The Death Knell

Chapter 4442 Stupid method

"We're going to have to do it the stupid way."

Walking back into the crowd with long strides, this was the first thing the bald man said. It didn't sound very encouraging, but he also thought he didn't care about other people's faces and expressions.

Su Ming took a puff of cigarette, moved his neck, and touched his belt with his hands. After pondering for a while, he nodded with a smile:

"Oh? Then you tell me and I listen."

Lex walked towards the round conference table, put his hand on the table and brushed it, and then projected the current situation of the Ten Thousand Celestial Sphere in Multiverse 1, and there was also a plane connected to the bottom of the sphere, and on the other side of the plane The dark multiverse is projected sideways.

He began a long explanation.

"Our multiverse is like this, a world with completely opposite sides of the mirror. There are not many or few known ways to go to the dark universe."

"I won't talk about the rest. Everyone has used it before. It's nothing more than teleportation or running from the speed force plane."

"But in fact, there is also the most primitive and reliable way, and that is through the world melting pot, which is where all single universes are born, so it can also be used as a transfer station."

"So I made a speculation, that is, the current Omega Universe should also exist in such a place. Even if Darkseid had no design when creating it, the universe itself will improve itself."

"Just like the darker the dark world, the little bit of light in it shines brighter. This is the balance pursued by the universe today."

"The stupid way I'm talking about is to find this 'melting pot', or a similar place, and then we go through it to the other side."

"Therefore, I think we can follow the clues of Darkseid's legacy to investigate. Deathstroke, you have obtained his memory. Is there any value in it?"

The bald head shone in the light, Luther's chin was raised high, and his smile became more and more serious, as if he had already won.

"I do know a place, here."

Su Ming took out a piece of paper from his pocket, drew a ghost-like pattern on it with a pen, folded it into a paper airplane and threw it towards Luther.

After catching it, the latter opened it and looked at it. He nodded with satisfaction and greeted everyone around him:

"Very well, then let's go to this place and follow the death knell. Everyone, this is related to the survival of our world."

Everyone nodded. Even Brainiac had a tendency to abandon the Fortress of Destruction. He seemed very excited, but he was united enough.

"I'm going to prepare for the teleportation."

Probably because he saw that people's hearts were available, Lex smiled slightly and turned around to activate the function of destroying the fortress. He seemed to think that it would be safer to take the fortress with him.

However, a hand suddenly placed on his shoulder, and the hoarse voice of the death knell, like a demon, came from behind.

"Is that all? Lex, or should I say, the remnant, this is all you have? I have to say, I was quite disappointed with your performance the first time we met."

The bald man turned around, his face full of confusion:

"Slade, what's wrong with you? You are not Batman. Don't always doubt your teammates. This is not good for our operations."

Everyone around him also gathered around. Bobo jumped on Deathstroke's shoulders and reached out to touch his forehead, looking worried:

"Are you too mentally stressed? Do you want us to take a break?"

"Yes, we still have plenty of time. There is no chance that the survivors will discover us."

Damian took Deathstroke's arm, his face still expressionless.

"Yes, Deathstroke." Wally also looked very worried. He suddenly bent down to tighten his shoelaces, and quickly jumped on the spot to move his legs: "In this case, I will invite Harley over and ask her to give it to you. Look what's going on, you actually suspect that Luther is the remnant, this is too outrageous."

"Luthor has always been with me in the fortress and has never left."

Brainiac took the stand and simulated a human smile.

"I can connect your thoughts and let you verify it for yourself."

Gorilla Grodd joined in, but he was so big that it was difficult.

Everyone expressed some concern or fear, but as people often say, humans will only believe what they want to believe.

Su Ming is not like Batman who doesn't believe anyone, so he believes that he can't be wrong.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine. I've never felt better."

He smiled and popped out the lightsaber from his palm, sweeping in all directions with one move. A golden ring appeared in the air, and everyone was cut in half. He moved his wrist and took a deep breath while surrounded by broken corpses:

"I am the one who needs the least care, because I have no heart at all. What do you think, remnant?"

Luther, who had been chopped into two sections, was crawling on the ground. His armor obviously couldn't block Deathstroke's weapon. He vomited blood and struggled:


He seemed to want to say something, but Su Ming didn't want to hear it at all. He flipped up the lightsaber in his hand and a bald head flew out.

At this time, this 'Luthor' was completely dead. His body, the blood flowing out, and the internal organs rolling everywhere gradually turned into ashes and dissipated on the ground.

Everyone around him, like him, quickly collapsed and disappeared after being killed by Deathstroke.

Not only that, even this environment, which seemed to be a one-to-one replica of the Fortress of Destruction, turned into crystal bright spots all over the sky and spread out.

Su Ming was standing on a wasteland, surrounded by a huge depression as if it had been blasted by a nuclear bomb, and then a voice came from the sky:

"When did you find out?"

"We found you from the very beginning. The first time Luther twisted the doorknob, we actually found you."

The lightsaber swung left and right a few times and retracted into his palm. Su Ming looked around to find the source of the sound. He didn't mind saying a few more words to the survivors:

"It's just that you were well prepared, created an independent world for each of us, and staged the script you arranged. Unfortunately, your understanding of human nature is still superficial. Scientists never pay attention to this."

The analysis process is simple.

It is known that transcendence and destruction are advanced concepts in the DC multiverse, and many stories revolve around them. So what level of power is needed to stop the doorknob of destruction from initiating teleportation?

It has to be at least multiverse level.

Do the remnants have this power? Yes, but the way his power manifests is to create the world.

With this guess in mind, Su Ming started several rounds of tests, starting with the doorknob of destruction from Luther's hand.

The other party gave it, which is reasonable, but what next? The gorilla wants the doorknob, and Luther gives it too?

After making the mistake of transforming himself into an inhuman creature last time, Luthor regained consciousness and became human again, returning to his original stance.

That is human supremacy.

He wouldn't let the orangutan's black furry paws touch the door handle, especially if he was an orangutan who was too smart. This was a mistake from the beginning.

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