The Death Knell

Chapter 4447: Duplicity

Back to that desolate world again, back to that big pit.

"So this is the scene on the other side of the Omega Universe?" Bobo turned his head a few times and looked at the blue and dim sky, the listless clouds, and the potholed ground where everyone was: "To be honest, there is not much here. Sample."

"If what I expected is correct, he must have used this place as a foundation to build a more 'perfect' world for himself, right? Remnants?"

Su Ming laughed, then raised his head and asked the enemy, but his tone sounded a bit strange.

"You lied to me, you despicable orangutan! You obviously like it there so much! You said so!"

The voice of the remnant came from all directions, as if he were everywhere, berating the orangutans for what they had done.

Because before Deathstroke went to the tavern world, Bobo was obviously so obsessed with it that he wanted to use the orangutan as an important argument.

Prove that he can make people and animals happy, and prove that Wally is just a special case.

But what about orangutans? But like a dog, he ran away as soon as the death knell called, leaving behind everything he had carefully designed for him!

"Well, I'm just an orangutan. My wish is to have endless beer. I can realize this in reality. Why do I need to play with the Sims you made up? In my opinion, your behavior is equivalent to As we continue to open up new timelines, sooner or later you will be wiped out by the Flashpoint Effect."

"Shut up! Shut up! You don't understand anything! I am a scientist, a scientist that everyone respects! Everyone likes me! I must make everyone happy!"

The other person's voice seemed to be even more hysterical.

"Well, I would like to ask." Su Ming raised a hand, interrupting the other party's madness: "Why do you always insist on making everyone happy? And keep emphasizing the necessity? Who forced you?"

From the information obtained from my younger cousin, Yimin used to be a university teacher, and as a teacher, besides drinking coffee in the office and doing experiments in the laboratory, the rest is probably to answer questions for students.

Su Ming's behavior of raising his hand and his suddenly softened tone were just to take advantage of this weakness.

At the same time, he also wanted to make some insinuations as to whether the remnants knew the identity of ‘Blank’, the last of ‘my lords’.

After hearing the very polite question, the survivor's voice became calmer. Although he still did not show where he was, he answered the question.

"Because only when everyone is happy can I be happy! The people who really don't understand are you people. The ideal society should not be a deformed world with superheroes and villains like you, but one where I am for everyone and everyone is for everyone. In my mutual-aid environment, people should live with dignity, not like me now!"

After hearing these words, the orangutan looked at Deathstroke secretly.

Okay, now it's established that we've encountered an absolutely egalitarian lunatic.

This kind of people are not uncommon, especially among crazy biologists. They generally believe that through technological means, everyone's talent, IQ, behavioral habits, and even life span can be made the same, creating a world of absolute equality. .

If crazy physicists build robots to replace humans, what they come up with is tin cans; then crazy biologists, what they pursue is "meat cans", unify humans into a template, and then achieve various settings of absolute equality. .

Because the remnants have superpowers, they first attack people's spiritual world. Instead of rushing to change everyone's physique and other material characteristics, he first puts a 'pacifier' on everyone, so that people can be completely unaware of it. recognize his ideas.

This may be a good way to weaken resistance. At least Zeus is very fond of this trick and is willing to sacrifice his life for 'my lord'.

But for Su Ming, the Supreme Mage who has mastered countless timelines, does not need such a spiritual pacifier.

And just like Bobo said, what the remnants are doing is equivalent to opening up different new timelines. When the Omega Universe cannot bear it, everything will collapse.

If we use the concept of outside the wall, there are too many parallel worlds in a setting, and even the editors and artists can't remember who is who, then they will use the simplest and crudest method to eliminate this hidden danger.

That is to restart the entire DC universe, throw all the original complex things into the garbage heap of history, and then everyone starts over.

Thinking of this, Su Ming suddenly realized.

Liar, in fact he should be lying. He doesn't want everyone to be happy at all, but more like he wants everyone to achieve 'eternal peace'.

People don’t want their world to collapse. Ordinary people don’t want to see their loved ones die, their families go bankrupt, and other natural and man-made disasters.

Then at this time, the remnants provide them with a 'pacifier' world, in which everyone can 'close themselves' and taste the sweetness, and let the world run according to their own ideas.

In the process of enjoying the simulated life, as vested interests, people's subconscious will protect the world, so that it can operate relatively stably without the maintenance of the survivors.

Zeus's giant mountain that replaced the star is an example. The remnants can completely leave it alone and it will still operate stably.

At the same time, while using pacifiers to anesthetize addicts one by one, the survivors will continue to select human individuals as 'culture media', growing different single universes like mushrooms, until this number becomes becomes infinity, reaching the upper limit of the load of the DC universe, thus triggering that mechanism.


For a scientist without decisive force, his tactics are very correct, and his lies are also clever. This is a strategy of boiling frogs in warm water to destroy the world.

If you don't understand his past and your thoughts are not dark enough, you may be deceived by him and really think he is doing something good.

By the way, when fighting Lao Liu Deathstroke before, the other Su Ming mentioned a word that came out of the fake Rao's mouth-'return to zero'.

Maybe he also guessed the true plan of the survivors, but there is no evidence to prove it. So Lao Liu is eager to put on Su Ming's body so that he can escape from the DC world?

"What he said seems to make sense, Slade."

Wally scratched his head. At least the concept of equality is more in line with the values ​​of superheroes. Just like Superman once said, although I may accidentally kill everyone in the city with just one sneeze, I am equal to everyone. of.

"No, Wally, equality for all is just an ideal hypothesis, just like the inauguration speech of the President of the United States. The promises in it will never be fulfilled. Don't listen to what the survivors say so nicely. If nothing else, just say that if people Everyone lives in their own simulated world, so aren’t the remnants who created these worlds the real God?”

"Hey~~~Why did I forget about this? Yes, Slade, you are right." Wally took a breath and looked at the sky with horrified eyes: "I won't speak anymore. There really is no such thing. If you think about what’s going on behind the scenes, I’d better listen to you.”

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