The Death Knell

Chapter 4459 Beautiful Life

After Batman's personality changes, it is unknown when he will change back.

But the current Zorn Batman is indeed a very good person, with the simplicity of Bruce when he was young, the sincerity of Clark, and the unruly and cunningness of Zorro.

Su Ming got along well with him.

But, as for how much you believe in him?


Even though Deathstroke and Batman were arm-in-arm, you said 'friend' and I said 'brother', Spanish and English were alternately exchanged, and they drank four bottles of white wine in a row, all they had to do was use their own spoons. The other party has fed.

But in reality, Batman is hiding something, and Deathstroke is hiding something.

They both knew that the other had reservations, but they both pretended not to know. Zorn was better than Bruce here.

The old Batman didn't trust anyone, and anyone could see that distrust.

Indifferent, silent, and expressionless, the Dark Knight always uses darkness to cover his face and rarely comes under the light.

And now Zorn Batman, he also doesn't trust anyone, but he can disguise this so that ordinary people can't see it, but it makes you feel that he is sincere.

On this point, Su Ming spoke highly of him. After all, Mr. Lu Xun once said: 'What you think in your heart is one thing, but you have to be decent in terms of face. ’

Moreover, Su Ming suspected that this Zorn Batman was also well aware of the Eastern allusions and the saying that cannibalism has been around for a long time. He seemed to be trying to win people's hearts by cooking his own meals.

Just look at Bobo, the ape is obviously very fond of Zorn now, as if he has completely forgotten that he is still Batman.

No matter who you are, it is very dangerous for anyone to forget that Batman exists.

Fortunately, Su Ming's purpose here is to ensure that Batman's mental state is stable. No matter how powerful Zorn Batman is, it is enough that he is not as crazy as the Laughing Bat.

Once the mission objective is completed, you can leave after eating.

"Blank, why is it called blank?"

Bobo put down the spoon in his hand and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Probably because he ate Batman's delicacies and drank other people's good wines, he felt guilty if he didn't study something and came up with something. He sat there and thought hard.

While muttering in a low voice, he also peeked at the death knell, as if he wanted Su Ming to say something. He was planning to borrow flowers to offer to the Buddha.

But he is just an orangutan.

Su Ming ignored him and let Zhuo Sha lick the plates and cutlery. After leaving no trace of his own DNA, he stood up, patted his belly, and laughed:

"Oh, I feel so satisfied. Thank you, brother. So if there's nothing else, I'll take the first step? There's still a lot of work to do in the 40K universe."

"Are you in a hurry to leave so soon?" Zorn also stood up and said goodbye with a reluctant expression on his face: "Actually, you can stay here. After I settle the matter in Gotham, we can go Play polo and try some of Bruce’s wine collection?”

"I am the host of the symbiote. Ordinary horses can't get close to me, let alone ride on me, haha." Su Ming and Zorn Batman hugged, and they patted each other's shoulders and smiled at each other: "By the way, I The murderous team will stay here to help you clean up the garbage. If they make any mistakes, please forgive me."

"Haha, no problem. Bruce and I are different. I welcome all friends to Gotham. We can have a party next time. After all, my family is quite big, haha."

Batman smiled and agreed. The red uniform on him looked like blood under the light, and the purple cape made him look a little evil.

"Then I'll go back to the Forgotten Bar." The orangutan flattened his mouth, patted his suit and jumped off the stool: "Next time if a big event comes, remember to give me a tip. I'll prepare a lot of food."

In the previous conversation, Deathstroke and Batman agreed that the next big event might be serious, so Bobo was a little wary.

"Of course, how can I leave my little gorilla? Haha." Su Ming picked up the gorilla and put him on his shoulders: "I will take you for a while, Damian and Shazam, what are your plans next?" "

"I'm taking Shazam to the Titans Tower. The damage caused last time has not been repaired, so we have to go and help." Damian didn't care what Shazam's opinion was. He pulled the big man by the back of his collar and jumped off the stool.

After another round of courtesies to persuade them to stay and give in, everyone left the Batcave, returned from the elevator in the study room of the mansion, and left through the main entrance.

When we walked into the rain again, the fireworks and fighting over Gotham continued, very lively.

First send the two boys to Titan Tower. The situation on the sea is quite stable. Megan and other Titan members are here. Even Donna is back, but Nightwing is missing again.

After greeting Hai Shaoxia, Beast Boy, Steel Armor and Raven, Su Ming left again with the orangutan and returned to the Forgotten Bar.

The bar is still the same, just like the events that happened on Earth before have not affected the order of the magical world at all. Customers are still eating, drinking, talking, and spilling drinks all over their robes.

After placing the orangutan on the bar, Su Ming exaggeratedly wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead and said to the bartender:

"Okay, I've sent your boss back intact, not even a hair missing."

Tracy is actually very worried about Bobo, because her irresponsible father is an exorcist of the Holy See and is away from home all year round. She is equivalent to living with an orangutan.

But when she heard what Deathstroke said, the girl who killed Matt still said something ironic:

"Actually, it's okay if he doesn't come back. Then I can inherit the bar, and at least I'll still have cockroaches for company."

"I used to be human, little girl." The cockroach prophet in the sink waved his forelimbs as if he was shaking his fist in protest: "Don't make me sound like a pet."

Given that it is less than five centimeters tall, this is not very convincing.

The orangutan sitting on the bar took off his hat, took off his suit jacket, and slowly shook his head, but a smile appeared on the monkey's face.

He rolled into the bar coolly, holding the countertop with one hand, and began to curse at the top of his voice:

"Shut up, don't you see there are so many customers? Work quickly, or I will sell you all to Africa, especially you, you cockroach-shaped kitchen waste crusher."

"Hmm! So that's how you see me?" The cockroach was so shocked that the lemon peel in his paws fell off: "I am also a Jewish prophet after all. I am more than two thousand years older than you. Can you respect me?" Some?"

"Have you ever seen me respect Peppertua? She is older than you, right? Work quickly and eat all these onion roots!"

The orangutan dumped a basket of garbage directly into the sink, completely submerging the cockroaches.

Seeing that they still had such a friendly and warm family atmosphere, Deathstroke turned and left with a smile, but he still had something to do before returning to Marvel.

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