The Death Knell

Chapter 4441 Failed Door

The copper door handle was engraved with an inverted triangle symbol representing destruction. At one time, Luther didn't know what the red light it emitted meant, but now he understood that it did not mean how close he was to Peppertua.

Rather, it is sensing the concentration of 'crisis energy', just like a fish filtering food in the water.

It is true that crises are always accompanied by all kinds of destruction, but Luther's ideal of destruction and restoration may really not be suitable for the already riddled multiverse1.

Taking out this little thing again, Luthor felt a little emotional. A few months ago, he was still using it to fight life and death with the Justice League and Deathstroke.

But now, everyone has returned to the position of humans on Earth 0.

Thinking of this, he turned the doorknob and imagined the place he wanted to reach. According to past experience, the doorknob would transport everyone to the place they wanted to go, which is not the place in the Omega Universe. The well-known counterpart goes up.

Even if it is the real Darkseid, he created a universe full of darkness, but he did not expect that if there is shadow, there must also be light.


There was a crisp sound in the space in front of them, but everyone did not complete the transmission, but still stood in the conference room of the Fortress of Destruction, motionless.

"Ahem, Lex, maybe your posture is wrong, or why don't you try to squat down and open the door?" Bobo raised his hand to speak, and the orangutan smiled evilly and gave an unreliable suggestion: "I have seen countless thieves. They like to squat down and look left and right when opening the lock."

"It's funny, black-haired monster, haha."

The bald Lutherpi smiled without even a wrinkle on the skin on his forehead. He glanced at the orangutan from the corner of his eye, but he was not in the mood to argue with the animal. Instead, he was thinking about what went wrong.

"Lex, let me try."

Su Ming, who was smoking next to him, exerted his strength on his back, left the round table where his butt was leaning, walked over and stretched out his hand.

Because maybe Luther's own energy or level is not high enough, or maybe the ideas in his mind are not strong enough, so replacing someone is a more realistic suggestion than squatting down to pick the lock.

After all, holding a doorknob and squatting there to play with the air is not something a normal person would do, right?

"Please." Luther slapped the doorknob into Deathstroke's palm and made a gesture to please use it, but he rolled his eyes: "I am the most experienced person in using it. Even I can't do it, and you can't even do it. .”

"It doesn't cost any money to try. It's just free time anyway." Su Ming held the piece of metal while turning his wrist.


Just like Luther's situation, he heard the door open, but the transmission was not completed.

He took back his palm and looked at it. There seemed to be nothing wrong with the door handle. The symbol was still glowing red, like a small light bulb.

"Ah, it's funny. I felt a little space fluctuation just now, but the next second it felt like it was cut off by something. Well, it's like you go to the street to buy ice cream, and just when you want to ask the boss to give you more When the cone gets a little squeezed, he pushes the valve up and pinches off the ice cream.”

Throwing the doorknob back to the bald head, the second half of Deathstroke's words was meant for his teammates. Bobo on the table understood, and his face turned into a 'funny' look.

"I thought you were going to make a dark and disgusting metaphor, haha."

The hairy animal jumped down from the table, patted its sleeves, and stretched out its furry paws:

"Try the door handle for me. Maybe my animal identity as a gorilla can have a different effect."

He wanted to try it, and Luther gave him the thing, but Su Ming just smiled and said nothing, as if he had nothing to do with it.

So needless to say, the result is that the orangutan also tried it once, and he really squatted down and tried it.

But the effect is no different from the first two.

Now that everyone has started trying, it might as well be everyone's share. Wally tried to twist the door handle with the speed force. The air was filled with fire, but the transmission still failed.

Damian took out some of the 'toys' left behind by King Robin, such as random doors that can eat people. No matter if they are used alone or with door handles, they will not work.

Shazam originally wanted to perform well. He mobilized his divine power and Solomon's wisdom, but the result was a pantomime with no effect.

Next, the people of the Legion of Destruction were teleported back from the front line of the battlefield by Luther, and they were asked to try one after another. Gorilla Grodd, Leopard Girl Barbara, Brainiac as AI, and even Dr. Ivo were found. Come on, let's give each other a twist.

All trees are big.

So in the end the door handle returned to Luther's hand. He fell into silent thinking and walked towards the corner alone, waving his hand to signal others not to come near and that he should be quiet.

It seems that with this bald man who claims to be the smartest person in the world to think, others can paddle again.

The Leopard Girl, who had just returned from the front line, shook off the blood on her hands, retracted her fingernails coated with tears of death into her flesh pads, swung her tail and turned back to her human form, and greeted Deathstroke with a smile.

"Hey, Slade, you still look handsome, you haven't become much more handsome, haha."

After saying that, she also deliberately spun in front of the death knell, seemingly showing off her cat ears and figure.

"Good evening, Minerva, because it hasn't been long since we last met. It seems that you are quite satisfied with your new transformation ability? This makes me a little curious as to why Luther wants to get you some medicine."

The last time the Legion of Destruction helped Deathstroke, the deal the Leopard Girl received was that she could transform back into a human form, and the reward was delivered in advance before the Omega Universe was completely taken over.

Thanks to the dream of a thousand cats, she can now transform independently between the leopard man form and the cat-eared girl form.

"What medicine?"

Leopard Girl glanced at Luther in the distance warily, his bald head shining under the light, and her expression seemed a little distorted.

"A panacea, no matter what kind of difficult or complicated disease it is, it's a panacea that can be cured by taking just one pill."

So Su Ming told her about the survivors' invention, while carefully observing her expression.

She didn't seem to have any special reaction and was very calm while listening to the story.

Then she tilted her head and thought for a while, still looking confused, and asked tentatively:

"Are you planning to ask me to bring the medicine so that I won't be poisoned by the tears of death due to an accident one day? Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore. He is just like you. He is thinking about things that our teammates can't understand at all. Well, Diana Didn't I come with you? You smell like her."

"She went on vacation. She should be having fun with the zombies now, right?"

Su Ming just smiled slightly because he noticed that Luther had raised his head, as if he had thought of a way.

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