The Death Knell

Chapter 4466 Heavenly Sword Bureau

The death knell's next stop is the Tianjian Bureau headquarters. After all, many spaceships leaving the earth require the dispatch of the Tianjian Bureau's low-Earth orbit space station, so as to ensure that there will be no problems with the basic traffic order of the earth.

The last time I came here, the construction work had not been completely completed, but when I came here this time, this behemoth, which looked like a multi-layered flying saucer, had already been fully displayed.

The white metal shell reflects the sunlight, and the 'tentacles' extending out are actually the docks for docking the spacecraft.

As the earth rotates, it also rotates slowly, and countless small spacecraft are passing around the airspace where it is located, just like many small mosquitoes surrounding a large piece of bread.

After entering space, some people did not rush to jump to deep space, but came here first. Whether they were curious or worried, the Tianjian Bureau Space Station also gave them some psychological buffer.

When the Tianjian Bureau was first established, Su Ming participated in this project to a great extent. The men in black who can be seen everywhere in the space are actually his subordinates.

Of course, these people are nominally under the management of the United Nations, which has authorized Captain Carol Danvers to have full command because she is the most powerful and well-established Earth soldier within the scope of the politicians' knowledge.

The female Thor Daisy is actually not weak either, but her power comes from Mjolnir. When it comes to things involving gods, many people are cautious and wait-and-see.

Lan Qi is actually qualified, but he is a scientist. He used to serve in the lowest-level Marine Corps, and he lacks experience in dealing with aliens. He is inferior to Carol, who has served as a soldier in the Kree Empire. More than one chip.

In fact, the Divine Spear Bureau has talents who can be used, but everyone knows the situation of the United Nations. They will not hand over the command of such important facilities to the hands of the Chinese Empire.

But now times have changed, and maybe it won’t be long before the great unity of mankind will come.

Speaking of unity, in addition to extremely high authority, the United Nations also assigned Carol an elite alien team.

In the past few years, there have not been many aliens who have strayed to the earth. Kama Taj has always had a strict censorship system, but there are also some 'immigrants' before Deathstroke took over as the Supreme Mage. Of course, they also have the compliance of the earthlings. identity.

For example, Carol's current deputy, Agent Abigail Bland, is a lady who likes to wear tights, has a high ponytail, and is good at using pistols. At the same time, she is also an alien hybrid Earthling.

Her father's side are aliens. Their ancestors probably fell to the earth by accident tens of thousands of years ago. They have been living on the earth and even evolved two appearances.

They looked exactly like humans, but in their original form, they looked like blue teddy bears.

Her fighting ability is average. One Black Widow can defeat ten of her. However, Brand's advantage lies in her very strong internal affairs ability. She is basically in charge of the daily operations of Skyward Sword Bureau. No one really expects Carol to be like this. Can a female man be patient and develop?

All in all, Agent Brand did a great job, and she was smart enough to sense Deathstroke's intentions and complied.

When designing the space station, Su Ming and his adjutant designed many shops here to sell various products of Wilson Enterprises. If the space station had a total of 100,000 rooms, half of them would be Wilson Enterprises' shops or warehouses.

In addition to the daily necessities that can be seen on earth, there are also some good things that can be used in space travel.

Today, the business of these stores is very good, and many people who have just entered space are willing to spend all their money here to exchange for gadgets such as space mining machines and anti-gravity cleaning robots.

The shopping guide robot, the road signs with instructions, and the customer service staff who patiently answered questions were all arranged by Brand.

Deathstroke, disguised as an ordinary person, took off his armor and put on a space suit. He put on Clark's same glasses and started wandering around the business district.

I drank coffee, enjoyed the street piano performance, and chatted with many people.

In the eyes of real tourists, they were very satisfied with this space station, and this answer also satisfied Su Ming.

Given that Wilson Group’s products and trademarks are everywhere here, people simply cannot associate it with the United Nations. Instead, they regard it as a ‘supporting facility’ provided by Wilson Enterprises.

Ah, after entering the universe, the station among the stars will bid you farewell to the earth. You can buy all kinds of earth goods here. One-stop shopping is really great. Smart people have already begun to think about what to sell to aliens. .

Although they haven't even seen aliens yet.

For such energetic adventurers, Su Ming always wishes them to gain something in space, whether it is gaining wealth and power, or a romantic cosmic love, the unknown is always full of possibilities.

After bidding farewell to yet another novice businessman who was eager to go shopping to buy goods, Su Ming sat in the central garden of the space station and played with the birds to rest.

In order to imitate the earth's environment, it looks like a very common earth park.

There are squares, lakes, woods and lawns, many birds, an artificial simulated sun in the sky, and a square prism-shaped monument in the center of the park.

On the front of the monument is a relief of Mr. Wilson, to commemorate the founder of the major sponsor Wilson Group. On the other three sides, the history and investment of the space station from the foundation to its completion are engraved, as well as the beautiful vision for the future of mankind.

This is also the arrangement of Agent Brand.

Su Ming grabbed a handful of peanuts and a bottle of wine, found a small round table with a shed, and sat down to play with the birds that came over.

Many animals are afraid of the death knell as the host of the symbiote, even some cats are the same, but birds are not. They are unusually close to the Supreme Mage.

As long as you extend your hand, a bird will immediately stop and jump with its head tilted, waiting to serve the Supreme Mage.

Touch the soft feathers of the birds with your fingertips, then touch their pointed beaks, and give them some nuts to eat. But Su Ming doesn't need them, he's not Odin.

"Supreme Mage? Can we chat?"

At this time, a voice came from behind.

"Agent Brand, you're here a little later than I expected. Please take a seat. There's no need to be so polite. I've already seen your kindness to me and the company." Deathstroke waved his hand without looking back, and the chair next to him bounced. When I got out, I used the Force well and it was so cool.

The green-haired sister sat down and raised her glasses on the bridge of her nose:

"Today is the first time that the Tianjian Bureau space station has officially started operations. Various unexpected situations have occurred one after another, and wherever there are people there is chaos, so I am late. However, you seem to have guessed my purpose?"

"Ah, of course, you are Carol's deputy, and you obviously support our ideas. So needless to say, from today on, you are one of our own. Memory loss caused by accidental genetic defects of mixed blood? This disease Wilson The company will help you cure it, this is my promise to you."

Su Ming smiled and nodded. It was not unusual for someone to come here to show their support. He shook hands with the female agent, but his fingertips could be divided at the touch:

"Now you can continue to do your business. Running the space station well is the greatest reward for me. I am going to find Carol next. Where is she now?"

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