The Death Knell

Chapter 4462 Money is a boy’s courage

Young Peter Parker is in a state of wandering mind.

It was obvious that the boy's body was sitting in the classroom, but his soul had flown to nowhere, and his eyes were looking at the treetops outside the window, or the sky farther than the treetops, with a distracted gaze.

It's not because of the "Douyin" software on the phone. That matter has already passed. It is normal for a boy aged 16 or 17 to have a video of "cat-eared girl playing with pineapple in the kitchen" on his phone, right?

Anyway, after the adjutant helped explain, Mary and Gwen finally accepted the statement, that is, Peter was hacked by someone else's network, the boy was also a victim, and he was still pure.

Moreover, other students had no intention of paying attention to Peter's jokes. The hot news in the past two days was other things.

Of course Peter knows what has happened in the past few days. Wilson Group's spaceships have been put on the market in batches outside of North America. Countless people can go to the universe to play even if they buy the cheapest model.

Yes, Peter himself has been to the universe, but it was a group activity with the Spider Army, and he was still trapped by the death knell, so there was no time for free activities.

During this period, apart from the time for eating, the rest was fighting. It was as if the life of a warrior, apart from big bowls of wine and large pieces of meat, was all about finding people to fight with.

A bold idea gradually emerged in Peter's mind, which was to buy a spaceship and then take his crushes with him to space, either for the opportunity to make a fortune or just for a ride.

However, there is a problem that needs to be solved, that is, he has no money and he has to go to school.

He works every day, and Aunt Mei works three jobs, so that the two of them can barely make ends meet. Although the lowest-level spaceship is not expensive, it is still a large amount of cash for them, not to mention that Peter has not recovered any costs. ideas.

Deathstroke gave him a symbiote the day before yesterday, but perhaps because of his malnutrition, the little guy is now sleeping in his body, at least for now, without any movement.

Many people think that poor people only exist in underdeveloped areas of Africa or Latin America, but in fact, there are many poor people in the United States.

The bigger the city, the worse the life there is, and everything here is expensive.

For rent, water, electricity, food and clothing, bills are slapped on your forehead almost as soon as you open your eyes every day. If you don't have the ability to budget carefully, bankruptcy is a matter of minutes.

The situation of Peter's family is that they will definitely starve to death, but even if they want to buy a second-hand car, they can't do it. It's very delicate.

The teacher was giving lectures on the podium, but the students below were doing everything. They were eating, playing with mobile phones, and falling in love. These were all part of Peter's daily campus life, and this reality soon changed him from the opposite. Pulled back from the ambition of space.

The teaching style of public high schools is like this. Teachers are a profession. They only need to go to work and get paid. Whether students want to listen or not is a personal matter, and teachers don't care at all.

Of course, if you don't have enough credits at the end of the semester, you will have to make up the exam, and you will have to pay a make-up fee.

But at this moment, someone among the students suddenly exclaimed:

"It's on sale! It's on sale! Look at today's Bugle Daily website."

Needless to say what is on sale, the only thing that everyone cares about these days is that. Students take out their mobile phones one after another, but there is no need to read the Daily Bugle. Instead, text messages and Internet pop-ups are sent directly to everyone. on the phone.

What the notice said is also very simple. The Wilson Group told everyone through the announcement that because the spacecraft sold in North America needed to be specially customized, the release date was two days later than other regions, leaving everyone waiting. .

The special version of the spacecraft for North America has more firepower and faster speed. Just like how cowboys rode fast horses across the West in the past, Americans can now drive this type of spacecraft to gallop into space.

Of course, the U.S. special edition is a bit more expensive than the regular Voyager model spacecraft released abroad.

But that’s the normal price for installing a laser cannon. Who wouldn’t bring more big guns when going out?

There is another piece of good news. If you are using a Wilson Titanium mobile phone, you can directly log in to the Wilson official website with one click and complete the payment. You can place an order online at a preferential price and own your own spaceship in minutes.

Yes, some rich students among the students have already completed the payment. At this time, the drop-shaped spaceship has broken through the clouds and landed on the school playground.

A few minutes later, Peter, who was lying on the window, saw a fat and ugly boy pulling his girlfriend, a member of the cheerleading team. The two of them kept making monkey-like noises and ran away in the eyes of countless people with envy. Entered the spaceship.

For a moment, the fat man seemed to make eye contact with Peter who was sitting in the classroom window through the glass of the cockpit. The latter could clearly sense the former's showy attitude.

"Ah, I'm so jealous, damn Richie, he's still so arrogant." The voice of a fat little gay friend came from the side. When he turned around, it turned out to be Ned, grinning sourly: "That guy is fatter than me. But not only does he have a girlfriend, he can also afford a spaceship with his pocket money."

The spacecraft has been ignited and taken off. The fool-like operation is as simple as that. With the "blessings" of their classmates, a pair of young people completely broke away from school life and rushed into the vast universe.

class time? It is no longer important. Now individuals are going to explore space. Who will sit in the classroom and listen to the history class of the American Civil War?

All the students in the classroom came to the window, and even the teacher was not interested in teaching.

"You got the cause and effect wrong, man, he got rich first, and then he got his girlfriend and the spaceship." Peter is not jealous of others. After all, having money at home is someone else's ability, but it is inevitable that he is a little envious: "Okay Now, let’s go back, we have to work after school.”

The boy squeezed out of the crowd, walked to his seat, reached out and pressed the book on the table, as if trying to soothe his restless heart.

"Borrowed it, borrowed it!" Ned's large size was not convenient. He was sweating even after squeezing out of the crowd. He dragged an unoccupied chair and sat down next to Peter. He winked. : "Brother, look at the situation today, how can you still attend class? If anyone doesn't think about the spaceship now, but still studies textbook knowledge like a nerd, he will be regarded as a freak."

"We are both weird otakus in the eyes of others. When I talked about games with you, the girls looked at us like caterpillars, with disgust and fear. They thought boys should talk about sports and partying. , pretty girls, smoking and drinking, like that’s what a real man is, ugh.”

Xiaochong complained speechlessly. He was well aware of his image in the class, but when it came to girls, he still hesitated and changed his subject:

"Well, Ned, if we don't have a spaceship now and don't talk about the spaceship, will we really be isolated by everyone?"

He didn't want Mary and the others to think they were old-fashioned.

"Yeah! That's right! If you don't understand spaceships and can't talk to the girls about space walks, then you're out now!"

The fat man nodded repeatedly. His family was not wealthy. In the past, he and Peter formed a "junk guy" alliance to pick up unwanted electronic components and go home to save computers. So he had a bold idea:

"Man, look outside the window. Times have changed. The books in our hands can no longer teach us anything. We have to find a way to leave the earth, the sooner the better! So let's go pick up garbage and make our own spaceship. Come out, I’m counting on you! Brother!”

"You really think highly of me? Is that something that can be made by hand?!"

However, Peter just rolled his eyes at this statement and fell down on the table. No matter how much the fat man pushed him, he didn't even want to get up.

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