The Death Knell

Chapter 4446 Drunkards are the soberest

"Ah, I messed up. Sure enough, even Batman is not omnipotent."

Deadpool kicked the exploded robot wreckage and began to mutter into the air beside him:

"His out-of-control agreement was just like this. He was surrounded by his cousin's army. In the end, he had no way to go to the sky and no way to the earth. He was beaten to death. The last time I saw a similar scene, I was cheering in the Gobi Desert in California. In the dry toilet pit where I was standing, I saw a lot of maggots fighting for a piece of shit. Wow, it’s so cruel. Let’s get back to the subject. My live broadcast room has always been about advising people to learn from others. So today, I don’t know if any of the old guys are there. What did you learn from this?"

While he was talking with a wink, he also used a whiteboard marker to complete the character '正' on his inner thigh.

Don't get me wrong, although he does have a special hobby in this area, he is not currently suffering from the disease.

Counting on the thigh is nothing more than counting how many enemies were killed today, and writing it near the thigh is purely because it is closer to the torso, and it is not easy for the injuries of the lost arms and legs to affect the accuracy of the statistical results after the war. It is also convenient to look down.

Every time you kill an enemy, you can exchange money with your cousin, which is at least more civilized than scalping as evidence.

Yes, the final agreement was actually destroyed by the army sent by the adjutant, but he also contributed, so it’s not wrong to count an assist, right?

"What else can we learn? That is, fights must be fought in groups. My patients in Arkham have learned this a long time ago, hehe!"

The other person in the team who could talk was Harley. She walked slowly with a hammer on her shoulder, walking on the streets of Gotham at night with cat steps, just like the heroine in a chick fashion drama.

She waved to the robot soldiers who could still move on the street to come over and help dismantle the invalid protocol, just in case the enemy had any backup plans to reactivate the protocol or self-destruct.

In fact, there is no need to worry about this problem at all. The adjutant has already used his own robot as a bridging tool through contact in the battle between the enemy and ourselves, and has hacked into the enemy's program.

Now, even if the invalid agreement is activated again, it will be another little brother under her control.

But in a short period of time, it was impossible to activate it, and the expired protocol was almost reduced to metal ingots.

You must know that this time not only a large amount of robot cannon fodder was dispatched, but also a mechanical god, a giant mechanical tiger named Gou Sheng, was dispatched at Harley's request.

Whether a combat unit masters the concept of the universe or not has a huge difference in combat effectiveness. Even though these mechanical gods who came out of the village only received a little bit of dark concepts from Deathstroke, they were enough to defeat an out-of-control robot.

To put it bluntly, the invalidation protocol mastered Batman's fighting skills and way of thinking, but did not learn Batman's darkness.

In the DC universe, which is inherently dark, naturally, whoever is darker is stronger.

"This robotic animal is so awesome." Xia Kaila touched the paws of the robotic tiger with emotion. She looked at Wade and said, "Husband, why don't you buy one for your family too."

"Oh, you prodigal bitch, how can I afford this kind of thing? The adjutant once said that the energy and material required to build a mechanical god would be equivalent to hollowing out a planet about the same size as the earth. I don’t have that much money.”

Deadpool pinched his nostrils a few times and wiped his snot on the ruins of the building nearby. Perhaps he felt that it was shameful to say that he could not afford to buy things, so he quickly went back to make up for it:

"I can't afford it, but I can ask my cousin for one. Everyone knows that Slade loves me the most. He often uses props to enter and exit my body, but I have never blamed him because I am passionate. Fire’s little cousin, the eternal red rose of the Wilson family, a mercenary family!”


Harley laughed to the ground because Wade was really good at talking nonsense. How could there be such a thing as the Wilson family? Also, is being stabbed with a dagger called entering the body? Have you learned a new rhetorical technique?

But Xia Kaila obviously believed what Wade said. She ran towards Deadpool with a moved face, just like the heroine in a Korean drama, and Deadpool also opened his arms, as if waiting for her to fall into his arms. middle.

However, things did not develop like Korean dramas.

"Oh, my dear. There is a flaw!"

Xia Kaila rushed over and threw Wade on his back. This time he suffered extensive fractures. His lumbar vertebrae were broken and his whole body was folded in half.

Harley's smile became even weaker. She stood up holding a lamppost and took a few deep breaths:

"Officer, where should we go next? Where are the last members of the 52nd Alliance Army?"

The adjutant's projection appeared. The white-haired beautiful girl was secretly practicing yoga behind the sergeant's back. She was becoming more and more human-like, and she could obviously understand what Harley was thinking:

"I'll help you find the version of Constantine from another world, Doomsday Blues, right? Don't you just want to get revenge on him?"

Little Jelly Bean nodded quickly, she stuck out her tongue and joked: "Yeah, yeah! I'm going to smash his head, then dig out his brains and use them as butter to spread on bread, and then feed them to the dirtiest and smelliest Indian sewer cleaner." Worker zombies eat it, hee hee!"

The Forgotten Bar has not changed at all. Su Ming just took Wally in and took a first look, and saw Bobo still drinking a large glass of beer at the bar.

Tracy, the killer girl, was busy at the bar, and the cockroach prophet in the sink was also nibbling lemon slices. There were some magician customers, but Bobo ignored everyone.

So Deathstroke didn't say much, he just shouted:

"Bo, have you drunk enough fake wine? Are you coming to work?"

"Here it comes! Also, this is real wine. Alas, think about it in reality, even if I drink wine from my own bar, I have to pay into the public account, otherwise Tracy, who gets the commission, will make trouble with me. Now This reality fabricated by the enemy, with free drinks and free onion rings, really moved me."

Well, Bobo kind of likes the feeling that the always rebellious Shamate female bartender is waiting for him to drink.

Grabbing the green deerstalker hat on the side and buttoning it on, waving his hands to say goodbye to the dummies, the orangutan took brisk little steps and ran towards the door of the bar.

While muttering some complaints, he smiled.

He has not been fooled by the changes in false prosperity from beginning to end. As smart as he is, he obviously discovered the problem immediately.

But since there was no guarantee of force like Deathstroke, he chose to wait where he was, appearing completely immersed in the 'new world' in order to confuse the invisible enemy.

It seems that the plan was successful, no, Deathstroke was 'allowed' to pick him up.

Skillfully climbing up to Deathstroke's shoulder, he took out his pipe from his pocket, stuffed it with tobacco and took a puff, and hooked his black fur claws on Deathstroke's shoulder armor:

"What are you waiting for? Let's blow up the world. We have to hurry up."

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