The Death Knell

Chapter 4445 A dream

When we talked about going to the garage, we entered a huge underground space through the elevator. It could be said to be the largest underground parking lot Su Ming had ever seen.

When the lights lit up in rows from near to far, thousands of luxury cars with shiny paint revealed their true appearance.

There are classic classic cars, as well as advanced and trendy gull-wing door sports cars. There are so many kinds, it is like a treasure trove of cars.

"Haha, how about it? They are beautiful, aren't they? They are all my treasures."

After drinking the beer in one sip, Wally, with a happy face on his face, came to a red sports car, pulled his shirt sleeves to wipe the hood of the car, lay on it with his upper body, and said with his eyes closed intoxicated:

“My dream is to own all the nice cars in the world and have the opportunity to repair them.”

Su Ming showed an expression of "Are you kidding me"? Is this Wally's dream life?

This is too useless, not as good as the competition between beauties on TV. Talent show.

The host asked the contestants, what is your dream, and the beautiful beauty pageant girls always gave the same answer. The dream is to hope for world peace.

Yes, it sounds like a lie at first glance, and it is not realistic at all, but at least there is a pattern.

In reality, Wally runs a car repair shop in Midtown, rents a shabby hut in an old neighborhood with his wife and children, and eats vegetarian salads and boxed cereal every day.

So the survivors gave him a mansion, a big house, and better food, probably. Anyway, Su Ming didn't think kimchi-wrapped pork belly could be that delicious.

Speedsters all like speed and the passion it brings. Of course, they also like cars. They even like cars from a different angle than ordinary people. They like the slow driving experience of 300 per hour.

Among them, Wally was the one who liked cars the most, and the survivors gave him many good cars.

So he was fascinated, seemed to be so happy that he forgot about reality, was brainwashed, and then indulged in this virtual reality, living a simulated life?

"Come on, Slade, come and look at this car. Look at this V12 engine. It's so beautiful. Can you hand me the wrench over there?"

As he watched, Wally's hands felt itchy, as if he was preparing to add some lubricant to the engine?

"That's enough, Wally, wake up and listen to me."

Su Ming took hold of Erdai Shan's outstretched hand, and the small strangulating tentacles instantly penetrated into the latter's wrist:

"Your real family is still waiting for you in our reality. No matter how good this place is, it is still fake after all. Do you prefer to be a car repair tycoon in this simulated reality world, or are you ready to go back with me? Come to reality and continue to be your superhero?”

While saying this, he instilled some memories into Wally's mind through strangulation, which was the process of the death knell exposing the survivors and the verbal exchange between the two sides.

Hypnosis and illusions are not effective for the symbiote host. Wally may have lost his memory or been hypnotized, but it's no problem. Just help him remember.

Wally was stunned for a moment, then frowned:

"In my memory, we have already defeated 'my lord', the world is at peace, and everyone in the Justice League has retired. So is this a dream?"

"It can't be said to be a dream. The survivors have created a new single universe for you. In the timeline of this universe, it is all true." Su Ming retracted his hand and looked at the many luxury cars around him: "But in On Earth 0, your real family and friends are waiting for you."

".You're right, Slade, parallel realities may be wonderful, but there are still people waiting for the Flash."

Wally took a long breath and turned to look in the direction of the elevator, as if he wanted to say goodbye to his 'wife and children' here, but in the end he did not do so. The golden electric light on his body lit up, and his shirt and jeans also turned back into red tights:

"Well, The Flash never keeps his friends waiting. Let's go. This place doesn't belong to me, especially. It also comes from the charity of the enemy."

"Don't be so extreme, Wally. The remnant may be a lunatic, but any ability can't only be used to do bad things."

Seeing that he had returned to normal, Su Ming smiled and hooked his neck, just like he did to Barry in the past, and pointed to the garage:

"Which of these cars is your favorite? I have space equipment and can help you pack it up and take it away. Anyway, you don't want it for nothing."

After saying this, Wally was indeed not sad at all. He immediately pointed back at the Ferrari beside him. Obviously, the real V12 engine was more attractive than the fake wife and children.

"thank you!"

After slashing the sun with a sword, Su Ming and Wally stood on the magic floating cloak to watch the world collapse.

The level of this world is very low. Only the solar system exists. Just like the box for raising ants never needs to be too big.

After destroying the star, a huge mass effect begins, and the collapsed star transforms into an expanding gaseous state, burning up everything in the planetary system.

Of course, as a fastidious person, Su Ming did not forget to say thank you to the survivors who did not know where they were. After all, these cars given by others were still real for the time being, quietly staying in his pocket, occupying a few slots.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them were back in the big pit in the wasteland, and the one who was being thanked didn't sound happy.

"What have you done? Monster! You destroyed a world, even though that is the life your friends long for!"

He angrily denounced Deathstroke's cruelty and cold-bloodedness. You know, in that world, there were Wally's 'wife and children', and Deathstroke actually killed them?

What the remnants hate most is those who kill other people’s wives and daughters.

"Ahem, let me remind you, before you give someone a gift next time, you'd better ask that person if they want your gift."

But then Wally interrupted, he raised his face seriously and said:

"I just feel like you imitated my wife and children, made fake people out of their looks, and fooled me in a false timeline. I'm not happy at all now, and I just want to beat you up."

Seeing Wally's very positive attitude, Su Ming slowly applauded from the side with a crooked smile on his face:

"Well said, Wally, when we catch the remnant, we will give him shit as a gift to eat. If he doesn't eat it, we will hypnotize him and brainwash him so that he can eat it happily and feel that we have given him Set happiness.”

"Well, it's a bit disgusting, man." Wally retched. He couldn't stand this kind of anti-hero approach: "You'd better kill him directly. Promise me not to insult the character of the dead enemy, okay?"

"Haha, okay." Su Ming smiled and raised his head to look at the sky. At this time, the clouds changed again. He said to the enemy: "Come on, let me see how my next teammate is addicted. I So I can prove to you how wrong you are, remnant."

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