The Death Knell

Chapter 4455 Transformed into a sword

Seeing Batman like this appearing, Su Ming and Bobo looked at each other, because Deathstroke's guess was right again.

Batman's third personality has taken over the body at this time and is officially online.

Although at first glance, his appearance, especially his butt and chin, has not changed at all, but the current Batman speaks English with a Spanish accent, has an aristocratic gesture, and at the same time has a particularly friendly smile on his face.

The weirdest thing is that today's Batman actually has a stabbing sword on his belt.

At this time, Jason also recognized that the person under the mask was still Bruce, but he found it very difficult to accept the changes in Batman:

"What's wrong with you? Don't come here yet, Deathstroke, what do you think?"

"How do I know what kind of tricks Batman is doing? They don't want to kill you, and they can communicate normally. You won't ask?" Su Ming did not tell his previous guess, but pretended to be confused: " Good evening, Batman, do you still recognize me?"

"Ah, of course, I have no amnesia, Slade, my amigo, you may think I am a bit strange, but I believe you have seen something."

Batman smiled and walked over to hug Deathstroke, and also touched Bobo's head affectionately. When he saw Rice and Shazam, he rubbed their heads as if he were seeing neighbor children:

"And you, good boys, would you like something to eat? I have snacks in the Batcave."

"Well, let's not talk about eating snacks for now. Let's find out what's going on with you first. Do you mean that you inherited Bruce's memory and experience?" Bobo straightened his hat and felt that all the hair on his body was wet. It's about to be erected.

Batman suddenly became talkative and enthusiastic, which made it difficult for him to adapt. Although he had been mentally prepared, what he saw in front of him could only be described as weird.

"Ah, my mistake, haha, I forgot to tell you a key piece of information." Batman apologized to the orangutan. He looked around the environment of the Batcave, as if he had returned to a place he had been away from for a long time: "I am Zorn Ai. Batman, an alternate Batman personality, co-created by Bruce Wayne and Kal-El."

As he spoke, he took out the thin sword from his waist and casually drew the letter 'Z' on the wall. Compared to the original Bruce Wayne, he was more pragmatic, at least he didn't need to draw a bat pattern.

"Wait a minute, I don't understand. Please explain it in detail." Jason waved his hands repeatedly. He hated this type of psychology-related stuff.

"Come on, friend, let's talk as we walk." Batman put his arm around Jason's shoulders affectionately, smiled, took out a remote control and pressed it, and then a spiral staircase suddenly appeared where the Batmobile was originally parked. The ground leads underground.

Inviting everyone to follow him, Batman began to explain the cause of the matter. His Batcave is underground in this Batcave, just like his personality is always hidden beneath Batman's personality.

It was one night after Deathstroke defeated the Laughing Bat. Superman came to the Batcave to look for Bruce. The two had a conversation, and Superman was worried about Bruce being infected with the Joker virus.

Therefore, in order to prevent himself from losing control one day and threatening the world, Batman asked Superman and Jarlo to work together to prepare a backup plan.

That is to use the 13-year-old Bruce Wayne, today's Kal-El, and Zorro in the movie as character templates to fabricate Batman's new personality out of thin air and let it hide in the subconscious.

Then, Canro wiped away all memories of Batman and Superman about all this, and then it left on its own initiative and hid, and no one knew where it went.

Compared with Bruce's version of Batman, Zorn Al Batman does not have any negative emotions. He will not be affected by emotions. At the same time, he has high-speed computing power comparable to Superman, and Zorro's most representative optimism. and kindness.

"So that's pretty much it. Bruce is here now." Zorn knocked on his temple and winked at everyone: "Here he is fighting the crazy clown personality. So, before he wins, the body in the material world I will take over the shift, please take care of me, hehe!"

After saying that, he gave a frivolous two-finger salute, just like Zorro pulling down his wide-brimmed hat with his fingers when riding a horse and bidding farewell to a beautiful woman.

"Hey! I knew Bruce would prepare a plan to deal with him." Jason slapped his eyes. He really couldn't stand Zorn using Bruce's face to make actions like blinking, laughing, and blowing kisses. Come.

He felt like he was going crazy and wanted to stab himself in the eyes.

"Don't care about other people's opinions, I like you, amigo. That Jason, go take the order I gave you, you have nothing to do here." Su Ming walked to Zorn, smiled and hugged his shoulders : "You're much brighter than Bruce, but I'm afraid the Joker won't like you."

Jason stopped, having been hugged by Batman just now, he followed him unconsciously.

He was originally supposed to be on a hiring mission, and he shouldn't have followed him underground at all.

Now that he came back to his senses, he was ashamed and angry. After snorting, he turned around and ran away, without even bothering to say hello to Damian.

But Rice doesn't care. Who hasn't thought of running away?

"Haha, speaking of sunshine, I've actually always wanted to open a skylight or install more light bulbs in the Batcave."

Zorn followed the stairs and entered his Batcave. This place is one level lower than the invisible Batcave, nearly a hundred meters deep underground, and the displays are completely different:

"But the time I can come out is very limited, it must be when Bruce is unconscious. As for the clown, haha, it doesn't matter, I can play Bruce perfectly, he can't see it, and our primary problem now is not him, I need Immediately take over the command of the Justice League, and then deal with these strange bastards who appear out of nowhere in Gotham City. By the way, you can still call the bad guys bastards, right? Wouldn't it be a bit rude for me to say this? ?”

"Oh, no, no, no, my friend, there is no problem at all. You are Batman, so even if you want to call them 'trash bags', there will be no problem."

Su Ming looked at the Batcave, which he had never seen before, and his one eye seemed to shine brighter. He reached out and grabbed a handful on the test bench beside him:

"I feel relieved to see that you are so cheerful and optimistic now, but I have other things that I need to discuss with you. Regarding the mysterious person who represents 'blank' among 'my lords', I'm afraid I can't find him this time. There are more clues. We have to prepare a plan for the next time she appears. My preliminary judgment is that she may be at the level of super time flow."

At this time, Zorn Batman has connected to the system host located in the Hall of Justice via remote control, and has begun to mobilize the Justice League's global military deployment, and has also sent a request for support to the Incarnation of Justice.

"Ah, does it sound a bit complicated? Sorry, Brother Slade, I think you need to tell me more carefully about the mysterious opponent you call 'Blank'."

Zorn smiled apologetically, and while he was busy tapping the keyboard with his feet to issue transfer orders, he reached out and took out drinks and beer from the small refrigerator not far away and distributed them to everyone with a posture like a goose falling on the sand.

He opened a bottle himself and poured it into his mouth. After drinking it in one breath, he made a comfortable sound:

"Hiccup! It's comfortable~~~ By the way, are you hungry? Do you want to eat the most authentic Spanish seafood risotto? I'll make it for you. I have an induction cooker in my bat cave."

Hearing this statement, Damian also covered his face. Apparently, Zorn also inherited the housework-loving personality from Clark.

But this is too weird to put on Batman. As expected, Alfred should be called back as soon as possible.

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