The Death Knell

Chapter 4461 Return to Development

"Well, I feel like I had a nightmare."

Su Ming climbed up from the fire bed, moved his neck, and stretched hard.

The room was still the same room, but the big cat beside him was gone, leaving only empty cans on the floor, and one of them was spinning around, making a crisp sound.

"Stop Sepurk's jumping, Adjutant, the matter is over."

Su Ming sat on the edge of the Kang and lit a cigarette, and said to the air beside him.

The adjutant pushed the door in from the outside. This time it was her body that came over. He walked behind Deathstroke on high heels and stretched out his little hand to massage him:

"Chief, are you talking about a so-called stiff neck?"

Sepurk's low-frequency hum disappeared, and it returned to normal in an instant. The red light in the room lit up again, and the source was a decent-looking big red lantern on the ceiling.

"I have an

Enjoying the adjutant's massage, Su Ming was silent for a while thoughtfully, and then asked her:

"Have you had any dreams lately since getting your new body?"

"Haha, even though it has been replaced by a flesh and blood body and looks the same as a human being, I'm afraid I still have no connection with dreams. First of all, I don't understand the existence form of dreams. Secondly, I have no way to use numbers to analyze it, which is full of variables. Finally, I No need to sleep at all.”

When she said this, she did not look regretful, because she had never had a dream, so naturally she would not have the regrets she once had.

"This is good news. Okay, let's do this for now. Let's go back to the command hall and take a look at my 40K. How is the space voyage going?"

The girl with long white hair nodded. She completed the double teleportation with a thought. On Sepulk, she was like a god.

The blue light followed the two figures back to the hall, back to the fire pit burning with raging fire. After her eyes swept over the prisoners in the total body, she asked with a smile:

"Where do you want to look first, Sheriff? Since you left last time, more than 40,000 yuan has not been long since the flow rate synchronization system was implemented,"

"Alpha Centaur, an experimental field jointly established by me and the Spear Bureau."

As if he had forgotten the story that happened in DC, a smile appeared on Su Ming's face again. He found a chair and sat down. He used the force to grab the sum body and played with it in his hand:

"Those adventurers recruited from society by selling spaceships at low prices are, at best, just a huge base for trying their luck. It really depends on whether humans can quickly adapt to the universe, and also on the development of the Chinese people."

Yes, there are many people who have bought spaceships to go into space. Maybe many things are new at the beginning, and there are many profit points.

For example, if you meet an alien and find a way to abduct him back to Earth and sell him to a zoo, it will be a source of income.

But only the first batch of people who eat crabs can get this bonus, and the latecomers will be slow every step because of their slowness.

As people's awareness of aliens continues to increase, and more and more spacecrafts are sold, many previously unfamiliar space things will become familiar, and their added value will disappear, thus becoming infinitely closer to the general environment of the universe. The market pricing of things.

At this time, all the loners or small groups can find very few profit points, and it is time for the big forces to exert their strength.

Of course, it's still early. According to Su Ming's judgment and the adjutant's calculations, this bonus period can be macro-controlled. After all, there are not many open areas in the universe and there are only four forward bases in space. People will only focus on this Four points are developed first.

How it develops later depends on the results of this ‘open beta’ phase.

"No one else but you!"

As soon as the camera cut to the scene, Professor Xu's powerful shout was heard. She was extremely efficient and very serious about her work. She was not idle at all. She was leading a group of students to practice this non-lethal magic.

Su Ming didn't say a word, just peered quietly, and not far from the playground where Professor Xu and the others were, there was a base of considerable size.

After just a few hours of not looking at the situation here, many tall buildings have popped up, standing among the green mountains and green waters, full of hope.

"It's so authentic. China's infrastructure capabilities are already strong. Coupled with the labor force we provide, it seems that in up to three days, a high-tech city the size of an imperial capital can be built on the planet Alpha Centauri. , I think Lao Zheng should also be happy."

Deathstroke sighed with satisfaction, obviously very satisfied with Professor Xu's work.

"Director Zheng is very busy today. Because the Great Navigation Project caused the exodus of the population, some positions within the Divine Spear Bureau now need to screen new personnel. He is still interviewing."

The adjutant explained, but there was no projection screen. After all, Zheng Xian's office would always be filled with smoke and nothing could be seen.

Just listening to the sound is boring.

"Is that so? How is the situation in the United States?" Su Ming was more interested in this. Because of his arrangement and design, the first batch of spacecraft was only released in small quantities in the American market, and they were all given to large customers of Wilson Enterprises.

"The people are scolding us a lot on the Internet. Some are scolding us, but most of them are scolding Mr. President." The adjutant covered his mouth with his white hands and let out a crisp laugh: "Hehe, but in view of our The fake president is used to being scolded in the past, so this is not a problem."

"The time difference is two days, so it's almost the same. Let's release the screening sales to the United States today." Su Ming changed the hands of the sum body in his hand, and turned it a few more times, so that the prisoners inside could also Just enjoy the outside world and take it for a breather.

"Understand, it is not enough to just send a peaceful and hard-working people into the universe. We still need some Unsa pirates to let the aliens know that the people on earth are not soft persimmons."

The adjutant also understood very well. She projected a spaceship on the spot, which was the Water Drop model sold before, and began to modify it.

Reduce the size of cargo bays and living quarters, cancel things like armor if possible, and then add various space weapons to the ship.

Because it was a spaceship sold to Americans, based on her many years of observation and understanding, she understood that people in this country pursue excitement and seek death.

If the new small spaceship engages in a firefight with an alien spacecraft, you will die or I will die in that moment. Is there anything more exciting than this?

"Yes, it has the flavor of the American dream. You have already learned it." Su Ming nodded with satisfaction, but after thinking of something, he added: "Don't rush to sell it yet, let's take a look at Spider-Man and his little girlfriends first. The situation, whether these children want to play or not.”

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