The Death Knell

Chapter 4457 Fragmented Appearance

"Yes, not only what the orangutan said, I have always had a question."

Su Ming also lit a cigarette and watched Batman add spices to the risotto and stir-fry quickly. He said:

"I killed another me, the me on the crossroads of time. I named that death knell Lao Liu. He was a spell caster, and because of the cost of dark magic, he became terminally ill. But in his memory, he never There is a memory of the remnant’s elixir.”

Let alone medicine, Lao Liu had absolutely no understanding of the survivors. Su Ming only learned about the past origins of the survivors from Wade's garrulousness and obtained valuable first-hand information.

Speaking of which, the little cousin still loved him. In fact, the value of this information was much more valuable than the miscellaneous soldiers he killed. In the end, he only wanted five hundred yuan.

Are you usually too strict with him? Should I stab him less often in the future?

At this time, Damian, who gradually calmed down when he saw Deathstroke talking, answered:

"I understand. If the survivors invented a panacea that can cure all diseases, why not give Lao Liu one? You must know that the panacea, according to the adjutant afterwards, has a chemical structure formula, Lian Lu It can be configured by homeless people nearby, and there are no barriers to precious raw materials and high technology.”

Rice means that if the survivors create a world for the Yongjia people to eat, it may be a bit troublesome. Kyle disagrees, so it can be used as an explanation.

But if it was just a pill, he had no reason not to give it to Lao Liu. Even if he knew it wouldn't work, he wouldn't die if he tried it, right?

Judging from the survivor's subsequent behavior, he is a lunatic who likes to make people happy. If he knew that Lao Liu had become unfortunate due to illness, he would definitely not be stingy with a piece of medicine.

The only explanation is that Lao Liu didn't know that the Yimin could cure diseases, and the Yimin didn't know that Lao Liu was sick.

This shows that the structure of 'My Lord' is looser than imagined, and there is no personal communication between the various members. This is not like a force that intends to destroy the universe, but more like.

Someone launched a cannon fodder group.

"Ah, yes, Lao Liu's motive is not sufficient either."

The orangutan scratched his temples and sighed. He lowered his head and played with the pipe in his hand:

"As we have discussed before, he can actually come to our Deathstroke for help. As a different-time peer, he has this advantage. There is no need to become an enemy. By the way, Slade, let Strangler After eating his brain, is there any hatred for you in his memory?"

Su Ming smiled and shook his head. He also took a puff of cigarette, threw one to Batman, and reached out to light it for the latter who was cooking:

"No, he envies me so much that he wants to replace me. Maybe a little jealous, but not hateful. My point of view has always been that the greater the ability, the more choices. He and I are essentially the same person, so naturally I think so. , so we can very calmly accept the reality that 'people without ability have no choice', which is also a kind of self-reconciliation."

"Then his logic of joining 'my lord' doesn't make sense, not to mention that he also created Rao's lie to set up a trap. It doesn't seem like a plan against you, but more like it was forced upon you."

Bobo thought for a few seconds and then said this again, his dark face wrinkled into a walnut shape.

"Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, it sounds like using New Krypton? Using the reputation of the Sun God Rao? Using the majority of the people of Krypton? Mind control to create hallucinations?"

Batman poured a little wine into the pot to remove the smell, covered the lid and simmered for a while, while saying:

"These should be plans for Superman. At least if I were to deal with Clark, I would think this plan is good."

Su Ming, who was sitting on the chair, began to prepare the wine to accompany the meal. He nodded, but then shook his head:

"You are all right, but there are too many things in Lao Liu's memory that are extremely painful for me. I can't even look at them, otherwise I might go crazy myself. Therefore, these possibilities you mentioned , I can’t confirm it.”

In the red-lit Batcave, heat came out from the edge of the pot, forming a puff of smoke that made everyone's vision a little hazy.

"Ah, it's right not to look." The orangutan said immediately. He even touched Deathstroke's chest, as if he felt sorry for him: "We haven't reached that point yet. We need you to take such a risk. A man who laughs wildly. Bat is already annoying enough, if you don’t make me laugh anymore, then I’ll just commit suicide.”

"Haha!" Deathstroke smiled at him.

But the orangutan just rolled his eyes, and the claws stroking the breastplate turned into slapping:

"Don't make such a joke. Is it fun to play with me? Has anyone ever told you that bullying small animals is actually a very perverted behavior?"

"I know that all serial murderers often set fires or tortured and killed small animals when they were children." Su Ming touched the orangutan's head. He could feel the little Fu orangutan's concern for him, and was naturally a little touched: "But don't worry. Well, just like Batman has a plan, I have a backup plan for when I go crazy."

"Huh? Is this the silent tacit understanding between you?" Bobo smiled, showing the sharp orangutan teeth in his mouth: "When did it start? Making a suicide plan for yourself after going crazy has become a smart man's Standard equipment? Should I also prepare a backup plan?"

Damian was thoughtful. He was thinking that his father, Deathstroke, had such a plan, and Batman also had such a plan. Should he also have one?

If one day I go crazy and turn into the Laughing Robin, and it might be really troublesome if I match it with the Robin King's belt.

"No, Bobo, you don't need such a complicated plan." Su Ming took out some dishes from his pocket and put them on the table for Batman to serve everyone: "You just need to tell Tracy, If you go crazy one day, just ask her to knock you out with a wine bottle."

"Tsk! Well said, but my pride hurts."

After hearing the plan given by Deathstroke, Bobo could only grit his teeth, because it was indeed right. He didn't have much force. I'm afraid that if he didn't go crazy by then, he would be subdued by the customers in the tavern and the bartender.

That's okay.

"Yes, in fact, Bruce can definitely use a similar plan." Zorn Batman smiled and shook his head. He opened the lid of the pot, took a big breath of aroma with a smile, and then started to serve everyone the rice: "He should trust his friends We can subdue him after his illness attacks, for example you can, amigo, you have the ability to stop any Laughing Bat again."

"But then you wouldn't exist, friend." Su Ming stood up to help him serve the meal, and asked Zhuo Sha to open the white wine to accompany the meal first, pour it into the decanter and let it sit for a while: "Of course, this assumption is not valid. , you and I both know that Bruce doesn’t trust anyone, and he probably can’t even trust you.”

"Yeah, you guessed it again, brother."

Zorn, dumbfounded, handed over the pot and spoon in his hand, took a big puff of the cigarette given by Deathstroke, and coughed twice. It was obvious that his body was not used to the stimulation of cigarette tar. He cleared his throat and continued. :

"He is still shouting in my head now. He dislikes me for talking too much nonsense. I obviously didn't say much, but whatever he says, I just pretend that I can't hear him. Hehe, come on, let's sit down and eat, Sha. I agree with you too, don’t play too many game consoles, your eyesight will deteriorate. Can you play after eating?”

"Uh, okay~~~~"

The simple Shazam didn't think Batman's change was a problem. Just like an ordinary child who was forced to do something he didn't want to do, he agreed in a long tone and sat at the dining table obediently.

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