The Death Knell

Chapter 4450 Pull the lever in advance

"Want to leave? Where are you going? Come down here!"

Seeing that the survivors wanted to escape, Su Ming had no choice but to give up the plan of using him to fish. This guy was not a warrior and could not last as long as other baits.

It takes time for the bait to be effective, and when the survivors face the Deathstroke team gathered together, their first reaction is to run away, which is useless.

Although he wanted to use him to lure Blank into the Omega Universe, and then use the favorable location, that is, Su Ming's complete control over the universe, to suffocate them here.

But obviously, if you hesitate any longer, the bait will be unhooked and run away, so you can only lift the line now.

The black sun suddenly appeared in the sky, and its pale prominences rolled like extended tentacles, wrapping around the clouds in the sky and squeezing them like a towel.

With a scream, an old man wearing a green robe fell in front of everyone.

Who else could it be but the remnants?

As the true master of the Omega Universe, Su Ming inherited more than just this power from Darkseid. He had already controlled the intensity of his attacks in order to obtain information, otherwise the survivors would have been wiped out by now.

It is easy for the will of the world to obliterate a person. In fact, the remnants can fight against it by creating another universe, but it is of little use.

Because all the worlds he creates are drawn from the Omega Universe and are flowers blooming on this land.

"Can't you cooperate a little more? Show us more of the worlds you created? Why are you running?" Su Ming stepped on the enemy's head and rolled it on the ground like a ball: "Or you can contact us now Make a blank, let him come and die, and I will make atonement for you?"


The faces of the survivors were trampled into the soil. They were located in a basin that was suspected of being a bomb crater. The bottom was full of floating soil, so it melted at the entrance.

It's just that it's hard to talk when you're eating dirt.

Seeing that the dark mercenary had captured the survivors and began to insult their character, Wally turned his head away unbearably.

Among the superheroes of the Justice League, no one would do this except Batman. This is really cruel.

"Oh? It's so easy to catch him." Luther crossed his arms, still holding the door handle in his hand, with a strange expression: "I told you it was so easy, why did you go to me? Let me deal with that fake man more. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some fun with Cargo Superman?”

"I will give you a custom-made Clark inflatable doll later, Lex, to ensure that you go further and further on the road to perversion."

Su Ming said a cold joke without expression, because he felt that Luthor's feelings for Superman were too twisted and a bit funny, but he had received professional training and continued to speak to the survivors on the ground:

"I want to negotiate a deal with you, remnant. How about you tell me who Blank is and help me deceive him, and I will resurrect your wife and daughter?"

Through the combat boots that the strangulation turned into, he could feel that the body of the survivor stiffened for a moment, and then began to tremble, as if he was very excited.

Therefore, Su Ming used his feet to turn the opponent over.

Although it looked like he just stepped on it lightly, in fact, Strangler had already separated countless nanometer-level tentacles from the soles of the shoes, penetrated deep into the opponent's body, and connected with all the cells.

Unless the survivor can leave his body, he can't escape.

If the other person's mind wasn't full of all kinds of different 'life' stories, making it difficult to tell the truth from the false, Su Ming wouldn't have to negotiate terms with him and could just deal with it directly.

Now it's a bit troublesome.

"You lied to me."

The survivors kept spitting out the blood and sand in their mouths, and after struggling to take a few breaths, they issued an accusation against the death knell.

"There is an old saying in the East that soldiers never tire of deceit. You are a scientist going to the battlefield? How can you be compared to a super soldier like Deathstroke? Most of the time, there is no way to equate IQ with tactical ability. Don't make this mistake in the next life. Yeah, fu~~~"

The orangutan squatted on the mercenary's shoulder, lighting his pipe, with an expression that hated iron.

"Ah, maybe, probably, I might have lied to you before, because the Omega Universe is mine. As soon as I arrived at the back of this world, I already noticed where you were. You really like to be high up, right? Become Clouds, overlooking the earth, doesn’t it feel good? Haha.”

Deathstroke squatted on the opponent's chest, holding his knees and looking at the enemy's face. The old face was full of wrinkles and ravines, but in fact the survivor was less than thirty years old this year:

"But I'm not lying to you now, tell me what I want to know, show me what I want, and I will let you live with your family."

"." The survivors were distracted.

"Think about your daughter. How proud she would be if she knew that it was her father's actions that allowed her to be resurrected."

The demon-like voice of the death knell continued to sound, tempting the old man in green robe:

"And your wife, she seems to have always been very supportive of you. She is a good woman. What is her name? Can you tell me?"

"Maybe Martha."

A somewhat impatient Luthor complained at the side that he was actually a victim of the "Martha nomenclature". Superman's mother's name was also named Martha, which was ridiculous.

He couldn't understand why Superman and Batman agreed on the same name, and he wasn't even interested in who his mother was, because in his memory, only the screams she made when his cripple father beat his mother echoed. .

"Sally, her name is Sally."

The remnants obviously couldn't stand Luther saying his wife's name wrong. He finally spoke to stop these people from continuing to guess, because he just saw the orangutan's mouth moving, as if he was planning to say something.

"Very well, Kyle Mossa, let me ask you one last time, are you willing to do a little thing for me in exchange for my wife and daughter returning to you?"

When Deathstroke asked the question, his tone was much friendlier, as if he also liked the name, and he even relaxed a little bit about stepping on the survivors:

"You only need to use your mouth, and then I will take care of the rest. I will also provide you with a witness protection plan."

There seemed to be only strong winds in the desolate world, and the dust came overwhelmingly, but it was burned away by the black sun and turned into colorful ashes, floating down from the sky.

The survivor closed his eyes, seeming to be reminiscing and struggling, but finally he spoke:

"I don't know who Blank is, but I can tell you one thing, that is, the person you are looking for is a woman. She is very powerful, far stronger than all of us."

"Well, thank you. Although it's useless, you can continue to play a role in the future." Su Ming took out a handful of ash-like powder from his pocket and sprinkled it on the survivors' faces: "Get ready to welcome your new life. .”

Just inadvertently inhaling a little bit of the silvery dust, the survivor's head tilted and he died, but there was still a happy smile on his wrinkled face.

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