The Death Knell

Chapter 4452 Always serve

"So those who like to create false worlds for others will eventually be thrown into a long sleep dream that they will never wake up from."

Looking at the scene projected in the dream bubble, Wally felt a little strange. He tilted his head and thought for a while, then said:

"You said you wanted to insult his character, but I don't see any insult now. Considering that the remnants and their plans have caused a lot of casualties on the earth, I think you are pretty good to him. At least you let him live in a beautiful dream. .”

Yes, everything before was just a dream. The location where Su Ming and others are now is on the Dream Plain in the Kingdom of Dreams, behind the castle. There are colorful bubbles floating everywhere, and inside each bubble, there are... A person's dream.

The partial abilities of the survivors stolen by Strangler, the brainwashing ability of the Anti-Life Equation, the TVA headquarters' ability to manipulate the timeline, plus the favors owed to Deathstroke by the Lord of Dreams and Death.

The combination of these cards creates this special dream soul cage. Su Ming named it 'Dream Life', which can imprison a person's soul after the death of a creature.

There is a false world that can grow infinitely with imagination, a unique script that can be automatically improved and self-repaired, and some interesting parameters that can be adjusted by the outside world. This is a super enhanced version of the remnants' abilities.

The Dream of the Remnant was placed in a corner of the plain, and Deathstroke invited professionals from the Kingdom of Dreams to build a hut for the bubble, which could serve as a shelter from the wind and rain.

Have you been to the cemetery? There are many tombstones with small sheds on them, which is not uncommon in China.

Luther did not go with everyone. He returned to the Fortress of Destruction with the headless corpses of the survivors. Su Ming and his team's next plan did not require the help of scientists.

"Isn't that insulting? Think about it again, Wally."

Su Ming, who was smoking a cigarette and watching the date of the man in his dream, smiled and hooked Erdai Shen's neck and patted his belly:

"In this dream, the remnant will use his biological knowledge to serve me forever, research various new drugs, and make mankind great again. But in reality, I don't have to pay him a penny of salary, I only need to pay him It’s just a dream for him. I don’t know if you, as a superhero, can understand it, but for ordinary people, the biggest insult is not to pay him the corresponding value of his labor.”

In fact, the inspiration for doing this comes from the skull server. Eternal service is such a beautiful word.

"To put it simply, it turns the survivors into slaves." The black-skinned orangutan rolled his eyes. He looked at the survivors in the dream bubble as if he were looking at a poor black slave: "The slaves are still alive." There will be a day when death will bring relief, and the remnants. The eternal service that the death knell said is probably true for eternity."

"Don't estimate, that's it."

Damian felt relieved. After all, the place where the "My Lord" organization had hurt the most was Gotham.

Seeing that the survivors are now trapped in a false dream and can never transcend, and must continue to contribute their own intelligence, Da Mi believes that this is an ending that is satisfactory to both parties.

Talking about satisfaction with a dead person may sound a bit ridiculous, but the survivors in the dream were actually laughing.

But seeing the family of three eating happily, Damian became a little envious again. When will Slade and Thalia take him to dinner? You don’t need such a high-end restaurant, even roadside fast food will do.

"Seeing them eating makes me a little hungry."

Shazam's emotions have calmed down at this time, especially after seeing how dreams work. He no longer feels attached to his 'Sims' and can already pick up the happy game on his mobile phone.

"Yes, it's time to go. After all, the Kingdom of Dreams is not a place suitable for humans to stay for a long time." Looking at two cartoon rabbits walking by not far away, talking and laughing, Su Ming shook his head: "Now let's go to Gotham to gamble. The last step is to see if any of those people know the 'blank' clue. If not, we will have to wait for her next round of invasion, which may be tomorrow, or it may be a million years later."

"Do you think she is a god?" Bobo understood the implication, and the time span already explained the problem.

"Well, if the sixth version of me could not find out until my death, she is at least above the multiverse level; Blank is the mastermind behind the entire organization, and our Mr. Remnant is just the best knife she has at hand. "

"It sounds very dark." The orangutan watched the man in the dream pour wine for the woman, and the good wine with mottled labels on the bottles flowed into the cup. The orangutan swallowed in frustration: "So I guess, White space should also have the concept of darkness.”

"Probably, our universe is originally dark."

Su Ming stretched, took out a bottle of good wine from his pocket and threw it to Bobo. He also stuffed a piece of candy into Damian's mouth with his own hands. He turned and walked towards Sandman Castle:

"Shazam, if you want to eat, wait until you return to the main dimension, if you can still eat in Gotham."

After saying this, he seemed to have returned to his own home. He nodded towards the housekeeper standing at the door of the castle and asked:

"Where is your master?"

The pointed-eared butler lifted his legless glasses on the bridge of his nose and bowed respectfully:

"Lord Deathstroke, Master, he went to attend the 'First Ring Council' today and will not be back for a long time. He and several adults from the Endless Family have gone."

"Well, I have a question, so what exactly is the First Ring Council?"

Su Ming smacked his lips, remembering the ring symbol secretly displayed on the fur of the big cat when he said goodbye to him.

"Sorry, sir, I'm just a butler. The master doesn't allow me to ask too much, because he knows that some things are not suitable for everyone to see. It's best to keep secrets only in dreams, and I really don't know the answer to your question. .”

"Okay, so when Daniel left, did he take the mask with him? If not, I would like to borrow it." Su Ming wanted to borrow the Sandman mask so that he could use a relatively simple method to repair the damaged Gotham.

"He took it away." The butler was alert, because he knew that Deathstroke and the artifact were very compatible, and that Slade could become the next Sandman if Daniel died prematurely.

Su Ming looked into the castle, and after confirming that there was really no one, he stepped back: "The mask was taken away, what about the ruby? I remember that he had a ruby ​​that he used as a charger. He might as well lend me some cosmic energy."

"Not at home, the owner is also wearing it."

The butler bowed again and apologized, because everyone in the Kingdom of Dreams knew how crazy Deathstroke was.

Those faceless people are still sliding into hell one by one along the slide in the square in front of the castle.

"Neither this nor that. Alas, I am a friend of your family, and you just talk about these things to deal with me?" Su Ming first expressed his dissatisfaction, and then showed his fox tail: "The sand should have some at that time. Right? I know there is a coffin in the basement of the castle, and there is a lot of Sand of Time in it. Weigh it for two kilograms, and I will exchange it for you with tea leaves."

Butler: ".Do you really want to exchange for tea?"

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