunteered. Obviously he didn't like others scolding Deathstroke, and his tone became a bit sinister:

"Hmph, I just want to review this errand boy today."

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