The Death Knell

Chapter 4430 Chapter 4429 Robot War

Black sludge flowed out from the fingers of the death knell, covering the messenger's head like a layer of syrup, and then there was a short noise, like juice from a juicer.


Strangulation means that the Old God's head is really strong, but also very chewy, and it likes it.

At this time, the headless corpse fell down with blood spurting from its neck. After the blood escaped the protection of the cloak, it quickly turned into small red ice beads in the universe. When the sunlight in the distance shone, it looked quite good. Beautiful, like garnet.

Su Ming suddenly remembered, what would have happened if the necklace Martha wore back then was a garnet instead of a pearl?

His mind was spinning too fast and he would often go off track unconsciously. He shook his head to destroy this meaningless thought and spread his hands towards Donna:

"You have also seen that I have always wanted him to live, but he himself does not want to live. It can be seen that killing the son he gave birth to with some kind of artiodactyl made him really hate me for turning back to you. If you see Cassie, say sorry for me."

Donna looked at the headless corpse, retracted the noose in circles, rolled her eyes and thought:

"I will tell that child that Hermes died at the hands of the last 52 coalition forces, and you avenged him and cut the murderer into quarters, so his death will not cause you any trouble."

Well, it was an Olympus god who died anyway, and she really didn’t like Olympus either.

"Hey, that's right." Bobo on Deathstroke's shoulder jumped onto Donna's shoulder and kissed her face to face: "Xiao Dai just cares too much about the truth and is not as flexible as you. Well, since the symbiote has eaten another brain, Do we have a map now?”

The second half of the sentence was about Deathstroke. Xiaofu knew about Strangler's signature ability. Of course, he was not envious of it because he didn't want to know how Deathstroke, as a symbiotic host, would feel when Strangler was eating other people's brains.

At the same time, he could also guess that if he asked, Deathstroke would definitely tell a dark joke in response.

"It's like eating monkey brains mixed with spinach. I can see what you're thinking, Bobo." Su Ming suddenly laughed. He took out his lightsaber and carefully chopped the headless corpse of Hermes into minced meat. Douse it with gasoline and start it on fire with cosmic energy by snapping your fingers.

The flame rises instantly, making people feel warm.

It may seem a bit strange to light a fire on a cloak made of silk, but this cloak is a magical artifact. Except for a few types of flames, other types of energy are just food for it.

The death knell roasted an old god on it, converting matter into heat and light energy, and actually helped it speed up digestion and absorption.

Otherwise, how can we say that the strangulation and the cloak match perfectly? Isn’t it just that one likes to eat fish heads and the other likes to eat fish bodies?

"Wow, isn't it? I'm obviously expressionless. You can still guess what I'm thinking. This is too dark." Bobo seemed to have lost his strength, his head drooped, and he slowly moved his hands and feet together. Climbing back onto Deathstroke's shoulders.

Wally was eating at the end of the team, and Shazam was playing with his mobile phone among the others. Only Damian was looking at the burning old god and smelling the aroma of fruit wood barbecue. He added:

"The key lies in the eyes. Detective Orangutan, you have not received professional training, and there are too many things exposed in your eyes. You first watched the process of strangulation and eating, and then you looked at Deathstroke's mouth covertly. Don't make it too obvious what you are thinking. .”

"Haha." Donna chuckled. Indeed, the orangutan's eyes, like those of all detectives, were always moving.

His thoughts may not be obvious to ordinary people, but for Deathstroke and Damian, it is a bit easy to guess.

"You kid reminded me that when this mission is over, I will go buy sunglasses."

Bobo rolled his eyes and held Deathstroke's neck motionless, as if he had been wronged.

Raising her hand to pat his thigh, Su Ming changed the topic:

"Okay, I have read all the information in the courier's mind, and now we can officially set off. Alas, originally this was the easiest way, but I sacrificed my time to give him a chance to live, alas."

"He deserves it, let's get going."

Damian huddled under his cloak, the shadow of the brim covering his face.

"Relay to relay!"

