The Death Knell

Chapter 4460 Snitch Kitten

In a building in Sepurk, Deathstroke sat quietly on a futon, waiting in the darkness.

This super Death Star is full of black and red metal styles, and this room is out of place here because it is a completely Chinese-style quiet room. Not only is a large cauldron placed in the center of the room, but there are also ink paintings on the surrounding walls. embellishment.

The vermilion pillars supporting the ceiling are actually for decoration. From the outside, this room looks no different from the other tens of millions of buildings in Sepulk.

But Su Ming knew that it could find him.

Time always flies in the dark, and as someone who masters both time and darkness, Deathstroke is at home in this environment.

But he did not deliberately ask the adjutant to use TVA to speed up Sepurk's time flow. Instead, he lit a cigarette, propped his elbow on Huanghuali's Kang table, and waited silently.

I don't know how long it took, but a fire suddenly appeared in the darkness. The flame swayed a few times like a will-o'-the-wisp, illuminating the body under the flame.

"Meow, here I come."

Thousand Cats Dream moved its tail and walked out of the flames with squinted eyes. Its tail was raised high like a torch and swayed happily from side to side:

"It seems you took the hint when I left."

"Well, you showed an ink circle on the fur, and it could refer to a lot of things."

Su Ming took out a box of canned tuna from his pocket, opened it and placed it on the edge of the bed, motioning to the big cat to come over and eat:

"But you obviously have something to say to me, and you can't let others hear it. So the only spherical object that is safe and secure is my Sepurk. Adjutant, let's start the confidentiality process."

Yes, this is another clue that Su Ming didn't tell Batman.

When Thousand Cats Dream said goodbye last time, she winked at the Supreme Mage, indicating that he would contact her later.

You must know that this big cat usually looks sleepy and always squints its eyes. But when it opens its eyes wide, there is no other possibility except to show it to others.

Whether it is the relationship with Lucifer, the relationship with A Thousand Cats' Dream and the Endless Family, these paths are Su Ming's exclusive advantages. How could he tell Batman?

Whether it's Bruce or Zorn, it's still a bat.

If he is Batman, he must have some kind of mental illness. It's just that Zorn's illness is hidden deep enough that it can't be seen after a short period of contact.

It sounds a bit like a private detective or a police officer. No one will share their informants with others.

"Alright Sheriff, start cutting off time and space, activate the void shield and defensive array, and then Sepurk will change a series of random phases at high frequency, which may make you feel a little sick."

The adjutant's projection also floated out from the wall, like a ghost, translucent and luminous.

The planet beneath my feet made a low sound, like the sound of a fan in a computer case suddenly starting to run at full speed. The nausea did not appear, but the adjutant had already nodded to leave, indicating that the preparations had been completed.

At this time, Su Mingcai hugged the head of the big cat that was eating, pinched its ears, and whispered:

"Okay, what big secret are you going to tell me?"

Cats are very big, but cans are very small. In order to make it easier to eat, Dream of a Thousand Cats transformed back into the shape of a kitten, like a soft little ball of cotton. It climbed up on the kang of the death knell on hands and feet, and buried its head in the can. In the box:

"Don't you want to hear the content of the previous meeting of the First Circle Council? About our Mother - 'Mother Night', and some things inferred from the Council's 'Glory'."

"Ah, don't say it's Mother Night who is behind the scenes this time, then I will really thank you and your family."

Su Ming told a joke, but the smile on his face disappeared, and a flash of thought flashed in his one eye.

Mother Night, as the name suggests, she is a mother, which is a higher level than a guy like Peppertua who is called the Mother of Diversity.

Because the Endless Family was born from her intercourse with ‘time’, several of Su Ming’s acquaintances, including Sandman and Death, are her children.

However, Mother Night has always only bathed and slept in her own territory, and is not the embodiment of a concept that desires the material world, so the probability of her causing trouble is actually very low.

As for the First Ring Council, or the First Ring Council, Su Ming didn't know much about it. He only knew that their members were basically the embodiment of concepts.

Among them, there are powerful ones like Mother Night, and there are weaker ones like 'Song', 'Glory', and 'Stars'.

Of course, there is nothing absolutely weak about concepts like this if used well, only division and combination are inappropriate.

Su Ming said weak only because the scope of application of these concepts is relatively small, and without them, people will not die.

I have never heard of anyone being suffocated to death because they couldn't sing, let alone glory. Times have changed. People who have no sense of glory often live more relaxed and comfortable lives.

Mother Night's concepts are 'mother' and 'dark night', which sounds ordinary, but she can unconditionally use the concepts of her children, including controlling fate, controlling life and death, etc., which is a bit interesting.

But what Su Ming is most optimistic about is still Wade's "disgusting" concept.

"Where did you think of it? If Mother Night really wanted to destroy the universe, then everything would have to be done instantly in the dark, and she wouldn't have done so many complicated tricks, meow."

The kitten raised its head, with butter still stuck to the corners of its mouth, and shook its head wordlessly, then showed a humane and curious expression:

"By the way, as a self-proclaimed ordinary human being, knowing about Mother Night and the First Ring Council is already exaggerated enough. But you haven't gone crazy because of these truths about the universe that you shouldn't know?"

"Ah, I knew it a long time ago. Probably because I often play face to face with the ancients, so my mental endurance is pretty good."

He smiled and stroked the cat's chin, making it purr comfortably. Then he took out more cans and opened them one by one:

"Okay, let's not go off topic. Let's get started. I'm all ears."

The Thousand Cats Dream, whose mouth was full of oil, turned its head and looked around. It felt that it was still not safe enough, so it spit out a cobweb-like mist from its mouth to create cocoons for itself and Deathstroke:

"We still need to strengthen confidentiality. What I tell you involves many secrets. We have to talk about it in my dream."

After saying that, the room was suddenly filled with smoke, and the space became blank. Its dream tentacles still didn't forget to bring their own cans, which was really cute.


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