The Death Knell

Chapter 4443 Beautiful Life

After he gave the doorknob to the gorilla, to the idiot Shazam, and then withdrew the other members of the Legion of Doom to try the door one by one.

Su Ming was already 80% sure that he had entered a 'simulated world'.

The so-called simulated world is what Su Ming gave the remnants' abilities. It feels like throwing people into a world he created. There are a lot of NPCs he made in it to play "script killing" or "role playing" with you. ’, so that people can’t tell which reality they are in.

The world he created also exists, but for Su Ming, it is not his own timeline, and you can't follow him.

Talking about the flaw in the script, after everyone tried the doorknob as a joke, in the next performance, Luther went to the corner to think about the problem.

When did the real Luthor need to think like this? Don't be ridiculous. Bald Lex is the king of DC ideas. Whether his ideas are useful or not is another matter. He will have a plan in the blink of an eye.

And if there are Deathstroke and Bobo around, does he really need to be alone to conceive of anything? Wouldn't it be faster to discuss it, or just listen to the death knell?

If that's the case, what is he thinking about? It should be how to deceive Deathstroke next!

Next, Leopard Girl chatted with Deathstroke. The topic was completely useless and was just delaying time.

Moreover, Leopard Girl cannot actually retract her claws into the pads. Her nails can be retracted, but the structure of her hands is actually the extra hair on human hands, not cat claws, and naturally there are no pads.

The Yimin is a biologist, and he has also done some research on cats. Because he studied too carefully, he just put the animal characteristics on the leopard girl, and it naturally turned out to be a help.

Finally, there was Luther's speech after he thought of a way. Why use a stupid way to get to the other side?

There is obviously another better way, which is to activate Sepurk to 'detour' from outside the universe, which is the simplest and crudest way.

As one of Darkseid's creations, it is equipped with a fire pit and a strange box, which can be perfectly synchronized with the Omega Universe, thus functioning as a world melting pot, and even directly triggering teleportation.

The fake Luther deliberately ignored this point and did not give Deathstroke a chance to express his opinion. Instead, he directly chose to use other people to praise him and promote his plan.

If you really believed in his ghost, you might be deceived into wandering in the universe forever.

After that, Su Ming made a final test. The coordinate diagram he drew on paper? In fact, it is just a series of meaningless numbers. It looks like coordinates, but it is not.

But the fake Luther was not verified? He even smiled with satisfaction after taking one look at it? Since when had he ever shown such trust in Deathstroke?

Haven't we all reached cooperation through transactions and negotiated terms in the past?

By now, Su Ming was 100% sure that all the people around him were fakes and that he was trapped in a new universe by the survivors.

Therefore, the solution is very simple and crude, that is, kill all the creatures you can see, and then destroy the world.

In fact, he only completed the first step. When the survivors saw that the plan was exposed, they took the initiative to cancel the world, seemingly intending to talk to him.

"Have you figured out where you went wrong? I don't know how you arranged the activities of these 'dummy people', but your stereotype of them led to the people you made up not being that similar."

In fact, it's quite similar. At least Strangler didn't smell anything unusual, and Cloak didn't notice the process of cosmic transformation.

"I'm not wrong, I never make mistakes!" The voice of the survivors came from the sky, seemingly carrying endless anger: "Why do you want to stop me? I just want everyone to live a comfortable life!"

Su Ming nodded repeatedly, okay, he had just analyzed the whole process in his mind, and the survivors still didn't know, so it was certain that he would not 'climb over the wall'.

This is good news, as it means he'll be slightly easier to deal with than the Laughing Bat.

"What is a comfortable life?"

Deathstroke continued to talk to him, but he still couldn't tell where the other person was hiding and answering him. Was it on another level?

"My ability, my ability can fulfill everyone's wishes and will not affect other people. It is completely different from the Speed ​​Force! This is the ability that can bring people smiles. I am the new God!"

"Ah, so it turns out that the thing in heaven was your plan in the early years, and then you were peeping at the human world? You are quite tolerant, but that's right."

Su Ming threw a basketball on the wasteland beside him. After shaking his shoulders for a while, he sat down on it and said:

"You need time to observe each person and learn how they behave in order to construct a realistic enough representation of them in a false world, right?"


The remnants who didn't know where they were were silent.

But Deathstroke did not give up this opportunity to undermine the opponent's self-confidence, and said directly:

"You originally wanted to use Clayface plasma to realize a further plan, maybe to improve these dummies and make better NPCs? I don't know, but attacking the body of God on the throne is the biggest thing you have ever done. One of the wrong decisions, don’t you feel like you’ve been cursed?”

The other party's angry voice came from the sky: "Curse? That's pseudoscience! No one can prove that the curse really exists. I only believe that I can defeat fate! Everyone can be happy!"

"Ah, yes, yes!"

Su Ming looked up at a cloud and thought it looked a bit like a pig's head.

"You don't understand anything, Deathstroke. Fate is so unfair and cruel to me." The voice of the survivor gradually calmed down, but his tone was still full of determination. He said: "You don't understand me, and I don't understand either. You, but everyone should have their own world and be their own master, not a slave to fate! Obey that ridiculous story arrangement!"

"Ah, yes, yes!"

Deathstroke looked at another cloud, this time the cloud looked like shit.

"So, everything I do is for humanity, so that others don't make the same mistakes I did. They just need to continue living in the world I gave them."

The voice of the survivors became full of temptation, and once people heard it, they couldn't help but agree with his ideas.

Accepting a 'world' as a gift but possibly leaving a back door, and then giggling in it? Live a completely smooth life without any setbacks?

There is no such thing as being late for work, there is no such thing as forgetting to bring an umbrella when it rains, there is no such thing as unexpected pregnancy?

Everything is moving toward perfection, and it's been planned.

This does smell a bit like God, but the remnants still don’t understand why God didn’t do it even though he could do it.

What Orangutan and Su Ming mentioned before, ‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle’, can also be viewed in reverse.

When everything goes extremely smoothly for a person, his desires are also evolving infinitely. Every time he feels happiness, the "dose" required must be stronger than the last time.

For example, after becoming the president, he will want to be the leader of the earth, then the director of the solar system, and then the director of the Milky Way.

Then what? Conquer another river system? Then the second, the third, until the entire universe? And then the multiverse?

Maybe the remnant can do this, but he definitely has his limits.

There are limits to people, but there are no limits to desires. This will only be a tragedy in the end.

The survivors have gone astray in taking the path of transcendence. No, maybe this is the authentic path of creation, but his upper limit is a little lower, and he does not limit those in the 'dream' .

It's probably a dream. Everything perfect will, in the final analysis, be just a daydream.

"Come out quickly, don't hide, let me chop you to death with one sword, and then take out the memory of 'Blank' from your mind."

Su Ming waved his hand casually, inviting the other party to come out and die, obviously not wanting to say too much.

Facing the death knell like a madman, the other party obviously did not agree to this condition, and the voice still came from an unknown direction:

"No! Don't expect me to surrender. If you are not happy yourself, then you deny the possibility that others can be happy. This is not over!"

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