The Death Knell

Chapter 4449 Everyone escapes

"I knew it would be like this."

When they saw Luther, Su Ming and Bobo sighed in unison, because Luther's dream could really be imagined with his toes.

Lex Luthor, who claims to be the smartest man on earth, with his abilities and skills, had a high probability of being able to escape from this false world on his own, and join forces with Deathstroke Victory in the reflection of the main world of the Omega Universe.

The only reason why he was trapped was that

"Go and shine my shoes."

In the top-floor office of Lex Industries, Luther looked like a wealthy landlord. No, he was originally a wealthy landlord. In short, he was lying on the sofa in a very lazy posture, instructing Clark, who was dressed as a male secretary, to work.

"Okay, Lex." Clark gave the coffee in his hand with a simple smile: "Try the coffee I brewed for you. The temperature is just right. I followed your order and specially used coffee from Nepal. of coffee beans.”

However, Luther picked up the coffee, took a sip, spit it out, and threw the cup aside as if he was looking for trouble. He stood up and kicked Clark:

"It's so hot! You want to murder me?! Make me another drink and wash the carpet."

"I'm sorry, Lex, I was wrong." Clark cried immediately. He knelt down and hugged Luther's thigh: "Please don't fire me. I can't lose the opportunity to work by your side. It was you who made it possible." I."

Luther suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "Hahahahahahaha"

His laughter echoed in the office, and he looked so satisfied and proud that he almost put on a tights and whipped someone's Kryptonian butt with a small whip.

That's right, what trapped Luthor was not wealth or world domination, nor the path of destruction that the Legion of Destruction had previously pursued, but just a fake Superman.

Our Mr. Luthor is obsessed with the reality of Superman being groveling. In this timeline, the poor working man Clark seems to have become Mr. Boss’s dog, and even plagiarized the Joker’s lines.

But this question is also quite good. Superman and Lex Luthor, who made whom?

"Have you had enough fun? Lex, don't you think this reality is a bit exaggerated?"

The bald man smiled so exaggeratedly that Su Ming was afraid that he would die from laughter or hurt his cervical vertebra, so he interrupted him directly.

"Ah, Slade, it came a little slower than I expected, but I have to correct you. Drama has always been a form of exaggerated performance, because no normal person will suddenly sing an aria while talking. of."

The bald man sat back on the sofa and waved his hand to send Clark to do his work. He was ready to drink coffee before leaving:

"I expected that you would notice the problem earlier than me, so it doesn't hurt if I play for a while, right? How about, have you killed the enemy?"

"No, I have to get you all out of this sim first."

Su Ming saw something. The originally submissive Superman became ferocious.

This guy stabbed Luther from behind, and it was clear that the Remnant had control over the worlds he created and the creations within them.

However, that hand knife did not hurt Luther, because Baldhead was already prepared.

Luthor doesn't have as many backup plans as Batman or Deathstroke, but they all work against Superman, and he's an expert at countering Kryptonians.

With a flash of green light, Kryptonite powder was sprayed from various parts of Luther's clothes. The male secretary who came into contact with these instantly fell to the ground, his face turned green, and he completely lost his fighting ability.

"Hmm, can't the creations of the remnants make up for the weaknesses inherited from the fakes? So that's why he created the clay-faced nanobots? To fill in the shortcomings?"

The bald man stood up and put on the thick anti-Superman armor in an instant. He pulled out the kryptonite dagger and stabbed the Kryptonians at the end. While bleeding Clark, he also took out the portable version of the red sun generator to create a favorable terrain.

At the same time, he was also analyzing the current scene.

Luthor knew that these were all fake, but he just wanted to play. If he couldn't play now, Superman would have to be killed.

If you can't get something, destroy it and use it as consumable materials in exchange for short-term supreme happiness.

He doesn't want to kill Superman, but he wants to prove that humans are stronger than aliens, which is the most direct way.

The three people and the monkey returned to the desolate world together, which was the opposite side of Omega Earth. At this time, Damian had arrived with Shazam.

The way he looked at Deathstroke was a little strange, maybe because of what he had experienced in 'The Sims', but that strange look soon disappeared, and he returned to his expressionless look. He didn't rush to get closer at the first time, but It’s about heightened alert:

"Prove your identity!"

"Okay, kid, you have proven your identity through your suspicious behavior." Su Ming waved his hand, indicating that he already knew and there was no need to go further: "How did you get out?"

"I was arranged by the enemy to build a perfect Gotham. Everything that was false made me feel sick all the time, so I used Robin King's props."

Damian put down the bird dart in his hand and exhaled slowly. In fact, in the reality where he was arranged, there was much more than what he said.

There, he was the biological son of Deathstroke and Thalia, and the family lived happily in the beautiful and simple Gotham City. The three of them beat up the villains together, and they were having a great time, and I couldn't tell you how happy they were.

But, that was too unrealistic, just like a dream. Without Batman in the dream, this Gotham would be too false and not dark enough.

Damian only briefly enjoyed the happy time of a family of three, and then activated the props to actively destroy his own world. Moreover, he still had the energy to rescue his peer Shazam.

Billy's world is simpler, but this simple-minded guy is almost dead.

As an orphan, Shazam lives with his biological parents in The Sims, and even brings along his brothers and sisters from the foster family in reality. The whole group eats and plays every day, living like pigs. life.

Even after knowing that everything was false, Shazam refused to leave. He didn't want to lose his parents again. He couldn't bear the pain of losing and gaining again.

Fortunately, Damian is the captain of the Teen Titans. He has leadership and decisiveness, and he is also smart enough.

He used some tricks to make the dummies kill each other one by one, and also made Billy willing to leave in the endless fear and torture.

Damian hasn't killed anyone in years, but that doesn't matter, killing an android in an artificial universe? That doesn't count as killing.

"Very good, you did a good job, kid." Su Ming put his arm around the boy's shoulders, smiled and patted him, then raised his head and said, "Yimin, what do you think now? Do you want to give up your plan? , come out and chat with me?"


There was no answer, and the remnant seemed to have run away.

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