The Death Knell

Chapter 4437 The God of Honesty

"I thought it would take a little more time."

The orangutan freed himself from under the black cloth. It was obvious that the three of them were covered in the sheets together and it was not very breathable. He took off the hat on his head to fan himself and felt the oncoming wind on the battlefield:

"He is a God King. In the past, everyone always thought that he was very strong. He even has the world under his feet. Is he considered a multiverse level?"

There is a strong smell of blood in the air. It smells like a slaughterhouse, and it is similar here.

Bobo, who was smoking a pipe, felt a little emotional. He had met Zeus before, a few years ago. At that time, Zeus was very high-spirited and appeared with lightning and thunder, like the ultimate BOSS.

What now? Being plotted by Deathstroke and stabbed to death, death was too quick and too easy.

It was almost like a wealthy tycoon couple in Gotham, who were obviously extremely rich and powerful in the city, but were shot to death by gangsters in an alley.

Life is really unpredictable.

"You are right to say that, but not entirely right." Su Ming pulled the black cloth and released Damian and Billy: "Zeus's combat power is actually only the peak of the single universe level, which is far behind me. I We also specially prepared a plan for him, how long do you want to see how long he can struggle?"

Spending time and fighting a protracted battle with the enemy is a sign that there is no other way.

If given a choice, who would want to spend an entire day with someone they hate?

Ever since he got involved with Xiao Dai due to some accidents, Su Ming began to prepare various backup plans to deal with Zeus. Today he just took out one of them and used it according to local conditions. It’s hard to get hit.

This is why he had to keep a low profile and not be exposed easily. If Zeus knew that the newborn in the seal had been beheaded and taken away, he would not be fooled again.

"But something is still wrong. Why does Apollo, who died long ago, appear and become so strong?"

Donna handed the black cloth in her hand back to Deathstroke, and then looked at the man lying not far away with a hole in his chest.

She was not very familiar with Apollo before, but she was certain that the Sun God at that time was definitely no match for her sister, who was a slightly more powerful old god.

But today, Deathstroke said that he was stronger than the firstborn.

"Ah, it's a long story. Adjutant, send Zeus's body back to Sepurk, do some somatic cell culture, and try to use him as a zombie mother next time."

The man inserted the spider totem while assigning tasks to the adjutant.

"As ordered, Sheriff, the transmission is completed and the experiment begins."

"Well, first of all, let me talk to you about the nature of this world." After receiving a satisfactory answer, Su Ming put his arms around his sister-in-law's shoulders and took her to squat beside Apollo's body: "Come on, Donna , keep an eye on Apollo and don’t blink.”

The female warrior was a little confused, but she still did as she was told. Her eyes were as wide as bells, revealing a different kind of intelligence.

But even so, under the crowd's watch, Apollo's body was still like a wax figure that had lost its color, becoming lighter and lighter, and finally became transparent, and finally collapsed and turned into a puddle of glass. The powdery gravel disappeared.

"Do you understand? Let me give you a reminder. In fact, this is not the 'Atlas Universe' created by Titan, nor is it the 'heaven' of the past, nor is it the trophy of Zeus back then."

Seeing that everyone was confused and confused about Apollo's disappearance, Su Ming removed his mask and gave the prompt with a smile:

"It only took a few days for Zeus to acquire this world. The time here is synchronized with the main dimension of Earth 0."

"I understand, if that's the case... Well, um! I guess this is the ability of the remnants, right?"

Bobo, who lit his pipe, was also very knowledgeable. He lacked the impulse to make bold guesses and was used to sound reasoning, and the current intelligence was enough to support:

"Zeus joined the KBist organization 'My Lord' in exchange for this world, a world completely ruled by him. There will be no jealous Hera to get in the way, and there will be no superheroes who have to meddle in everything."

"Well, the motivation is pretty much what you said."

Su Ming was guessed at once, and Su Ming sighed with regret, pulled up Donna beside him, and called everyone back to the flying carpet:

"Let's go, let's talk as we walk."

As an old god, the key is to pay attention to the word "old". Zeus's wish is actually quite simple.

His goal in joining our Lord is very simple, just to obtain a world where he can have fun with all kinds of female creatures without any restrictions.

Is there anything wrong? As a powerful male god, and quite possibly the most powerful old god on earth, is it wrong to be interested in biology?

He likes to study his own reproductive capacity and genetic form.