Deadpool stretched out his hand to give Mike a high-five behind him, and then performed an awkward back roll to get out of the attack range of the Out of Control Protocol. He sat on the ground and kept shaking his hands, complaining in the direction of no one:

"I have a Three-Character Sutra that I don't know whether to take seriously or not. This robot is too powerful, and my forearm is broken. I can't continue like this. I have to find a way."

The other killers were able to withstand it, especially Jason, who was extremely powerful and could compete head-on with the robots.

But what should I say? This machine is indeed a product of Batman. It is too dark and will use any means.

For example, here you are grabbing its two robotic arms and wrestling with it, and it suddenly pops out a needle from its foot, and a shot of fear toxin is injected into your leg.

If you don't let it, it will attack your eyes first. When you raise your hand to block it, thus blocking your sight, the robot will also start to tease your vaginal legs, which will send chills down your back.

It was also thanks to the bloodless and tearless murderous team that faced it, otherwise, it would have been really troublesome.

"Babat, when did your robot program be upgraded? I remember that your Batmobile didn't have such a high level of intelligence. It's annoying to death. This robot is more annoying than the pebbles in my shoes."

Harley had changed her weapon. She put away her usual mallet Dorothy and replaced it with a giant metal war hammer filled with lightning. The head of the hammer was engraved with a winged skull, and the handle of the hammer was covered with " The ribbon of scripture is wrapped around it.

She wanted to hit the robot on the head, but the opponent was too fast. Even if she had a good weapon given by Deathstroke, she couldn't hit the enemy.

However, when she looked behind her as she spoke, she found that the bat that was there just now had disappeared, and he left without saying goodbye again.

"He's gone." Deadpool chatted with her, then stood up with a samurai sword in his hand. He watched Xia Kira spitting fire at the robot and began to applaud enthusiastically: "I showed him my handsome face just now, and he suddenly said If you have something to do, take the first step, and the look in my eyes seems to trust that we can fix this machine."

As he spoke, he started laughing, because Batman also secretly gave him a reward just now, which was much more than what his cousin gave him. It was almost a watch worth five hundred dollars.

Well, Deadpool’s quotation is very unstable. It usually costs 100,000 US dollars to kill one person. If you kill someone’s whole family, there are discounts, such as buy five and get one free. There are often activities during cold seasons like winter and summer vacations.

But he had never thought about how much he would charge for killing a robot. Since the machine was definitely not as valuable as a human life, he could only take five hundred by default.

"Fake, he treats me as a supporter and has no sympathy for her. Just like in the past, he deserves his fiancée to run away."

Harley raised the warhammer speechlessly, but then suddenly put it down, as if a lightbulb appeared on her head:

"However, it's not a bad idea for him to leave. Dead Bat is not here, and he is still blind today. Then I can use some of Little Bee's good cards. Adjutant, I am asking for off-site assistance!"

".I'm here, why are you shouting so loudly?"

The adjutant's projection floated in front of Harley, but his attitude now was not as rigorous and serious as when he faced the Sheriff. Instead, he looked very lazy, slumped on a mechanical throne and fished with his legs crossed.

It turns out that when Su Ming wasn't looking at her, she would use a perm to pull her hair. After all, only in this way could her hair appear smooth and shiny every time, and she would show her perfect side in front of the police chief.

The relationship between her and Hallie has developed rapidly because of their time together. To be precise, Hallie's communication skills are so strong that they have become good sisters.

"My dear adjutant, send me some of Honey's mechanical animal gods. Didn't you say that you haven't tested their combat effectiveness yet? Let's try it in Gotham today." Harley's eyes widened. A wide, wide smile that almost reaches the base of his ears.

"What if we use the power of rules and accidentally wipe out the earth?"

The adjutant shook his head repeatedly. Deathstroke felt that the mechanical gods were not strong, but it also depends on who they are. The reason why those technological creations can be called gods is that they are not ordinary things:

"But your suggestion is good. We can start with the lowest-level combat robots. I'll launch a group first."

The thick blue light beam lit up, and the adjutant began to send troops. He was planning to directly engage in a violent naval battle.

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