The Death Knell

Chapter 4433 Perfect Imitation

Playing a character doesn't actually have to be exactly the same, you just need to capture the character's personality.

What are the character traits of newborns?

To put it simply, it’s just one word: fierce.

He has a fierce appearance, a fierce temper, and a fierce approach. He looks like a wild wolf.

Considering that there is no skin on his face at all, but a red skull face, there is no need to consider even the subtle expressions, which can be said to be extremely simple.

Su Ming has played many people, among which the most difficult person to pretend to be is undoubtedly Batman, and the first person is obviously the least difficult, easier than the "Little Black" vest specially used for crime.

Opening the wings made of red blood vessels behind him, the invisible force enveloped the three cloaked figures, and Su Ming soared into the sky.

The purpose is very clear. First, take a quick circle over this mountain range to let as many creatures see the newborn image as possible, and then just find a palace with a better view and wait for Zeus to come.

Of course, during this period, you may do something bad and make a big splash.

About five minutes later, he led his teammates around the field and stopped on a mountain the size of a star, overlooking the garden-like sanctuary below.

The cloak had already entered the invisible mode, and it was rolled up into a trumpet shape in front of the Supreme Mage, who mobilized the energy of the universe to cause resonance:

"Zeus!!! I'm back!!!"

With a roar, the red energy on his body suddenly lit up like a sea of ​​blood, completely suppressing the white light emitted by the mountains, and the world was dyed blood.

As the holder of the red light ring, Su Ming naturally has endless anger, but as he usually likes to think calmly, his compatibility with this ring is actually average.

But when used for acting, the light and shadow effects are very good, and the red light ring can be used to control the holder's blood and launch a blood vomiting attack, so it looks more like a newborn.

Then let the strangulation change the specific heat capacity of the body, allowing the cloak to absorb the heat in the space, causing the temperature to drop slightly, thereby simulating the effect of murderous intent.

Having said that, things like murderous aura are too mysterious to be seen or touched.

But when it comes to the number of creatures killed, the new generation can't even match the leader Su Ming. Just the blow that destroyed the third dimension in DC Multidimensional 1 killed countless lives.

The sound of birth shook the entire mountain range, and countless animals in the forest began to flee. They were scurrying around like headless flies. I don't know how many snow-white rabbits hit the tree in just one second and died on the spot.

The situation of the gods living in this mountain range is similar.

In the original sacred mountains, the sun is warm, the breeze is blowing, the river is making a tinkling sound, the leaves and flowers are swaying gently, exuding their fragrance, and the gods among the beautiful scenery are living a free and unrestrained life as always.

Either men and women were playing and quarreling on the lawn, engaging in various shameless multiplayer games, or they were drinking, eating, sunbathing, drunkenly playing with water splashes by the river, and most of them looked like salted fish.

This is also the usual living conditions of the gods of Olympus. They will never die of hunger anyway. Olympus is completely controlled by the Zeus family, and all the important priests are children of Zeus. There is no possibility for ordinary gods to go further. When nothing happens, it will be natural. He is lying flat. …

There are so many of them. As I said before, even the sewers and horseshoes of Olympus have gods. Every river and every mountain has its corresponding god. Think about how many small rivers or ponds there are on the earth.

Not every god has a name, and not everyone will be recognized by his compatriots, but Xinsheng is different. He leaves a very deep impression on other compatriots.

Hearing the roar from mid-air and feeling the sky darken quickly, the gods raised their heads to look at the sky.

In the blood-red sky, a black figure stood quietly, watching them in the middle of the sky.

The skull-like face, the vascular wings that cover the sky, and the frightening bloody energy behind him are all enough to prove his identity.

"Help! The newborn has escaped!"

"Ah! Don't kill me! I'm very beautiful!"

"God King Zeus! Save your people!"

The male gods made various shouts similar to the above, some hugged their heads and ran away, some collapsed and cried, and some began to pray to Zeus.

The reaction of the goddesses was completely opposite. At first, they ran blindly for a few steps, but after seeing clearly that it was a newborn, they were no longer afraid. They ran to the water one by one, using the river water as a mirror, and rushed to dress up. .

The new born is here to fight against Zeus. Everyone has heard the prophecy. He is just like the destined next god king. Who doesn't want to be a queen?

There's nothing wrong with dressing up to make a good first impression.

"Bah, a bunch of bitchis."

A weak female voice came from the cloaked man behind Chusheng, who was obviously very disdainful of the behavior of these goddesses.

Anyway, in Donna's opinion, all the Olympus lake fairies and forest monsters are sluts. They can't even kill a chicken in terms of fighting power. They only think about seducing men every day, which is disgusting.

Deathstroke, pretending to be a newborn, turned around and patted her arm, telling her to calm down. No matter how chaotic the private lives of these goddesses were, they didn't hurt anyone and there was no need to be so serious.

Then he dived directly, fell from the sky, made a handsome landing move, and let the strangles, which turned into red veins, begin to attack, targeting the male gods who began to kneel down and chant the name of Zeus.

They really don't have much fighting power, and they are almost like ants in terms of strangulation, but in order to play a good role, they have to sacrifice for the world.

The male gods who were praying or running away were entangled in their blood vessels and turned into mummies in the blink of an eye. They fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of dust, as if they had never existed.

Of course, Su Ming only gave him a few symbolic strokes to kill hundreds of gods. This mountain range was so vast and time was limited. How could he chase them all and kill them all?

"Obey! Or die!"

The Overlord conveyed his will with suppressed anger in his voice, and the gods who were close could feel a strong wind coming, making their legs weak.

With the rustling sound and the sound of sheets rubbing against each other, countless gods fell to their knees, decisively choosing to surrender under the terrible pressure of their first birth.

Silent, Su Ming deliberately remained silent for a while, looking at each god with a skull-like face, so that they could feel their eyes sliding over him, and feel the cold sweat soaking through his back and hair.

It wasn't until their bodies began to tremble that Chusheng spoke:

"Very well, obey me, weak compatriots, because Olympus is destined to be great again in my hands! I am the god-king chosen by fate!"

There was silence, perhaps because the pressure on them was so great that no one dared to answer the question.

Su Ming sighed silently in his heart. In this situation, no one even shouted "Long live", it was really hard to get out of the situation.

But for the old gods, ten thousand years is not that long. Maybe it’s a curse word?

"You! Come tell me! Where is Zeus?! Where is my beast-like father?! I'm going to kill him!"

Skip to the next step and pick a 'lucky person' at random. Chusheng hooked his fingers at him, looking for an answer.

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