The Death Knell

Chapter 4440 Two sides of one body

In the bright and tidy hall, there is not even a trace of dust on the circular table, but the most eye-catching thing is never the mirror-like table, but the bald head that keeps shaking in front of everyone's eyes.

Whenever Deathstroke said these few words, he would nod once. The special texture of his scalp, as if it had been waxed, could be said to be very eye-catching.

"You mean, this time the ultimate enemy has been hiding under my nose?"

After the mercenary briefly explained what had happened before, Luther showed a somewhat excited expression. He stroked the back of his hand a few times like a cat:

"The front line of our Legion of Destruction is now at this position. The offensive in many places in this Omega Universe is overwhelming. Please take a look."

The bald man put his hand on the table, and a complex star map projection floated out. It was as green as ever, Luther's favorite color.

You can see the full picture of the Omega Universe. As a place shaped by Darkseid with the power of crisis, it is not big. After these few days, Luther can claim that half of the occupation work is completed.

This universe is filled with all kinds of Darkseid's dark creations. Only you can't imagine that there is nothing he doesn't have here. Although they are not as disgusting as the evil-minded dignitaries of the Hand of Nothingness, they are generally not good-looking.

Luther pointed at some places with his finger and zoomed in. Every tiny red dot in the star map was a star system where a battle was taking place.

The armies of Amodra, with the cooperation of countless androids and copycat Primaris Space Marines, are clearing these places.

Bald's grand strategy was pretty good. After all, Brainiac's humanoid AI was his adviser, so it was impossible for him to make any big mistakes on the frontal battlefield.

At present, the lines formed by these red dots have three-dimensionally divided the watermelon-like projection of the universe into two halves, and the half closer to the side is larger.

"Good job Lex, I knew you could do it."

Su Ming took the red wine handed over by the bald man, and the two of them smiled and clinked their glasses together. Lex really understood the life of the rich, and his wine was indeed good.

"You don't need to tell me, I know, haha." Luther took a sip of wine and twirled the cup gracefully: "Then you have also seen now that the star field still ruled by the remaining forces of Darkseid only has about the entire universe. One-third of the people, what do you think that one is called, the remnant? Where is he hiding?"

Proud, Luther was still so proud. Even though he said he wanted Deathstroke to find him, he actually didn't think that the enemy would be hiding here and could escape his scans again and again.

"Hide? Haha, Lex, do you mind if I ask something else?"

Deathstroke put Bobo on his shoulder on the table beside him, leaned his butt against the edge of the table, and looked at the bald man with a playful expression.

"Excuse me, after all, you were the winner before, how dare I mind in front of you, haha."

Luther took another sip of wine and leisurely admired his strategic map.

"If one day, an inexplicable force destroys the entire multiverse, and everyone dies, including Superman, and in the end only you survive due to some accidents and escape to another multiverse, then, you will Hiding in front of its local forces?”

Without keeping him waiting, Su Ming immediately asked the question.

The temperature in the conference room was very suitable and the lights were bright. Not far away, Brainia seemed to be calculating and came up with the results quickly, but he did not speak, but also looked at Lex Luthor. .

The air was filled with the smell of tobacco, which was brought by Bobo. Before the meeting, Billy had already transformed into Shazam. He was still a little afraid of the Legion of Destruction.

Luther did not answer in a hurry. He was thinking. After a moment, he asked Deathstroke:

"You mean, he is actually the same type of person as me?"

"I used some means, ahem, to obtain some fragments of his previous life. How should I put it, there is no one or thing he cares about in reality."

Su Ming took another sip of red wine, shook it gently with a more professional movement than a bald head, and looked at the condition of the wine hanging on the wall:

"He is very smart. There is nothing he can't do before. I didn't mention it just now. He even invented a drug that can cure any disease known to mankind, from cancer to AIDS, from hair loss to hemorrhoids. The kind of medicine that cures the disease."

After hearing this, Luther's eyes suddenly became sharp. He seemed to have missed the point of what Deathstroke said, but went astray:

"Can the situation of lycanthropy, such as Leopard Girl, be cured?"

"I don't know when your relationship with Leopard Girl improved, but she is a magic curse. You can't treat it as hirsutism." Su Ming coughed and emphasized the word curse: "You haven't answered yet. My question is, if this survivor were you, would you hide in front of an enemy who is obviously inferior to you?"

Creatures in another multiverse, even humans, can be considered aliens, right?

Luther has an 'allergy' to aliens. When he hears the word alien, he will think of Kryptonians, and then he will feel uncomfortable all over.

"Of course not. How could I embarrass humanity? I will definitely find a way to use force to secure a future for myself."

Luther, who was still dancing with a wine glass, seemed to have deliberately forgotten his previous dark history of not being a human being. He gave a stern answer, raised his chin, raised his face proudly, and looked up at the ceiling at a forty-five degree angle. Added:

"There may be a period of keeping a low profile, but I will never give in to any aliens again. I have learned enough experience from Peppertua."

"Oh no, here we go again."

Bobo covered his face in response. He couldn't bear to see Luther's nostrils turned upward.

Luther really shouldn't be called the smartest man on earth, but should be called the proudest man on earth. He always thinks he is right.

"Yeah, so it's weird that the remnants wandered here but didn't start a war with Darkseid." Su Ming was very patient. He was still explaining to the bald head: "Is there a possibility? It's the remnants. In fact, we are not in the same space as Uncle Da. He is on another level or space, so there is no need to conflict with his neighbors?"

Having said this, Luthor immediately understood. He walked to the wall on the side, verified his palm prints and pupils, and put on his heavy green anti-Superman armor.

"Are you implying that the Omega Universe is very similar to our Multiverse 1, and that there is a 'Dark Omega' universe on its 'other side'? And the remnants may be hiding there."

When he turned around, he was ready to fight, and this time it seemed that he was planning to act together with Deathstroke.

"No, darkness and darkness will only merge and cannot maintain balance."

Su Ming shook his head. He finished the glass of wine, but instead of returning it to the bald head, he took the glass back into his pocket:

"In the ancient East, people all knew the balance of yin and yang, which can maintain a stable state. So I think what we see and develop today is actually the dark side, while the remnants are on the 'light' side. , because he doesn’t like this dark territory at all, so he has remained silent.”

"Is it the Bright Omega Universe? It's a bold guess, but it doesn't matter. I have the doorknob of destruction. If you want to verify an inference, just use it to try it."

Heavy footsteps sounded, and Luther took out the door handle and placed it in the air, then twisted his hand slightly.

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