The Death Knell

Chapter 4456 Inconsistency

Zorn was really too polite. Even though everyone repeatedly rejected his kindness, he still cooked a meal despite his busy schedule and insisted on showing everyone his skills.

The Spanish seafood risotto, according to him, is authentic Madrid style.

Compared with the Batcave above his head, his Batcave is slightly smaller, but brighter. The walls are covered with screens of all sizes, and there is also a huge lamppost in the center of the venue, but it was chosen. The light is red.

This gives the new Batcave a bit of a red light district feel.

The left hand stir-fries the sauce, the right hand chops vegetables and peels shrimps, and the right foot taps the keyboard to direct the strategy of the Justice League community. He stands on his left leg only, and at the same time, he does not forget to chat with everyone in a friendly manner.

Zorn Batman is not a symbiote host, and he is not a superpower, but as an ordinary person, he uses his body to the extreme, only peeling garlic with his eyelids or nostrils.

The injuries Bruce Batman suffered before seemed to no longer exist on him. It may also be that his willpower is stronger.

But Deathstroke and the heartless Shazam were okay. Bobo and Damian's expressions were very strange, as if there were countless ants crawling on their bodies after a completely different Batman appeared.

Damian hesitated to speak. Although he believed that Batman was not his father, there was no problem in being regarded as an adoptive father.

After he left the League of Assassins, he has been living in this family for so many years. Batman may have pretended to be his biological father and concealed the fact that Deathstroke was the boy's biological father, but he had nurtured him after all.

Now, seeing that Batman has now become a playful and smiling person, a familiar but unfamiliar person, Damian has very mixed emotions, maybe more of a sadness.

But the boy didn't show any emotional fluctuations and still kept his poker face.

As for Bobo? The orangutan was more distressed. He squatted on the table nearby, smoking a cigarette and scratching his ears and head.

The busy Batman around him has changed too much now. This new personality has so many flaws that even the bar owner can't find what to complain about.

But judging from his hilarious expression, the orangutan is happy to see Batman's changes.

After all, the old Batman was too dark, his behavior was very tough, and he was very suspicious. It was very tiring to get along with him.

How is it like this new Batman? Although the orangutan refused to be cooked just now, now that the onions and squid are in the pot, the olive oil stimulates the aroma of the ingredients, and when the heat wave spreads, Bobo's attitude has changed.

Oops, Batman seafood risotto is so delicious! There are also shrimps.

"That's probably what happened, amigo, what do you think?" Su Ming was not idle. He secretly inspected the cave of the new Batman, and at the same time told the other party who remained on earth about his recent actions.

Batman may already know something, but there's no harm in repeating his subjective opinion.

"I understand, brother, your thoughts and mine should be very close." Batman cut basil leaves with one hand, while the other hand was busy preparing seasonings: "The six letters represent 'my Lord' 'Six people, but the vast majority of them are just cover, or in other words, they are tools to test the strength of our counterattack."

After speaking, he smiled and signaled Deathstroke with his eyes. If he felt that what he said was wrong, he could interrupt at any time.

In the red light, Su Ming walked to the table and sat down next to Bobo, as if waiting for a meal, but his eyes were on the feet of Batman who was typing on the keyboard. This unique skill was a bit new.

He nodded and agreed with Bat's statement:

"I feel the same way. The Yongjia tribe representing Y, Laoliu Deathstroke representing D, the last 52 coalition forces representing L, the old god Zeus representing O, and the remnants of M are not decent to me. The enemy. Rao, who represents R, simply does not exist. Lao Liu and Kyle Mosa are a little more difficult to deal with, but only a little bit. This is too unreasonable."

"Yes, what Deathstroke said is what I want to say, Batman." The orangutan slid down from the table, sat in Deathstroke's arms, and said to Batman seriously: "If I were the enemy, if I was sane, then It will allow these people to work together instead of spreading out.”

During the action, because Bobo was on the side of the winner, there was no particularly obvious feeling.

But now that the battle was essentially over, looking back on the entire incident, he discovered a problem - Deathstroke had won too easily.

The orangutan took a puff from his pipe and began to dance and express his point of view, trying to make everyone understand.

Yes, Deathstroke's battles in the past were not difficult. As long as he did good intelligence work, made enough preparations in advance, and targeted the enemy's weaknesses, Deathstroke could always easily deal with enemies that were difficult for others to deal with.

What's more, now that Deathstroke has successively possessed the concepts of Peppertua and Darkseid, even Bobo can't say how strong he can be seriously, but restarting the multiverse will definitely be a piece of cake.

But this incident was different. The orangutan felt that the enemy's stories seemed too thin to support the opponent's behavior. It was more like being driven and arranged there.

Take the Yongjia tribe as an example. They joined ‘our lord’ saying they wanted to plunder resources.

So the question is, there are so many resource planets in the universe, why was the Earth chosen? Any creature with brains should know that the energy contained in stars far exceeds that of planets, right?

The star in the solar system, the sun, is actually just a little guy in the universe, far inferior to the many big stars that are larger and brighter in color.

Okay, even if the Yongjia tribe has no brains and feels that the earth is not pleasing to the eye, they insist on attacking here.

Then there are so many Earths in the parallel world, such as Earth-2, Earth-17, any one of them, the defense power is not even a bit lower than that of Earth 0.

If Earth 0, where the Justice League and Deathstroke sit, has a defense of 100, then a world where some Batmans die and a younger generation takes over may have a defense of only 10. As long as they avoid the individual worlds of Superboy Supreme and Captain Carrot, the Yonga clan can kill everyone in many universes.

Then why don't they pick the weak ones? Obviously attacking a world with weak defenses and plundering it is the option with the highest yield.

For a technological race, or a race that relies on collective voting to decide policies, it should be very sensitive to profit margins, right? After all, everyone will know the same information, and the benefits are directly related to everyone.

What’s horrifying to think about is that if you think about it in another way, things will be more interesting.

The survivors have the ability to create the world, so it is not difficult to create some single universes for the Yongjia tribe to consume, right?

Yes, the Yongjia clan's fleet is very high-tech, and its space technology and high-speed maneuverability are even more powerful, but how many stars can they consume in a year?

At the end of the incident, through the continuous in-depth understanding of the truth, the orangutan detective suddenly discovered that the motives of the first criminals to commit the crime suddenly became insufficient.

He originally planned to discuss this matter with Deathstroke when he was free, but he almost forgot about it because of Batman's mutation.

Fortunately, Zorn Batman seems to be very sober and calm now, and he is also a good candidate for discussion.

From the perspective of clinical psychiatry, when the secondary personality replaces the main personality to control the body, it is undoubtedly a manifestation of an aggravation of mental illness.

But Batman has always gotten crazier and stronger, so dark.

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