The Death Knell

Chapter 4464 Crazy off the chain

"Look at Peter's embarrassed look. He is squirming, his face is red, and he is rubbing the corners of his clothes." In a corner of the campus, Deathstroke hiding behind a big tree shook his head and sighed speechlessly: "He can't be a man." A little, tell the girls he wants them all?”

"This Peter is a bastard." The adjutant's projection continued to shoot at the side, nodding repeatedly, obviously agreeing with the sergeant's statement.

"This child still has poor subjective initiative. He doesn't want to cause trouble to others. This is originally a virtue, but sometimes it really just becomes a stumbling block."

Su Ming took a puff of cigarette and exhaled it slowly. He peeled melon seeds to feed himself and strangled, and said:

"Actually, Peter can ask me to borrow the spaceship, go to Tony for a ride or borrow money, or go to the little Green Goblin Harry to partner up. Even if that doesn't work, he can ask Carol. Skyward Sword also has spaceships, but he is I can’t open that mouth.”

"He is so kind. Sheriff, your goal of training him to become a mercenary is almost impossible to achieve."

The adjutant did some calculations and came to this conclusion.

"Nothing is impossible, because I only believe that everything depends on people, but Spider-Man... forget it, he can just be himself. Our world needs a clean and simple hero."

Su Ming clapped his hands and used cosmic energy to decompose the melon seed peel into its atomic state:

"It seems it will take some time for these little girls to end their quarrel. Let's see the other Peter."

The other Peter is Star-Lord Peter Quill, also known as the Gigolo.

Deathstroke hired the Guardians of the Galaxy before, preparing to stage a "golden fortune" play to lure more humans who had just left the earth to explore mysterious places in the universe.

I don't know what's going on there.

Looking at Xiao Chong again, you can see the corridor through the glass of the teaching building. Now the girls have begun to take advantage of it. Mary and Cynthia are pulling and pulling on Peter, like little girls grabbing a rag doll.

Well, before we break up with Su Rui, these girls are starting to get involved again, which is a deplorable situation.

"There's a slight problem with Star-Lord, Sheriff." The adjutant waved his hand and threw out a new projection: "Their spaceship broke down, and they are still thousands of light years away from the filming location we agreed on. distance."

It was all planned.

The adjutant first selects a planet, builds a fake giant ruins on it, and then inserts some bionic monsters into it to fabricate a lost alien civilization that does not exist.

The script will begin with the Guardians of the Galaxy arriving on this planet for an expedition. During this period, their every move will be recorded by their portable devices, and then they will go through a series of plot settings such as 'hardships', 'long journeys', 'arduous struggles', etc. , they fought a BOSS in a mysterious alien tomb, and finally succeeded in obtaining a 'treasure'.

Finally, in the flames of the planet's explosion, the small spacecraft escaped from gravity at the last second. The group took the treasure to Contracia, and the planet's governor, Ms. Little Rose, received them.

After praising them with words such as "My god for ancient relics", "I'm afraid of being struck by lightning if I don't pay enough", "A big step for mankind to enter the universe", etc., give them a large sum of money.

Then edit the personal videos of Star-Lord and the others into a 'mock documentary', then spread it everywhere and it will be done.

In short, the purpose is to let people who have just left the earth see that digging the graves of aliens can make a fortune, and encourage them to do so.

In this way, if someone is lucky and really digs up something good, wouldn't it end up in the hands of Deathstroke?

Archeology is something that bionics can't do. They don't have a brain, so they have to have an adjutant remotely control it or send a living person to do it.

But the universe is too big and the environment is too complex. Even for Su Ming, there is no guarantee that he has seen all emergencies.

In this state, playing archaeology will really ruin your life. Even if you can find an ancient tomb, there is a 99.99% chance that you won't find anything good. So this is not like finding a needle in a haystack, and the profit expectations are extremely low.

What's more, the key goal now is to make all human beings adapt to the arrival of the cosmic era. This is not a matter of Su Ming alone, but is related to the future development of the race.

Therefore, the great voyage must involve more people participating in the ‘geographical discovery’.

