The Death Knell

Chapter 4451 Master of Dreams

"Did you kill him? Well, you let him die happily."

After kicking the dust on the ground, Luther was a little dissatisfied, because in his previous agreement with Deathstroke, he also had shares in the Omega Universe. If the survivors moved here, they would move the bald cake:

"Have you lost your anti-hero code of conduct? Why not cut him into pieces and feed the symbiotes all the pieces of meat?"

"A few months ago, I wanted to cut you to pieces and then feed you to strangulation, Lex."

Su Ming smiled and began to dissect the corpses on the ground. He first cut off the heads of the survivors and fed them to the pets, and then handed the remains to Luther to take back to the Legion of Destruction for display:

"But now you are still alive, all because I occasionally have good moods, and I can think that your life is more valuable. So stop complaining and make peace with yourself, haha!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but make jokes again, especially when he saw the constipated expression on the bald head's face, it was even more funny.

Luther took the headless body and smiled:

"I know you won't kill me. After all, we are quite similar sometimes. We are both the kind of people who do whatever it takes to achieve their goals."

"Well, maybe."

Su Mingyun responded calmly, stood up straight, and digested the memories of the survivors.

Obviously, the ability of the survivors has created so many parallel worlds that their minds are in chaos, with a lot of unreasonable conjectures and inferences, and countless information about biological sciences.

How should I put it, this is what a drug-addicted biologist should think like, like a pot of random stew.

However, it is not without gain. Strangler has read the formula of the 'panacea' invented by the survivors before, and can transfer it to the adjutant for mass production.

At the same time, the sound of 'blank' was also heard from the corpse's memories.

Whenever 'my Lord' meets, the void never appears, but she is there, and everyone knows she is there.

She speaks English with a standard London accent, and her voice sounds very much like a royal sister.

"That is the Sand of Time. If you inhale it too much, you will fall into 'eternal sleep'. To put it bluntly, it is a special way of death. The souls of the survivors will be trapped forever in the gap between the Dream Kingdom and the Death Space."

Damian tilted his head and explained the cause of the target's death to Shazam. I don't know if he had enough in-depth contact with the latter's Sims, but Damian seemed to have a better attitude towards his friends now.

Yes, after designing to kill Shazam's biological parents, adoptive parents, brothers and sisters, friends and classmates, school teachers, and community neighbors, even though he knew that they were all dummies, Da Mi still felt a little sorry for the stupid big man in his heart.

Of course it was for his own good to save Shazam, but the method seemed to be a bit too extreme.

Therefore, even though Damian is a small man of 1.4 meters, and Shazam is a strong man of nearly 2 meters after his transformation, he still patted the latter's arm like a big brother, indicating that he must listen patiently.

"Wow, where did you get the information?" Bobo jumped on the boy's shoulder, and he pulled Da Mi's face casually to make sure it was not a human skin mask: "I remember your Bat family, you are so obsessed with gods and ghosts. It's not your business to take care of things, but why are you looking for Batwoman? That red-haired tomboy."

"I really didn't understand it before, but I can learn." Damian looked at Deathstroke, his father was talking to Luther, and the boy replied expressionlessly to Bobo on his shoulder in a low voice: "What that man knows, he is interested in." I will learn everything.”

Ah, a boy wants to learn his father's skills. This is the most basic way of human inheritance, imitation.

The child learns from his father to hunt, learns from his father to build a house, learns from his father to bear the pressure of life, and finally forms a family of his own. What a warm and positive thing.

But when the subjects of this matter were Deathstroke and Robin, the orangutan only felt a chill.

"Honey, this place is really upscale."

Sally happily held her husband's arm and walked on the red carpet in front of the hotel with a smile. This is the most upscale restaurant in the city, and it is simply the first romantic choice that every woman would want to come to.

The exquisite but not overly luxurious crystal chandeliers, the alluring tableware, and the gorgeous flowers everywhere make this place just like a dream.

