The Death Knell

Chapter 4444 Sims Life

"Well, I can totally understand wanting to build a utopian world, but that's not what you're trying to do."

For a while, he couldn't find where the other party was hiding. Su Ming simply took off his mask and sighed. He sat on the basketball and said to the survivors who didn't know where they were:

"You are basically building cages, deceiving people and throwing them into them. Then you arrange beautiful scripts and turn them into the protagonists of CD dramas. This won't work, because there will always be external threats, threats that are more powerful than you. , what about the heroes who can protect the earth then? Are they holding the pacifier you gave them and enjoying the Sims life?"

The reason is very simple, but the remnants who have gone crazy obviously can't listen to it at all, and the color of heaven and earth begins to change again. He said:

"Do you think you can represent everyone? How do you know that others don't want happiness? Arrogance and ignorance are used to describe you. Happiness should not only be a material basis, but also spiritual enjoyment! The spirit and soul are the meaning of human existence .Okay, you are very stubborn, then let me show you what your friends think now! Let’s speak with facts!”

After saying that, the sky flickered a few times like a poorly connected light bulb.

The next second, Deathstroke appeared in a typical middle-class American community.

A row of various huts stands on both sides of the road. Some of the pedestrians on the road are jogging and some are walking their dogs, but they are not in a hurry. It is obvious that their lives are leisurely and comfortable.

Although Deathstroke, who was wearing heavy armor, was obviously a stranger, the residents here still greeted him with friendly smiles.

In front of him is a beautiful two-story villa. The lawn in front of the door is as smooth as a football field. There is also a beautiful doghouse in the corner of the yard, where a golden retriever is sleeping.

Even outside the door, Su Ming, who has super hearing, heard cheerful laughter coming from the house.

"What do you want me to see? The happy life of middle-class white Americans?"

Deathstroke, who was standing outside the door, simply turned his armor into a suit. Although the survivors were not soldiers, what if removing the armor could lure him out? Try talking without delaying:

"Man, why don't you come out and follow me to the black slums in Detroit. The poisonous people sleeping on the streets there may need your help more."

However, the survivors did not answer. The clouds in the sky left a huge shadow on the ground, forming an arrow shape pointing towards the door, obviously wanting Deathstroke to go in and take a look.

In fact, Su Ming knew who was in this room without going in, because he had already heard Wally's voice, and the people who were joking with him at this time should be his 'family'. If the people were pinched by the survivors, they were considered Words from family.

But since the survivors want to be the first to show Wally's life, Su Ming must find something wrong with him.

After all, the remnant's ability is a bit tricky, so it is more effective to target his mind and spirit than to destroy his body. Then, first of all, he must shake his belief, which is what Su Ming has been doing.

"Ding dong."

Su Ming walked through the beautiful gravel path in the garden in front of her door, and reached out to touch the roses in the nursery. Then she came to stand in front of the door and rang the doorbell.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but in this false world, even the sound of the electric doorbell seems less harsh.

The door opened almost at the same time as the sound. Wally stood in the door, the sun shining on his face, making his smile become a little brighter.

When he saw Deathstroke, he hugged his friend happily, but what he said was unexpected:

"Oh, Slade, come in quickly. You are the first one here. Thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday. Come on, come in quickly. I will show you around my home."

He greets guests to come in. This place he calls 'home' makes him proud.

"Then I'll excuse you, happy birthday."

After returning the smile, Su Ming raised his eyebrows behind Wally who turned around.

The setting of this script is a bit complicated. This is obviously not Midtown, and this is not Wally's original home. Likewise, today is not his birthday.

But Wally seems to have been brainwashed and believes in these things.

"Oh, man, come in quickly, don't stand at the door." While pulling the death knell towards the house, Wally shouted towards the house: "Linda! Children! Look who is coming!"

The first two children to run out were Wally's twin children. The boy was named Jay West and the girl was named Iris West Jr. They were named in tribute to their aunt. .

"Wow! It's Uncle Deathstroke, how cool!"

The two children rushed towards the death knell and hugged his legs. No matter the smiles or warmth, there was no flaw in the dummy, and they shouted in cute voices:

"Uncle, we miss you. Can you play with building blocks with us today?"

The two children are about seven or eight years old, which is the age when they have excess energy, but they are also the cutest and most fun age group.

When they look at others with cute eyes, if they meet someone who really likes children, they may be a little bit lethal.

But as we all know, what Deathstroke hates most are aliens, and secondly, the fake children created by aliens.

"Good boy, do you miss me, uncle?"

Deathstroke has never seen these two children at all. He only knows that if they are genuine, these two little ones were once members of the Young Justice League, but later lost the Speed ​​Force and retired early.

But his lack of familiarity did not prevent him from joining the play, and he picked up the lines with a smile:

"How about I give you a toy?"

As he spoke, Deathstroke touched the children's heads, squatted down and hugged their shoulders, then took out a three kilogram piece of C4 explosive from his pocket, pressed the timer with a smile, and gave it to the children to play with. .

They are so young. After all, they were pinched out less than three minutes ago. They must not have been to the sky yet, right? hehe.

But Wally just looked on with a smile and had no intention of stopping him. Instead, he began to educate the two children who had received gifts and wanted to play in the yard, saying:

"I always tell you to be polite. What should you say if someone gives you a gift?"

"Thank you uncle!"

The two children hugged the piece of C4 explosive, expressed their gratitude in unison, and then jumped out.

The timer expired, but the bomb didn't explode. It just made a simulated explosion sound and sprayed out some ribbons and candies like a children's toy.

Genuine explosives were quietly replaced by toys. The survivors really had their wits about them.

Su Ming stood up and looked at the background of them going out to play and watching them practice bomb defusing with C4 toys. It was indeed a bit cute.

"It's costing you money. You gave the children gifts with great care. Slade, stop standing at the door and chatting."

At this time, Wally's wife Linda came out. She was wearing an apron and oven mitts on her hands. She came directly to get a set of veneer gifts:

"Well, welcome to our home. I'm cooking. Let's have spicy cabbage rolls and grilled pork belly for lunch. You men, go drink some beer first. Wally, don't you have something good for Deathstroke to see?"

Linda is a Korean-American with black hair and black eyes. Wally obviously loves her very much. After hearing her words, his head turned into a telegraph machine:

"Yes, my dear, you are right. Let's go visit my new home first, Slade. Let's go to the underground garage first."

With a flash of lightning on his body, Wally brought all the beers and led Deathstroke deeper into the foyer of the house and came to an elevator.

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