The Death Knell

Chapter 4436: The picture shows the dagger

"Ah! Damn it! You have hurt my noble body!"

"Ah! Stupid brother! How did you become so strong?!"

"Ah! My hand is going to break!"

If an uninformed person saw this scene, they would probably think that it was Apollo beating the newborn, because the one who looked upright and upright had a proud and proud smile, while the one who looked like a villain was very Embarrassed.

One moment he spits blood in this direction, and the next moment his eyeballs are blown out. The whole god is like a trapeze artist, flapping his wings and dodging constantly.

On the grass, in the river, and among the piles of stones, traces of his misery are left everywhere. His life is like a candle left in the wind.

"My brother, stop fighting, stop and surrender."

Apparently Apollo himself felt the same way. He became happier and happier as he fought, and even shouted to the newborn with a smile on his face.

But obviously, it was the gods who said one thing and did another, because his attack movements never stopped.

The golden harp that was burning with flames was like a heavy machine gun that fired lasers in his hand. As his fingers continued to wave the strings, dense lines of fire were shot out along with the music.

If it weren't for talking, Apollo would probably be singing a shepherd's ditty by now, a yodeling style.

Looking at his sullen expression, Su Ming acted out an embarrassed escape while counting the time in his mind.

After all, if it's going to turn into a tragic victory, it's not good to go too fast.

Fortunately, the time is almost up, and there is no need to look at the face of the hypocritical god, even though the flames make it difficult to see it clearly.

"Ah!!! How dare you laugh at me, I'm going to kill you!"

After shouting this, the freshman turned around and rushed in the direction of Apollo. All the dense attacks on the road hit him, leaving him riddled with holes, but the pace of the charge did not slow down at all.

There was originally a distance of seven or eight hundred meters between the two people, but this distance disappeared instantly. The newborn rushed in front of Apollo with an unstoppable momentum. Just when the latter wanted to raise his hand to change his moves, the speed It broke out again.


The huge fist directly punched the Sun God through, the sharp claws penetrated from the chest and came out from the back, and a beating heart was held in the hand.

The smile on Apollo's face gradually faded, and fear began to spread. He just started shaking his head, as if he wanted to say something, but Chusheng just made a fist, pulled out the heart, and crushed it in front of him.

"I won!"

The eldest son of God, with wounds all over his body, watched his younger brother fall, kicking his legs and dying like an animal. He raised his hand and licked the blood in his palm, and screamed to the sky.

This blood isn't right.

But it’s not a big problem, let’s continue acting.

After this roar, he seemed to have lost his strength and also fell down. He looked up at the sky and watched the red sky gradually fade, and his breathing became slower.

One of the three goddesses of fate in the distance wanted to move, but was held back by the other. They should be neutral bystanders, witnesses of fate, not participants in the event.

Therefore, after remembering their mission, they all stood and looked at this place from a distance, as if waiting for the death of their newborn.

At first glance, the newborn knew that he was seriously injured, but he still turned over and slowly climbed towards the trees on the side, probably intending to find a place to rest with his back.

His arms were trembling, and he endured great pain almost every inch he moved, but naturally there was no expression on the red skull face.

One meter, two meters, three meters.

He moved slowly, dragging a thick trail of blood. Finally, after raising his hand, he gave up and returned to his face on his back. His empty eyes looked at the sky again, and he sighed weakly:

"I won, and I won't die, I'm immortal"


Just when Chusheng seemed to be saying that his career would be regretless, a bolt of lightning struck in the sky for no reason. The lightning fell next to him and turned into a figure with a white beard and white robe.

This man held a golden lightning-shaped spear in his hand and was about to plunge it into the newborn's head.

The old man was very energetic, with a hale and rosy face. He seemed to have encountered something good and could not help laughing.

But his lightning spear failed to penetrate, because Chusheng also laughed. He grabbed the sharp edge of the spear with one hand, and grabbed one of the old man's legs with the other hand:

"caught you."

Just when Zeus was suddenly startled and wanted to turn into lightning and escape again, it was already too late. He did not recognize the death knell of another world, which meant that the outcome was already doomed.

This death knell from another world has more than one pair of hands. He can have as many hands as he wants.

A black arm popped out from his scarred chest, holding a dull dagger, and plunged into Zeus's abdomen with a pop. The only identifiable feature of this weapon was the relief on its handle. holding a beautiful owl.

The black venom spread under the skin like a spider web, and the God King instantly became much older. He lost his strength and power and fell to the ground. The weapon also fell from the palm of his hand, and the lightning shattered on the grass.

"You actually are."

"Ah, as you can see, it's me." The freshman lying next to him on the ground turned over, turned to his side and supported his head with his hands, and his body began to change: "Haha, as expected, you still can't stand the freshman, Right?"

The black skin, exposed red blood vessels, and skull-like face all disappeared in a wave of water movement, replaced by the classic black and yellow color scheme, and the red one-eyed goggles that suddenly lit up.

What kind of injuries, pain, and fatigue, none of them exist, they are just staged, with hundreds of blood holes in the body? Strangulation can heal itself in the blink of an eye. It's really hard to control yourself and not heal yourself all the time.

"Is this a prophecy?" Zeus is undoubtedly very powerful. He can even resist the effect of the Tears of Destruction for a short time, and can even speak without stammering: "So, that's it, this is how the newborn ascends to the throne."

He realized it, but obviously, it was too late.

Deathstroke ate the Firstborn through his weird pet, allowing him to become the Firstborn. Therefore, he killed himself and ascended the throne. This is how the prophecy was fulfilled, which is unimaginable.

It's a pity. If Zeus met someone else, maybe that person would chat with him, provide him with some hospice care, and then watch the old man die slowly under the breeze and eyes.

But Su Ming was not that kind of person. He no longer needed to pretend, he took out the lightsaber from his palm, grabbed Zeus's long white hair with a smile, and then skillfully cut off the god's head.

To be on the safe side, I didn’t play with the head in my hands, but threw it directly over my shoulder. The strangled bean sprouts suddenly jumped out like a great white shark jumping out of the water, and ate the head in one bite, completing digestion in an instant. Then retract into the host body.

At a glance, it looked like an interesting magic trick had been performed, dragging the head into the host's body.


Strangling means that there is a discovery. Zeus has a lot of good things in his mind. This time the treasure chest is opened correctly.

"Very good, I already know that this secondary universe composed of stars belongs to me from now on. Let's go find Hippolyta first and send her home."

After saying that, Deathstroke raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the prototype of the cloak appeared from the distant sky, swooped down, rolled up the other teammates, and sent them to the Supreme Mage.

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