Especially the most important thing is that the air is filled with the aroma of various foods, which is a warm, peaceful and happy feeling.

"Baba! It smells so good! Baba! I'm hungry and want to eat!"

The daughter shook her father's hand, as if she was in a hurry to eat. She was so young that she didn't seem to know why everyone was queuing up in the cold wind outside.

"Kyle? My daughter is calling you. Stop being distracted. You have been absent-minded along the way. Today is our wedding anniversary. If you still want to experiment, why don't we go home and save money for this meal. "

The wife pinched the man's arm. The somewhat worn jacket was not very thick, so the stinging sensation of her nails touching the skin instantly brought the man back to his senses.

"Ah, sorry, honey."

He took a breath, rubbed his arm, and said with an embarrassed smile:

"Maybe I haven't had enough sleep in the past two days, so I'm a little distracted, but you don't have to worry about money. I just called my principal. He helped me book a table in this restaurant and paid for the meal. It was said to be a reward for my contribution to the school.”

"Really? That's good."

The wife was obviously relieved. She was really worried that the money the two of them had would not be able to pay for the expenses here, because this restaurant was famous for being good and expensive. She smiled and rested her head on her husband's shoulder. superior:

"President Wilson is such a good person, Kyle. It's great to be able to teach at Chuji University."

"Yes, he is still so young, not even as old as some of my graduate students, but he is already a great sociologist, and he also proposed the relationship between physical exercise and the human spiritual field."

Kyle smiled and nodded, obviously very grateful to the principal. After donating the prescription to the society for free, he had been living a very miserable life, relying entirely on the principal to take care of him.

At this time, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said to his wife: "Look over there, he is here too."

It turned out that a one-eyed young man stuck his head out from the door of the store, smiled and called the family over, and pointed to the seat by the window where he could enjoy the autumn scenery of the street:

"Come on, Kyle, are you satisfied with the seats I reserved for you? By the way, I even ordered a bottle of wine for you and your wife on my own initiative, the 1995 Bermondsey Dry Red. I hope you have a wonderful time. A happy night."

"Thank you! Mr. Principal, I simply don't know how to thank you. Being able to book a seat here has solved my urgent need." Kyle was very moved and hugged the principal, his hands shaking a little with excitement.

"You're welcome, look at the customers in the store. It's your invention that has changed everyone's lives. If you help everyone, everyone will help you." The principal, Mr. Wilson, smiled and let go of him, hugging him neck and let him look at the people around him.

At this time, the customers obviously recognized Dr. Mosa and recognized this hero who helped mankind overcome the disease. No matter how high-end and decent they were, they all stood up and applauded, and everyone was smiling.

This made Kyle feel happy. He hugged his wife and daughter and waved to everyone:

"Thank you, thank you too, you make my life valuable."

"Okay, everyone, please stop being polite. I think everyone comes here because they want to give the people they love a wonderful night, except for me."

The applause lasted for about three minutes, so that the young principal had to take out a goblet, knock it with a table knife, and interrupt the enthusiastic applause with a wisecrack:

"The same goes for our Dr. Mosa, so ladies and gentlemen, please go back to your seats and leave your time to this noble couple and their children."

Obviously, everyone thought what Mr. Principal said was right, so they gradually dispersed after another round of greetings and blessings.

The band was already in place, and the restaurant manager was personally preparing to pass the dishes. At this moment, the principal was about to leave. Regardless of the Kyle family's attempts to stay, he playfully winked with one eye before leaving:

"By the way, Kyle, you can't eat this meal for free. The medicine you mentioned last time that can greatly extend human lifespan must be researched quickly and given to me. I will organize other experts to conduct demonstrations. You Have your papers ready, too.”

"I understand! Don't worry, principal, I will do my best for everyone's happiness."

Kyle smiled and patted his chest. His weak chest made an empty sound, and he agreed.

The principal nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left, opened the door to the dining room, turned around and waved:

"Good, then I'll see you tomorrow Kyle, good night."

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