The Death Knell

Chapter 4467 Emergency Situation

The Skyward Sword Bureau was originally the 'Extraterrestrial Civilization Observation and Response Bureau', but under the influence of Deathstroke, it is now more like a purely commercial organization.

It was too commercialized and its military use was greatly reduced, so much so that Captain Marvel, who was responsible for providing "force security" for the first stop of the Earth's journey, was fast asleep in his bedroom.

As the director, Carol's cabin is not very big, just one room, one living room and a bathroom, about more than 100 square meters.

When Su Ming used the strangle to pick the lock, the woman was lying on the big bed with her belly stretched out under her pajamas.

The orange cat at the foot of the bed first spotted Deathstroke. It jumped out of bed quietly and ran to the door to cuddle with the man. Then it looked at him with cute eyes, as if it was waiting for something delicious.

It is not afraid of being strangled at all. After all, it is an element-devouring beast, one of the largest harmful beasts in the universe.

"You won't gain weight no matter how much you eat." Su Ming smiled and took out a large multi-layered cake from his pocket, placed it in front of the orange cat, and patted its head a few times: "Eat slowly, I want to share it with you. Master, let’s chat for a while.”


The orange cat opened its mouth, and countless tentacles surged out of its body. After rolling up the cake, the food, which was taller than a human, disappeared into its throat.

Afterwards, it continued to look at the man with cute eyes, and arched its back and rubbed against Deathstroke's legs in a coquettish manner, indicating that it still wanted to eat, and its owner usually couldn't let it be full.

The volume and weight of the food eaten by the Yuanyuan Beast are of little significance. The correct cat food for it should choose something with plenty of energy.

"The cake is just for you to taste, not for you to be full." Su Ming tugged the cat's tail and sighed, but the aggrieved look of the cute kitten still made him smile: "Adjutant, from now on TVA grabbed a handful of infinite gems and gave them to the Devouring Beast."

I used to think that the Infinity Stones seemed quite valuable, but now it seems that the only ones that are valuable are this set in the main time stream.

On different timelines, there are different-time counterparts of these Infinity Stones, and their number is as endless as the sand in the desert.

Put in front of the gems of the main timeline, these gems are useless, just like a male gourd meeting a female gourd, completely ineffective.

But apart from that, they contain a lot of energy, so TVA headquarters has a lot of them in stock, and they can sometimes be used to drive equipment.

This is what is usually fed to the Magic Floating Cloak. Now, the Yuan Devouring Beast should be able to feed it this.

The voice woke Carol up. She sat up from the bed suddenly, and the cosmic energy in her body lit up. However, after seeing the death knell, she relaxed again, sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her face with her hands:

"When did you come back?"

Su Ming placed a handful of gems in front of the orange cat, touched its head, stood up and said:

"I just came back within an hour, walking around to see if the previous plan went smoothly."

"Well, you didn't pay so much attention to your various plans before." She stood up, stretched, and walked to the bathroom to wash up. She only heard a voice: "By the way, this time we go to another universe, then Is Bian’s plan going well as well?”

"How should I put it? I caught some small fish and shrimps, but let the sea monster escape. The biggest trouble now is that I know that the sea monster is targeting that multiverse, but I still don't know what she looks like."

Su Ming laughed, a little worried, but he was not nervous.

"Tsk, it sounds dangerous, but speaking of sea monsters, someone from Leviathan contacted me yesterday." Carol moved quickly. She grabbed a towel and wiped her face vigorously, rubbing it like it was glass: "They want to get involved in the great space voyage, but your spaceship sales mechanism filters out all people with unknown backgrounds."

"Haha, these idiots." Deathstroke found a sofa and sat down. He used the Force to grab the remote control, raised the porthole of the room, and looked at the universe outside the window and the endless flow of spacecraft routes: "Don't they always want To gain a place in the world? Now that you have made room for them, you don’t want it anymore?”

"I didn't know. I'm a soldier, not an agent. Skyward Sword Bureau and SHIELD have nothing to do with each other. I only heard Nick talk about the Holy Shield Brotherhood, but I don't know much about it."

Carol started brushing her teeth quickly, foaming all over her mouth, making her voice sound a little distorted:

"They probably wanted to find you, but they didn't find you. I guess they also looked for Director Zheng."

"Never mind them, it depends on fate, me"

Just when Su Ming was about to make a seafood joke about Leviathan, there was a sudden vibration under his feet. A second later, an explosion came from outside the door, and the space station immediately sounded the alarm.

Strangler completed the change in an instant, his suit turned back into black and yellow armor, and his mask emerged.

Carol was even more excited. After all, this was her territory. She flew out of the room with a toothbrush in her mouth, and used the communicator to contact the command room while flying:

"Brand, report the situation!"

Speaking of which, she even taught herself Superman's cross-dressing skills. After unbuttoning her pajamas, she revealed that she was wearing her red and blue uniform underneath.

"An accident occurred at the District 10 power station. The fire caused by the explosion is spreading. There are currently no reports of casualties."

Deathstroke has super hearing and can hear Sister Yu's voice coming from the communicator. She is still a little out of breath. The agent should be running back to the control center.

"Order the closure of Areas 9 and 11, evacuate personnel, and be ready to open the space valve to vacuum fire extinguishing at any time." Carol immediately issued the correct order. She has great experience in spaceships and space battles. In this regard, She is an expert.

But Su Ming flew beside her and added:

"Agent Brand, cut off the rail transportation equipment, seal the elevators and ventilation ducts, and send a fighter jet team to patrol outside the cabin. No matter who chooses to cause trouble for me today, I will block this little mouse in the corner."

"Uh, have you met?" Carol was stunned for a moment, but the soldier didn't care about these things. She immediately said: "Do as he said, Brand, we are rushing to the scene of the accident. .”

"It's not yet certain whether this is man-made, maybe it's just a transformer failure, but I have closed these channels." Brand's voice stabilized, and she seemed to have arrived at a place with noisy voices: "Currently It seems that the control of the space station has not been affected in any way, do you need me to send out a special operations team?"

The special operations team is that alien team, composed of Bigfoot, Silund, Nova and others.

"No, let them guard the command center. It's enough to have me and Deathstroke here. Carol is offline."

Throwing off her pajamas, the double star symbol on her chest glowed brightly. The soldier looked at the death knell beside him, who nodded to her and sped to the scene.

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