The Death Knell

Chapter 4438 Conditions are in your face

The current universe hasn't changed much since Zeus died, which is good news.

If the mountain can still be preserved after killing the survivors, it can be dragged to the Monster Park and used as a landscape belt.

It shouldn't be a big problem, because these "imagined" things, whether it is the land under your feet or the gods living in it, are tangible material existences and are not the bubbles of dreams.

Apollo's body disappeared just because he was 'dead'. As a soulless body, he would end up turning into a handful of ashes.

But while the good news exists, it also shows that the remnant's ability is a bit troublesome. At least in terms of creating things out of thin air, he is almost on par with little Franklin.


Thanks to the information read from Zeus's mind, everyone successfully found Hippolyta's location.

It is just an ordinary temple, with no appearance difference from other buildings. In fact, it is not located on the top of a mountain. It does not have a domineering view of the mountains, nor does it have any visual effects of splendor or rays of light.

It was just ordinary and inconspicuous, just like the small house Thanos would live in when he planned to retire to farm.

It seems that mentally twisted rulers like to build inconspicuous huts in remote areas as their own shelter.

Like other temples, this palace is like a "mouth" divided into two halves in the middle. Outside the front door is a mountain river, and outside the back door is a forest. The decoration in the main hall is a bit higher-end, because this There are two chairs now.

One belonged to Zeus, and on the other chair, Hippolyta was currently tied up, her eyes motionless with a blank look, and a piece of white cloth stuffed in her mouth.

"Ah, it seems that the way Zeus took the queen away was either a high-tech method or the most traditional kidnapping."

While talking, Wally appeared next to the queen like an electric ghost, trying to help her untie the ropes tied to her body.

But as soon as he put his hand on it, a white light flashed on the rope, and his whole body was bounced away, as if he had been hit by an invisible truck.

But it doesn't matter. For the members of the Justice League, being bounced dozens of meters, hitting the wall and rolling around on the ground like a gourd are just the most basic skin injuries.

"This is an artifact, a bit like the sisters' lasso. You may be good at repairing cars, Wally, but when it comes to things on the mysterious side, it's best not to get started first."

Su Ming used the force to lift the Flash up from the ground and bring him back, and then motioned to Donna to solve the problem. As a biological weapon made by Titan, she has a special bonus for destroying Olympus artifacts.

"Ah, my waist"

Wally couldn't say anything anymore. He held his lower back as soon as he landed and slowly tried to stretch his body. He probably had just dodged.

The lasso that bounced him away was another situation in Donna's hands. She just scratched the rope with her Titan sword, and then broke it directly, like tearing off a piece of spaghetti. easy.

In the dim room, Hippolyta, who didn't seem very awake at first, slowly regained her consciousness, and then she saw the half-smiling face of Deathstroke in front of her at the first glance.

"I'm sorry, Queen Hippolyta. I'm afraid the wedding can't be held because the groom was killed by me. Do you want to ask the hotel to cancel the booked catering service?"

The death knell floated into her ears like a demonic voice, which was obviously a cold joke.

Obviously, the Queen did not laugh. She just stood up, hugged Donna, touched her daughter's hair, and then looked at everyone present:

"I don't know what you are talking about. My mind is in chaos. I just remember that Zeus said he had something to discuss with me, but it was not convenient on Paradise Island. He had to go to Creek Island to discuss it."

"Ah, yes, and then he and the survivors teamed up to deal with it."

Su Ming took up what she said and used light rings to create some braziers in the hall as lighting equipment:

"As for what happened next, I can't say if there are minors present, but I strongly suggest that you don't rush back to Paradise Island, but go for a gynecological examination first, and if possible, get an HIV shot. Just for peace of mind, we all know that Zeus likes small animals, what if he also played with a female orangutan?"

After hearing Deathstroke's dark words, Bobo felt a toothache, but his monkey face looked a bit like he was smiling.

Is Zeus sick? He didn't know, but he knew that what Deathstroke said was not necessarily the truth. It might just be a lie that the dark man made up impromptu after discovering that Hippolyta's mind was not clear.

Just for the fun of tormenting the Queen's spirit with fear and regret.

Sure enough, the queen understood the words of Deathstroke under Donna's noun explanation, and her face immediately turned pale. She was obviously an old lady, but her eyes were red, as if she was about to cry.

"No that's not true, I."

She covered her heart and sat back on the chair as if she had lost strength.

"Crying? Crying counts as time! Look into my eyes!"

Deathstroke ignored Donna's eyes pleading for the truth. Instead, he slowly bent down, brought his face close to the queen's face, and said grimly:

"You have lived for thousands of years. It is almost time to retire. Her Majesty the Queen, I want to negotiate a condition with you. Times have changed. Give up the throne to Diana. If you don't want me to take away the things in Zeus's head The clips, those passionate clips related to you, are all extracted and burned into movies, so that they can be publicized all over the world."

"Darkness, it's just too dark."

Donna took Hippolyta to see a doctor in Athens on Earth 0. The orangutan squatting on Deathstroke's shoulder whispered:

"I thought Xiao Dai was your girlfriend, and you would be more polite to her mother. At least don't make up such lies that are inappropriate for children."

"You can't go for a gynecological examination if you have nothing to do? Just treat it as a precaution against ovarian cancer. I'm doing it for her own good. As for asking me to be polite to a person who has been brainwashed by God? Don't be ridiculous, my darling."

Su Ming held a cigarette in his mouth, lit it up, and laughed. He tapped his wrist, called his adjutant to take over the space mountain, and explained:

"Hippolyta's worship of the Olympus gods has long been a habit. Let me give you an example. Hera has always wanted to kill her, but she has to kneel down and kowtow to Hera every time she sees her. I Not killing her too is enough to show mercy."

Regardless of coercion or intimidation, Hippolyta still gave up the throne. The result was good, everything was good.

As for her time after retirement, buy her an apartment in a metropolitan city and experience the life of ordinary people.

"Well, you have to understand the origin of Paradise Island's culture and its long-term state of living in a closed environment."

The orangutan, who was also smoking a pipe, also sighed. He looked at the mountains outside Athens, where he could vaguely see the ruins of some ancient buildings. He raised his hand and rubbed his fur face:

"I don't know if you have ever noticed that a group of people live in a small, closed environment. If one of them has some kind of old god belief, then this belief will often spread and quickly become extreme and fanaticism."

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