When he was in the main dimension, he lived a very depressed life. Even though he was the God King, he tricked Hecate into sealing herself into the Moon of Witchcraft, and used witchcraft to create the current divine power system, and achieved various achievements. All kinds of great achievements.

But he was not happy at all.

As a king and a political figure, his marriage to the Queen Hera was a very purposeful marriage. Back then, he needed the divine power of the Earth Goddess Hera to suppress the Earth Mother Gaia and the Titans.

Unfortunately, Hera was a typical jealous woman. Even if Zeus casually glanced at the little fairy on the roadside, she would scratch the woman's face, dig out her eyes, pull out her tongue, or simply turn her into a monster. .

This made Zeus hate her very much.

Think about it, a god-king, who is supposed to be supreme, is so aggrieved when it comes to women, how can he bear it? But the union of the two represents the union of heaven and earth, which cannot be separated.

So gradually, he began to stay away from home and went out to hunt for women like crazy. Since Hera was always jealous of other women, he started to aggravate his taste outside, leaving Hera not knowing what to do.

During this period, he also brought back many women from Olympus and made them his wives, but his heart was already wild. After marrying others, he felt boring and unexcited.

Then the next round of hunting for beauty begins.

In this cycle, Olympus was even left to Hera to supervise for thousands of years. He only wanted a free life, which was what a god-king should have.

But his perverted behavior only embarrassed Hera, so the quarrels became more serious and frequent, and even many other gods, including the children of Zeus, such as Athena, Diana, and Vulcan, began to look down on his father.

Anyway, let's live like this, Zeus has already broken the jar.

But not long ago, one day suddenly, he got the news of Hera's death, so he returned to Olympus happily, thinking that he could regain his freedom and live happily.

But he suddenly discovered that the gods still disliked him. On the surface, they were very respectful, but in their hearts, they obviously only regarded Zeus as a stallion. The gods even began to worship the mortal superhero.

This inevitably gave Zeus an idea

'Ah, how nice it would be if everything could be repeated, just like a human calculator, press zero and you can start from scratch.'

At this time, the mysterious remnant appeared. He proposed a deal and asked Zeus to do something for him and join his organization. After proving his worth, he would use his abilities to help Zeus build a fantasy world.

This is the ability of the Remnant. He can build anything with his imagination, even if it is to open up a new multiverse.

The fake created is just like the real world. As long as Zeus opens his mouth, there is nothing the remnants cannot give him.

At this time, Zeus realized the vastness outside the multiverse, his horizons were opened, and then he embarked on this path.

A mountain that floats in the universe, can shine, and can replace the sun?

Haha, this is just part of the imagination of the remnants.

What Zeus actually wants is another Olympus?

The remnants obviously gave him something bigger and better - a cosmic wonder with countless planets that could be arranged into constellations, fully demonstrating the heritage of Greek culture.

Zeus missed his dead son Apollo?

The remnants also thought of one for him, and it was more powerful than the dead one.

The God-King needs his own people?

Based on his own stereotype of Olympus and his understanding of part of the story, the remnant came up with countless gods and goddesses out of thin air and let them serve as the background of this world.

In short, every plant, tree, flower and sea inside all comes from the ability of the survivors.

Only Hippolyta was brought in by Zeus from the outside world. Because the queen has been trapped in a "golden house" on Paradise Island, she is an upright person and never asked how many tricks Zeus had played in the past. Therefore, she is the only one. A woman who no longer despises Zeus.

Especially every time they met, Hippolyta would kneel down to Zeus, which made him particularly satisfied. He felt that such a strong woman obeyed him, and he felt like a god king.

Just throw away the Olympus outside, and don't need Earth 0. In the future, this world can be strengthened to cover the multiverse 1 and achieve a true return to zero.

Zeus doesn't quite understand, but the Remnant says it can be done, and he's doing it.

So Zeus didn't think too much and took Hippolyta into this world that belonged only to him and began to live leisurely.

Occasionally, he would help the survivors with some ideas, such as using his own understanding of the mysterious side to improve the survivors' shortcomings as a scientist.

Other than that, Zeus plays most of the time.

He even planned a grand wedding without 'no one' to witness or bless, and make Hippolyta the new queen of heaven.

But for now, it seems that it will be in the next life.

Oh, he probably won't have a next life. He will have to give a message to death soon, and Zeus's soul will have to be beaten to pieces, haha.

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