The Death Knell

Chapter 4434 Sit back and wait for the flowers to bloom

The answer is, of course, I don’t know. The god Su Ming picked seemed to be drunk.

The wine brewed by Dionysus was so fragrant that even the gods could get drunk, and even after Dionysus died, there was still a lot of wine in stock.

"I don't know? What do I need from a waste like you?!"

After that, the newborn raised his hand and slapped the unfortunate man's head away with one palm, leaving only the headless body kneeling in front of him, seemingly unaware that he was dead.

But Chusheng was still very fierce. He kicked away the headless corpse, pointed at a goddess, asked her to come closer, and then answered the same questions.

She was so frightened that she peed. Of course she didn't know the answer. She was just an ordinary little pond fairy. She only thought about how to seduce farmers passing by the water every day. How could she care about the whereabouts of Zeus?

But he also didn't answer the question. Chusheng didn't kill her. He just pinched her face and looked at her, then slapped her butt and asked her to wait aside.

The little fairy was so excited that she almost jumped when she walked away. She was so excited when she felt the strength of the big hand just now.

Strong, mysterious, arrogant, and capable of making people fear, Chusheng was so powerful that she immediately felt like giving birth to a child for him. Maybe she had already fantasized about the throne of the Queen of Heaven on her left.

Seeing that she was not killed, but rather a 'blessing in disguise', the many goddesses were no longer afraid. They surrounded her like a swarm of swarms, using various means to get close to the newborn, and even grabbed his hand and stuffed it into their sheets, as if I planned to let him inspect the goods first.

Well, these gods are more depraved than the succubi in hell. Ordinary people really can't resist this Olympus style.

Su Ming is also an ordinary person, so he has no intention of eating the tofu of these Bichi goddesses. Instead, he uses the force to press them all to the ground again and let them kneel down:

"That's enough! You don't know where Zeus is, and you are of no use to me. Don't bother me. Go ahead and leave here. This place is about to become a battlefield. Go tell your friends that I am back as a newborn. ! Ask them if they know the whereabouts of Zeus, and whoever finds the answer can become my spouse!"

After saying that, the wings behind him flapped and stirred up a strong wind, which immediately blew the goddesses in front of him away from his sight.

The goddesses were blown up and down, their hair was messy, and they all looked like fallen flowers and willows.

But they were generally so happy that they didn't care about anything else. They bowed to the newborn from a distance and went about their business happily.

At this time, the sound of Donna grinding her teeth secretly under the cloak behind Su Ming finally stopped.

Su Ming didn't speak, just glanced at her speechlessly, this is acting, what are you doing?

Among the people who were slapped away just now, there were also some male gods, the same gods who had previously shouted that they were beautiful and should not kill them.

This is the classic LGBT style of Olympus. If it weren't for acting, Su Ming might not have killed them out of disgust. They are alive purely because they have to play the role of newborns, and newborns don't kill beautiful women or tall girls. Something that looks like a beauty, and a female canine.

You have to sacrifice a lot for the mission, okay?

There is a temple-like building not far away, with a triangular roof, wavy and sawtooth-like pillars, and beautiful reliefs on the door. It can be seen that it is the story of the alternation of the sun and the moon, that is, Apollo and his sister change shifts. handover scene.

It was there, and Su Ming decided to wait there.

As soon as Zeus hears the news, he should come quickly, because he also knows that in the entire sanctuary, no one else is a new opponent except him.

Besides, even if he didn't find him within a short period of time, the goddesses who were sent out to publicize his return and inquire about Zeus's whereabouts would come back and send him information.

Chusheng was the first in line to succeed him. If he really killed Zeus, it would be quite fair for him to get the throne.

Father and son kill each other. This is also a private matter of the Zeus family. Of course, it has nothing to do with women like them. On the contrary, it is an opportunity.

Stepping into the tall temple, the interior of the thousands-square-meter room was dark and cool. Except for a soft bed and some fruit and wine placed aside, there was only one chair and no other furniture. It could be said that the house was bare.

Well, four walls, the architectural style here has been improved a bit. It finally has walls, instead of just pillars supporting the roof and hollows all around.

None of the teammates spoke. It was not convenient to speak in this situation. After all, we were in the enemy's territory and there were still risks.

However, this does not prevent smart people from using dumb language and Morse code to communicate. Anyway, as long as Zeus does not know the communication method, he can use it.

"Should we wait? Slade? Don't you want to make the matter bigger?" Bobo stretched out one hand from his sleeve, and patted a string of Morse code on his thigh with his furry paw.

"Enough, enough." Su Ming responded in mute words, making a series of gestures with both hands, silently answering: "For Zeus, the escape of the newborn is a first-class event, and he will definitely come back, even if it's just Come and confirm whether I am real or fake, it will still constitute my chance."

With the God-Killer lightsaber in hand, Su Ming was quite confident that as long as Zeus dared to come, he would die in front of him on the spot.

"Where is Her Majesty the Queen?" Donna, the cloaked man, also reached out and asked. Rather than killing Zeus, she hoped to bring the Queen back to Paradise Island to show off among her sisters.

If she did what her sister failed to do, wouldn't she be equal to Diana?

"Hippolyta's matter is not urgent. Once we kill His Majesty the God King and eat his brain, we will definitely have clues." Su Ming sat on the lone marble chair in the palace, leaned against the rock, closed his eyes and rested, pointing his fingers He tapped a Morse code on the armrest in response.

"Do you think there is a possibility that Hippolyta took the initiative to follow Zeus?" Bobo raised another question. His monkey head was wrapped in a black sheet, and only his eyes were shining.

In response, Su Ming just shook his head. This possibility was very small.

Because Hippolyta has always been on Paradise Island, and even though Zeus wanders around, he always returns to Olympus. If the queen wanted to leave her sisters on the island and follow her lover, she could have followed her long ago. left.

Even if it was inconvenient to go up the mountain because Hera was still alive, there should be no problem at all if Zeus arranges a golden house for her in the United States.

She had not left Paradise Island before, even if she was cursed by Hera and turned into a stone statue, she still stayed on Paradise Island.

When leaving this time, Su Ming was almost 100% sure that Zeus had used some means or coercion. Anyway, everyone didn't have to worry about the queen's position, they only needed to think about how to save people.

I just hope Zeus doesn't come here with hostages.

Of course, disguising himself as a newborn has greatly reduced this possibility. After all, Zeus also knows that his son is unlikely to bring his own woman to the little pervert to see.

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