The Death Knell

Chapter 4463 Group of girls fighting

What Peter couldn't do didn't mean that someone else couldn't do it, even if it was just another slightly older woman.

Just as the young Spider-Man was lying on his desk, feeling sorry for himself and preparing to face the inevitable isolation and discrimination, his cell phone suddenly rang, and someone initiated an Internet phone call.

His mobile phone was very old, with a flip screen that was extremely small, not to mention poor picture and sound quality, but it was enough for him to recognize the black girl on the other end of the phone.

"Hey Peter, what are you doing?"

The girl in gold and silver is full of energy, her eyes are wide open, and she seems to want to get through the screen to see what's going on here.

"Well, it's nothing. Good evening, Su Rui. It must be night at your house, right?" Peter got up from the table, rubbed his face, and made his smile look normal: "I'm fine, too. You know, even if you go to school, wait until school is over, and then go to work, just like usual."

"What?!" The little black girl looked shocked when she heard this statement, and even exaggeratedly distanced her face from the phone camera: "You don't plan to go to space? Oh my god, I saw you and me the day before yesterday. If Deathstroke is working together, there’s no way you don’t know about the spaceship.”

Her expression was like seeing some monster that was behind the times.

"Shh! Keep your voice down, no, stop talking!" Peter took a breath. Fortunately, he had a spider sense and his reaction speed was extremely fast. Before Su Rui said the name of Deathstroke, he covered his phone. He picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the school: "There are a lot of people here, so it's not convenient to talk about that."

The secret identity was almost exposed. Peter explained to the girl in a low voice, and at the same time waved to the fat gay friend to follow.

"Oh! So that's how it is. It's so strange." Su Rui understood, but she didn't quite understand. She touched the huge golden armband on her arm: "In Wakanda, the only masked hero is the Black Panther, that is, Everyone knows who our King is."

"The situation in New York in the United States is definitely more complicated than in Wakanda. Alas." Peter sighed. He hugged the fat man next to him and put his fat face into the camera range: "Let me introduce to you, this is Nye. Ned, my brother, he knows my secret identity. Ned, this is Princess Shuri, Black Panther's sister."

".Um, uh, I, what, ahem, hey, you, you, hello."

Despite the fact that the little fat man, Peter and even Deadpool can treat each other as fathers, I think he has social anxiety syndrome. In fact, he is just a boring fat nerd. When he meets a strange and beautiful girl, he will He was so nervous that he couldn't even speak, he might as well have been Peter.

His big face was as red as a tomato, and he was ashamed and angry. He obviously knew that his performance was not very good, which was embarrassing not only to himself, but also to his brothers.

"Giggle, you Americans are so interesting. Hello, just call me Su Rui."

The girl didn't think there was anything wrong. On the contrary, she thought it was funny that the man was shy. However, being impatient, she also remembered the serious business she wanted to say on the phone, moved away from the camera, and took a picture of what was behind her to show Peter:

"By the way, look at this, Peter, I built a spaceship."

Just like what she said, she hadn't noticed before because the screen of her mobile phone was too small. Now that Su Rui got out of the way, Peter could see clearly that the girl was in a highly technological factory, and what appeared in front of him was a ship. The same huge spaceship.

It is completely different from the spaceship model sold by Wilson Enterprises. It looks square and square, a bit like a long loaf of bread, rather than a streamlined shape of water droplets, but judging from the fact that its chassis is quietly suspended with flames spraying out, it can indeed fly.

Ned's eyes fell on Peter. He didn't speak, but at this moment the silence was louder than the sound, as if he was asking, 'Why can girls build spaceships, but you can't?'

Taking a deep breath, Peter's cheeks bulged, and he opened his mouth. It took him a long time to recover from the shock of the girl building the ship with his bare hands:

"How did you do that? Oh my god, you're so awesome."

"Hehe, it's not very powerful."

Su Rui's nose turned up, and she returned to the camera with a smile on her face:

"Actually, when Deathstroke's spaceship was first released, I bought the most expensive one and dismantled it for research. I found that many things could be replaced with vibranium technology, so I did some reverse engineering. So, I I'm just standing on the shoulders of giants. But it took a little more than a day to assemble a frigate, and I almost had dark circles under my eyes."

"But this is a spaceship. Didn't Deathstroke design any means in the spaceship to prevent it from being copied?" Peter's eyes were still on the spaceship. He couldn't see the dark circles under the little black girl's eyes at all.

"No, because the technology used in this spaceship can even be realized by us in Wakanda. It should be nothing to Deathstroke. Maybe this thing is just a roller skate in his eyes. Who would make it for himself? Is there insurance on the skates?”

Su Rui rubbed her face and put on a rich and willful look to imitate the possible demeanor of Deathstroke. Then she continued with a smile:

"Okay, I'm going to give the spaceship a trial run. By the way, I invite you to play in space. Yes, you can also bring your friends. How about it? I'll pick you up?"

Upon hearing this, the little fat man pulled Peter's pants off camera and winked at him, hoping that his friend would agree.

In fact, Ned was a little envious, wondering why there weren't any pretty girls who used a spaceship and then invited him out for a ride?

No, let alone a spaceship, even a skateboard or a bicycle will do.


A spaceship, although the self-developed model does not sound particularly reliable and looks more like a mining ship or cargo ship, it is a spaceship after all.

He was moved.

"Who is this? Let me see!"

Just when Peter was about to reply, a small hand suddenly reached out from behind him and snatched his phone away.

It turned out to be the five beautiful girls Peter had a crush on. The five spider girls came out together. They had also seen the spaceship on the playground before, so they came to the classroom where Peter was studying to look for him, but found that he was not in the room, so they found him. Come into the corridor.

At this time, the phone had fallen into Gwen Stacy's hand. The blond girl looked at Su Rui on the other end of the phone, sparks seemed to burst out of her eyes:

"You said you wanted to invite Peter out to play? What's your relationship with him?"

As if possessed by a homicide detective, the police chief's daughter struck preemptively with astonishing aura.

Although Su Rui spends time in the laboratory every day, she is still the princess of Wakanda. She is not inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, but her noble status is not a joke.

Her momentum was also not weak, she kept an elegant smile and replied:

"I am his good friend, a very close friend. Who are you?"

"Humph, we are Peter's best friends. He has never told us about you." MJ came to Gwen's side and expressed his opinion in a loud voice: "There is no way he will go out with you. He wants to go out with you." With us, aren't you, Peter?"

"Peter, I have a spaceship, will you come with me?" Su Rui glared at the other women and also asked for Peter's opinion.

And seeing his friend being caught in the middle by a group of girls, Ned couldn't help but look like he didn't know what to make, but he could only turn around and leave quickly, as if he was being followed by an invisible evil ghost, trotting all the way.

While running, he raised his hand to wipe away the non-existent tears and muttered in a low voice:

"Girls are so scary. They want to tear you in half. I didn't mean to leave you, brother. I just had to. Take care!"

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