Even if someone else digs up garbage and gets it to Contracia, the adjutant will give the "adventurers" three melons and two dates as appropriate to maintain the operation of the "Archaeological Association" system.

It saves the manpower of the Wilson Group and at the same time provides the best publicity for the Great Navigation Plan. At least in the early stage, people must find an attractive way to make a fortune, just like the gold rush era.

"The reason why their spaceship broke down. Check the error report in the hacking system. It's because the jump engine ran out of energy. Sheriff, before departure, Star-Lord and the others drank a celebratory drink in advance and forgot to go to the port to replace the core material of the antimatter battery. .”

"Ah, Adjutant, do you think I misjudged the gigolo? He always loses his temper at critical moments."

Su Ming covered his one eye and seemed to have no intention of watching it. If he had known earlier, he would have let Loki act in this drama. However, now that shit has come to that door, it’s impossible not to save them, so I can only hold my nose and admit it:

"Teleport me over. I'm going to teach the guy who opened the champagne during the first half a lesson to avoid any further problems during the next performance."

"Okay, Sheriff, does Spider-Man still need attention?"

The adjutant activated the teleportation, and Deathstroke was thrown directly outside Star-Lord's spaceship.

"Put some news out and let Tony know that Peter wants to go to the universe, but is unable to do so because of lack of money." Su Ming gave instructions and began to pry open the cargo door of the spacecraft: "If I guessed correctly, Iron Man should A copycat spaceship has also been copied, and he will be willing to take Peter with him."

"Understood, during execution, we will make up a rumor and tell Daisy, and she will spread this word to Iron Man's ears." The adjutant set up a simple channel, which was the safest.

At this time, the cargo bay door of the spacecraft was also pried open. The temperature and air pressure inside and outside were different, causing several pieces of debris to fly out and freeze into ice cubes. They seemed to be several boxes of cabbage.

Su Ming dodged into the spacecraft, pulled the door to space shut with his backhand, then passed through the cargo hold, opened the air-tight door inside the spacecraft, and entered the living area.

Star-Lord's spaceship is not big. After all, there are only a few of them. The so-called living area is more like a messy bar with different bedrooms connected to different people.

After passing through this area and going up another flight of stairs, we came to the door of the main power room at the core of the spacecraft. At this time, everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy was in the dark room, each one wrapped in blankets and shivering from the cold. , but still don’t forget to bicker.

Who suggested drinking? Who forgot to change the battery? Who didn't wear socks and caused the skin of their feet to fly into Star-Lord's mouth in a weightless state?

Every trivial matter was mentioned. Apparently, after the jump engine failed, these geniuses wanted to use the energy of the cruise engine to make up for it, but something went wrong again, causing the entire ship to short-circuit.

Now the oxygen in the spacecraft is limited, the heat is lost, the lights are all out, and the artificial gravity fails. If the death knell does not come, or some miracle does not happen, they are probably going to die here.

But even so, Rocket was still scolding Star-Lord, and Star-Lord looked at Gamora affectionately. The latter only focused on apologizing to Nebula for what happened back then. Mantis was so panicked that Drax was rubbing his hands and stamping his feet. , Groot is still speaking a tree language that most people don't understand.

Fortunately, there is an old captain like Yondu on the ship, and he is the only one who is still trying his best to repair the machine, which gives Su Ming some comfort.

"Okay, you bunch of bastards, shut up." Deathstroke had heard enough in the corridor. He kicked open the door of the power cabin and walked in angrily: "I still want you to When Columbus was in the Age of Discovery, he set an example for the people who came after him, but in the end, you all turned into goblins, right?"

However, Star-Lord didn’t know what shame was. When he saw the person coming, he flew over more than ten meters like a vicious dog, and accurately hugged Deathstroke’s thigh without letting go:

"You are finally here and we are saved. I am so happy that I want to dance now! My old captain, what do you want to see? I can do both with and without taking off my clothes."

"Still dancing? Still dancing! Don't you dance the kind of dance that peels off your skin?!"

Su Ming grabbed Star-Lord's ears, pulled him up like a carrot, and started spinning his hands wildly.

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