The Death Knell

Chapter 4458 Falling into the rain

People in China have always had the habit of talking about things at the dinner table, so even when the delicious seafood risotto was served, the discussion did not stop.

But Zorn Batman is really a cooking wizard. Of course, maybe the ingredients he uses are particularly high-end, but Deathstroke has not had such a delicious paella for a long time.

When was the last time you ate seafood? That time you went to Arthur's house to grill ornamental fish?

"Where are the last 52 coalition forces?" The orangutan held the spoon horizontally and shoveled a large spoonful of rice into his mouth. After chewing a few times, he vaguely proposed the next topic of discussion: "Their motive is said to be to make people laugh wildly. Bat takes revenge, what do you think?"

"The possibility exists, but it's not high, Detective Orangutan."

Batman himself also sat down. The command work at the Hall of Justice has come to an end for the time being. At least he will definitely have time to have a meal:

"The 52nd Alliance is composed of hundreds of different individuals, and through my observation, their degree of madness is very limited. They are not like fanatical fans of the Laughing Bat, but more like a group of villains with their own agenda. I think I'm on a big ship."

In their eyes, 'my lord' may be this big ship. They came to Earth 0 to gain profits, just like people in the past who would cross the ocean from Britain and come to North America to pan for gold and do various things. dream of getting rich.

As everyone knows, not to mention the motives of the mysterious "Blank", even the purpose of the survivors is to restart the multiverse and drag everyone along with it.

"Then they obviously hitched a ride on the Titanic."

After taking a bite of the squid roll, Su Ming fed Strangler another spoonful, which did not delay him from telling cold jokes:

"Actually, I have long noticed that they are not like the fanatic believers of the Laughing Bat, because I have seen fanatical believers before, and those lunatics would shout 'Long live Hydra' before they die. Look at the 52 coalition forces who died. Those people, they have no similar beliefs at all, and they only know 'ah' or 'burp' before they die, which are all boring modal particles."

True fanatics are not afraid of death. If they are really here to avenge the Laughing Bat, they must be convinced that they will die if they attack all parts of the earth in pieces.

Then before you die, you should repeat your oath to strengthen your beliefs and encourage your subsequent accomplices.

Look at the angels in heaven today. They are pretty much like that, even though the word "obey my Lord" is a bit like a repeater when repeated, and it doesn't have much momentum.

But it’s still a slogan, isn’t it?

"Yes, Slade, I still remember that when we fought against that crazy bat, some crazy people from parallel universes invaded, and they would also shout slogans, 'For the Dark Knights' or 'For the Laughing Man' or something like that. .”

Bobo thought about what happened half a year ago again and felt a little sad.

Who would have thought that one day, his orangutan would be able to eat food cooked by Batman himself in this cave?

Sure enough, it smells good and tastes even better.

"We still need to capture Doomsday Blues and see if he has any information in his mind." Damian whispered, trying his best to suppress his emotions. You know, even Bobo was moved when he ate the food cooked by Batman. , let alone him?

In the boy's memory, Thalia had cooked for him, but Batman had never done so.

I had mixed feelings for a while, and even the action of digging for food slowed down a bit.

"*#@%, # %! @%...%!" At this time, Shazam said something. There were too many things in his mouth, and no one could understand what he said, but judging from his expression and speech Judging from the person he was talking to, he was probably praising Batman's skills and thanking him for the hospitality.

Well, no matter what the smart people in the team are discussing, he has the wisdom of Solomon, so he has his own pace.

Can't understand? Then don't listen. Anyway, just do whatever Deathstroke says.

"Well, Doomsday Blues may know something, because unlike other lunatics in the dark world, that Constantine is a bit slippery." Su Ming first agreed with Da Mi's words, and then reached out to touch the boy's head: "But, even if he knows Some things are destined to be very limited, so we can break up after dinner and go back to our homes."

Rice tilted his head: "Why do you say that?"

He was a little reluctant. He didn't know whether it was because he felt that he didn't have a chance to perform today, or because he wanted to spend more time with Deathstroke.

"The answer is simple, kid. If Doomsday Blues really knows a lot of information, will Blank, who we suspect to be the mastermind behind the scenes, throw him in front of Deathstroke who can read memories?"

Zorn smiled and started to share the wine in everyone's glasses. Obviously, he also had his own share. Unlike Bruce, he was very happy to drink with everyone:

"Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the madman Constantine knows a lot, but he has a time bomb in his head. Once he is captured or killed, it will explode on the spot, but the result has not changed, because we cannot successfully obtain the corresponding information through him. So, this is probably the reason why Deathstroke is preparing to withdraw. We can only wait for the next time when the mysterious enemy comes back, but "

Yes, as a Batman, he shouldn't drink during missions, but if he drinks, it means that he also agrees with Deathstroke's theory of breaking up.

Now there are only some members of the 52nd Alliance left on the earth, and they are still doing evil everywhere, but their threat level is very limited, and there is no need for Deathstroke to take action.

"Ah, I just wanted to say that it's rare to hear Batman analyze and explain plans to us." The orangutan smacked his lips a few times, wiping the oil and sauce from the corners of his mouth: "But now you are halfway through speaking, and you start again Are you selling it off?"

"Don't worry, Brother Orangutan, you are also a detective. Didn't you notice that among the enemies Brother Slade just analyzed, the old god represented by Zeus is missing?"

After clinking glasses with Deathstroke and taking a sip of wine, Enzo showed a comfortable smile. He simply pulled off the bat hood and threw it on his back:

"So I think he must have some guess."

After speaking, he looked at the death knell beside him, smiled and raised his eyebrows, indicating that the rightful owner could speak.

"As expected of you, Batman, I do have your guess in this regard."

Su Ming asked Zhuo Sha to take the spoon, feed himself and him, and said while eating:

"That's why Zeus behaves like a special case in 'Our Lord' because there is a linkage between him and the Remnant. He has a world created by the Remnant that no one else has. Why?"

"Ah, that's right. Why? What's so special about him?"

The orangutan's eyes became sharp, showing an expression like a famous detective.

"I don't know exactly why. Anyway, if Batman wants to find out the identity of 'Blank' next, I think we can try to start with this clue. What we have experienced is just an appetizer before the real big event strikes. Our enemies use it as a means to give us a thorough test."

Deathstroke continued to eat calmly, gave the cloak a handful of gems, and continued:

"But the difference in treatment of Zeus should be a clue. There is an idiom in the East called Falling Yin Luoming, which means that when objects fall, some float on the mat and some fall in the cesspit. The situation is different, good or bad. But there must be some external factors that caused the difference in the results. If we find this influencing factor, we will solve the case."

It’s not just the issue of Zeus’s treatment, but also the sixth death knell. Didn’t his other self fall into the cesspool?

Sometimes fate is always annoying, but fortunately he is dead now.

Seeing that the atmosphere became a little heavy due to Deathstroke's words, Batman, who was still not used to it, raised his glass, changed his words to a positive and optimistic way, and greeted everyone with a smile:

"We can't be in a hurry, friends. At least we have passed the quiz now. Before the real test comes, let us raise our glasses first. Cheers!"

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