The Death Knell

Chapter 4431 The lock is opened

When he received the notice from the adjutant to mobilize troops, Su Ming and his teammates had just landed at the foot of the mountain in the 'Sacred Area'.

This mountain is not like Olympus at all, but more like the Himalayas. It is a huge mountain range, floating alone in the dark space.

So the 'shanxia' mentioned here is not at the foot of the mountain, but literally, under the smooth lower section of the mountain bottom, a place that is not easy to attract other people's attention.

There are no stars in the entire star field, but this mountain range is emitting strong light. It is hard to say whether Zeus has replaced the earth with it, but it is known that his arrogance is beyond imagination. He seems to use his own vacation villa 'Replaced the sun.

"If Harley wants to use it, let her play with it, mechanical animal gods? Don't we have a few trial models? She and Wade are just crazy, not stupid."

After pinching the cigarette butt and putting it away, the smiling Su Ming was talking to the delicate and beautiful adjutant. She still listened tenderly, with her hands folded on her belly, like a noble princess, and her movements were very elegant.

"Understood, Sheriff, I will continue to pay attention to the battle situation, but currently 2,500 copycat combat robots based on Ultron have been launched. The battle is expected to end within fifteen seconds. We will win."

The Out of Control Protocol has a variety of tactical planning capabilities that are no less than Batman's, so the solution is simple, which is a robot naval battle.

The adjutant did not believe that it could have 2,500 different backup plans. Everyone was a super AI, and he already had flesh and blood, which was obviously more advanced and had stronger computing power.

There is no need to use any fancy tactics, but to directly crush them head-on.

"It's up to you. If it's a bat that turns into a Laughter, I might still pay attention. But a robot made by Batman? Whether it can defeat the prototype of Amazo is a question."

Su Ming waved his hand and cut off the communication. After all, there were still things going on here.

"Harry is really crazy, tut." Bobo took a puff of cigarette and stretched his legs on Deathstroke's shoulders: "Although I don't know what your mechanical animal god is, but it can be recognized by you as a god. , it must not be simple, right?”

"Hey, I don't know anything about technology. I just picked up the technology and let the adjutant do whatever he wants."

Su Ming smiled and waved his hands, indicating that this was not worth mentioning. Then he raised his mask and his voice turned into a devilish hoarse tone again:

"Okay, let's get down to business. We have now found a mountaintop that is bigger than the sun. This mountain is protected by energy nodules. We are also basically sure that Zeus is hiding inside, but there may also be many troops. Let's share your thoughts. Bar."

"Find Hippolyta first. Zeus kidnapped her. This must mean something." Damian was the first to speak, and the boy said a dark plan: "We can hold her hostage and use her to force Zeus to come out and drill us." trap."

This is the authentic Gotham flavor. The Joker used to play like this, except that those who were kidnapped were often people close to Batman.

"It won't work. Although I may be a little rude to say this, I'm afraid that the Queen is not really an important person to Zeus."

Donna sat on one knee on the flying carpet and shook her head to deny Damian's plan:

"What if Zeus doesn't come out because of her? We are equivalent to actively being exposed in disguise. If he deliberately avoids us, he will have to hide and seek again."

Her meaning is also easy to understand. There are three to four hundred Zeus wives, mistresses, and one-night stands recorded in mythology alone. What everyone doesn’t know is that there are more. With such a huge base, Hippoly It’s hard to say how much of a role Queen Ini can play in it.

Donna, who is most adaptable to and understands human society, is not blindly optimistic like her sister, thinking that Amazon female warriors are good everywhere. She knows that modern men do not like super strong women, and it just so happens that the Queen has the toughest personality among all the Amazons. that.

She couldn't think of a better way, but she didn't think Robin's plan was feasible.

"It makes sense, Damian. What Donna said is right." Wally had already eaten all the pizza and was recovering well. He also joined the discussion: "Why don't you let me go in and run around first and use human power to find it?" Find out which palace Zeus is hiding in?"

Yes, the palace, this mountain bigger than a star, is covered with temple-like buildings with white triangular roofs. Deathstroke took a quick glance and guessed that there were millions of them. Is there any underground palace hidden in the mountain? , I can’t say for the time being.

Anyway, in Wally's opinion, Zeus is hiding in these palaces. If he wants to find someone, he can only go into each palace to look.

Da Mi's face was expressionless. Regardless of whether his plan would work or not, it wasn't up to them.

If the father says yes, then it will be okay if it doesn’t; if he says no, then it won’t be okay.

"I have an idea, Slade." Bobo raised his furry paw. When everyone looked at him, he grinned: "How about we set fire to the mountain? You also said that this The mountains floating in the universe are larger than the star Sun, which means it may have a huge mass. What if we have a way to turn this mass into energy and ignite it?”

"You mean, use massive nuclear weapons to cleanse the ground?"

Su Ming behind the mask nodded first, then shook his head:

"There is nothing wrong with the plan itself. I can also come up with so many nuclear bombs and even better things, but there is a problem, that is, I want this mountain and don't want to destroy it."

The space zoo still lacks a space landscape. There are so many ready-made temples on this mountain, and the antique white marble buildings look quite clean and new.

Wouldn't it be good to renovate it and move it back directly to operate it as a hotel to receive tourists?

".Are you attracted to it again?" Bobo was speechless. He blinked: "Why do you want everything? What's so good about a broken mountain? With your ability, it's not difficult to build one yourself, right?"

"It's not difficult, but doesn't it require resources to create wonders of the universe? It's definitely not as good as 'picking' other people's." Su Ming looked at the last person who didn't express an opinion, and clicked that person's name: "Shazam, you also said Tell me what you think, what should we do if we want to find Zeus?"

The boy with a low head raised his head, tilted his head and thought:

"Let him come to us. Mr. Deathstroke, you pretend to be Zeus, go directly to the top of the mountain, sit on the throne, and declare to rule this country. I think the real one will come to you and fight for your life, right? It's like we all found out that the clay-faced plasma robot is fake. Like few people, those who are being impersonated are very angry.”

This is a very obvious thing, no one likes to be impersonated.

It may be that you are worried that the counterfeit will harm your own interests, you may be worried that the counterfeit will harm the people around you, you may be worried that the counterfeit will ruin your reputation, etc.

All kinds of worries can make people upset, and they want to immediately expose the impostor and set the record straight.

"There's something wrong, Slade, there's something wrong." Bobo jumped up on the spot, jumping from Deathstroke's shoulder to Shazam's head, making both faces and lips: "This kid actually came up with a good idea. I suspect he is a fake, why don’t we dissect him first?”

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