The Death Knell

Chapter 4468 Expelled from home

"When did you wear your uniform under your pajamas?" While flying close to the ceiling toward the accident area, Su Ming looked at Carol curiously: "When you were asleep before, I clearly saw that you had nothing underneath. Wear it, and still expose your belly.”

Captain Marvel, who originally had a serious expression, was stunned for a moment, and her ears turned red visibly, but she still pretended to be carefree and replied:

"I put it on when I was washing in the bathroom. The reason why I put on my pajamas again was because I thought if nothing happened, I would continue sleeping. But if you don't know this, it means you didn't peek at what I was doing in the bathroom. "

"I'm not Constantine, and I like to spy on other people's peeing."

After getting the answer, Deathstroke glanced in the direction of no one and raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know the person you're talking about, but he sounds like a scumbag. It's so disgusting." Carol rolled her eyes and curled her lips in disgust, but there was no time to express any more opinions because the two of them It has arrived outside the isolation gate of District 9.

There are many people nearby, including adventurers who have just entered the universe, and men in black who are responsible for maintaining order. It is now noisy.

When people enter the universe for the first time and encounter such an unexpected accident, it is impossible to say that they are not panicked at all.

It's like taking a boat out to sea on earth, and the cabin explodes when you sail to the middle of the ocean. What's more, now in the universe, there is no chance for people to swim with lifebuoys.

Of course, everything has two sides. There are no sharks in the universe, so if someone was blown out of the main body of the space station in the explosion, then at least he does not have to worry about the integrity of his body after it drifts in the sea of ​​​​stars.

"Continue to evacuate the crowd and raise the cordon!" Carol began to instruct the staff to do things. She used cosmic energy to enhance her voice, and she floated in the air with glowing light, stabilizing people's hearts.

She is not an official member of the Avengers. After all, the Avengers are more like SHIELD's circle of friends. She just hangs her name there.

But as a superhero, standing up at critical moments always has a calming effect.

This was indeed the case. I don't know if people saw her or the devil's death knell that often appeared in childhood bedtime stories. Everyone evacuated very proactively, and the people in black didn't even need to repeat it.

The cordon was set up, and the yellow laser light strip displayed the flowing word 'warning'. The black people were able to start building a peripheral defense line. Carol didn't need to worry about these. Agent Brand would seamlessly deal with command issues. .

The female soldier fell back to the death knell, puffed out her face, and spread her hands in the flickering yellow light:

"There are always people who like to watch the excitement. There is really nothing we can do."

"It is understandable that people are always curious about the truth, and there is no need to ask everyone to restrain this impulse."

Su Ming looked at the huge gate in front of him. Because at the beginning of the design, the Tianjian Bureau space station also considered the possibility of being invaded and the possibility of fighting breaking out inside, so different areas were connected by such main roads.

In terms of transportation, there are only eight lanes of loops in the huge space station, coupled with some longitudinal elevators and vehicles, which is inconvenient, but in battle, this design will be of great benefit.

As long as the traffic is cut off and this position is held, the deterioration of the situation can at least be greatly alleviated.

"I understand, let's get down to business."

Carol walked to the corner of the door, pressed a few times on the access control on the wall, and after verifying her identity, raised the gate a little. She waved to Deathstroke to follow her through and enter the ninth area:

"Now there is good news and there is bad news. Which one do you want to hear?"

"Isn't it? Do you also use this cliché?" Su Ming slipped through the gate with a shovel, smiled and patted the dust on his hands. He heard the loud noise of the gate falling behind him: "Let's talk about it together, don't be blunt. The game has taken a turn, and it doesn’t suit your personality.”

District 9 has undergone an emergency evacuation, and the streets are now a bit messy. The smell of food can still be heard from many roadside shops, but there are no customers.

"The good news is that District 10 is not a commercial district, but an industrial district. Due to the use of automated factories, the casualties caused by the explosion should be zero." Carol continued to fly, her red belt being torn by the wind. It's a small flag: "The bad news is that it is very close to the main axis of rotation of the space station. If."

"If it explodes a few more times, the space station may disintegrate, right?" Su Ming waved his hand to interrupt her, and laughter came from behind the mask: "It's not bad news. We can't die anyway."

"Ah, if you say that, it makes sense." Flying over the somewhat messy streets and over some dropped goods, Carol turned over flexibly in the air and faced the death knell next to her: " But if the space station is destroyed, I will be homeless and can only stay at your house."

"Huh? Can't you go to the village where you live in the wilderness? Where's your farm?"

Su Ming made a confused sound, and the red diamond-shaped eyepiece turned to her.

"I was kicked out of the house, just like you thought."

The female pilot replied like this. She sighed slightly and began to complain to the man:

"Because during the construction of the space station, I didn't have any serious tasks, so I was always living at Mary's place. It was okay for a month or two, but as time went on, she began to dislike me. She said that I was almost thirty years old and I still didn't have it. She didn’t go out for combat training when she got married. She would just lie at home and watch TV every day. As soon as the space station was built, she threw all my things out of my hometown and let me make a living on my own."

"Oh, then it seems we should speed up. I don't want you to become a homeless girl." Su Ming chuckled and flew faster: "But Mary has been urging you since you just returned to Earth. Haven't you given up after all these years? Didn't you say that you are eternally young and immortal now?"

"I told you, it's useless." Carol spread her hands, and the strong wind blew her long hair, but it couldn't take away the helpless look: "It's all my brother Xiao Qiao's fault. Didn't you let him debut as a singing and dancing idol? Well, Mary felt that it was completely impossible for him to become a powerful warrior, so she put her hope in the next generation, which is my future child."

After saying that, she looked at Deathstroke with a very strange look, as if she was thinking about something.

"Is that so? It's easy to handle. That's Mary's problem with retiring at home and having some free time. Go back and find an interstellar colony base and let her be an instructor and train others. You can always find good talents."

"Well, we're here, you or me first?" Carol seemed less interested in Deathstroke's suggestion. During the conversation, the two flew about a hundred kilometers away and arrived at the door of District 10.

Through the gate, Strangler could feel the heat, and the fire inside seemed quite strong.

But it is good news. This means that the outer shell of the space station is not damaged, the air is not leaking, and there is no need to worry about deformation caused by pressure for the time being.

"Let me do it. You stand back and don't burn your hair. It won't look good if you change your hair to short hair. Don't ask me how I know."

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