The Death Knell

Chapter 4472 Off-site connection

The second kind of doubts and assumptions.

Xiao Hei, who launched the suicide attack, was a time traveler. In a situation like Su Ming's, it was difficult to be observed.

But this possibility was immediately ruled out, because whether it is soul traveling or wearing, being a living person involves the issue of the soul, and Kama Taj's perception of the time traveler can only be said to be super strong.

Ancient One was able to find Su Ming back then, but now, if a new time traveler or some creature from a higher level arrives in the 40K universe, the new Supreme Mage will also know about it immediately.

Besides, in the words of my little cousin, it’s something like ‘group wear’, which has long been withdrawn from the environment. I don’t think Gwen is doing well even after reaching 40K.

So the third possibility.

As one of the controllers of the concept of time, Agamotto wanted to find trouble for his Supreme Mage, thereby blinding the eyes of those observing the timeline.

This is even more impossible. Deathstroke is not some Strange in the parallel universe who can be manipulated by the ancient gods at will.

Even if Agamotto is obsessed and insists on doing such a thing, Oshutu and Hogs are not just decorations. It would be strange not to wake him up. Besides, Deathstroke still has the monster "God Eater" in his hands.

In the same way, there are indeed many demons or embodiments of concepts that can control time, but they all lack a reason to fight the death knell, let alone something as unflattering as a suicide bomb.

The next several possibilities need to be investigated one by one.

For example, there is a problem with the time gem, there is a problem with the main dimension itself, some passengers arriving at the space station are splinters, or someone is secretly conducting research on ripening human cloning in space, etc.

However, Su Ming is more inclined to another possibility.

While talking to Carol, he thought about countless possibilities. Then he patted his knees. When the female pilot blushed thinking that he wanted her to sit on it, he said:

"Adjutant, take us back to the explosion site first, and then help me contact Hela."

With a flash of blue light, the two of them returned to the big pit at the explosion site. The only difference was that this time they brought the element-devouring beast with them, so as not to worry about it being coveted by anyone.

As the most famous space pest, many alien forces have long-term bounties for hunting the element-devouring beast. It is easy to take its head and change it to a large spaceship.

But for them, killing the Yuan Devouring Beast is to eliminate harm for the people and purify the cosmic environment. It is a political achievement project and everyone applauds it.

It can only be said that the positions and heights are different. Obviously in the eyes of Deathstroke, the Yuan Devouring Beast is just a cute kitten. It is not a threat at all. It is too cruel to be beheaded and skinned. Otherwise, it will eat some aliens and some aliens. A starship, a colonized planet by some aliens?

The element-devouring beast has never eaten humans.

Isn't eating aliens the same as humans eating chicken and fish? It’s normal to eat when you’re hungry.

By the way, symbiotes are also one of the harmful beasts. Many alien civilizations are also very afraid of these terrifying creatures. Some aliens even believe that symbiotes will turn their hosts into bad guys and demons.


Strangler said that it is indeed possible, but only if the symbiote has encountered a bad host, such as Venom. After symbiosis with Deadpool, it will be dirty.

Su Ming smiled and said nothing, because Strangler also started to make pun jokes now, which was a bit cute.

The bionic people in charge of firefighting were busy around. The fire had been basically extinguished, but there were some casualties.

Fires are very dangerous, let alone poisonous gas and smoke, androids are not afraid of that, but many buildings can collapse at any time, and ground decks may also collapse due to burning, not to mention secondary explosions of chemicals.

The attrition also came from this. When putting out the fire, several androids were unlucky. High-temperature and high-pressure plasma spewed out of the leaked pipe and melted directly.

However, the adjutant did not report this loss to the Sheriff. The androids were originally cannon fodder, and at worst, they could just take the bodies back and recycle them.

"Slade, what do you want from me? Oh, and Captain Marvel."

The communication was also connected at this time. Hela was obviously still on Earth, still in Daisy's home. She was sitting cross-legged in front of the TV playing games.

She was so bold now that she dared not look at anyone when talking to the Supreme Mage. After glancing at the two of them with her big eyes, she continued to turn and stare at the characters on the screen. It could be seen that she was playing Ma X Ou The car is in the lead at this time.

Needless to say, this game is also released by Wilson Entertainment and is Su Ming's 'homage' to the memories of his past life.

How can Hela look like the goddess of the underworld today? She was wearing a pink cartoon T-shirt, ripped blue jeans, bare feet, and with a burger and happy water beside her, she looked like the girl next door.

"Hi, good afternoon." Carol just said hello, then took the orange cat and quietly waited for the death knell's arrangements.

"There is something, I think you can help me take a look, but don't worry, you can finish this round first."

Seeing that Hades was very satisfied with his life on earth, Deathstroke also smiled heartily. He glanced at the fire accident scene where the bionic people started to clean up, lit a cigarette and smoked:

"By the way, why didn't you come to the universe to play with Loki and the others? She built a spaceship and took Frigga and Sif up to the sky. They should be over there in the Kepler Nebula now."

"What's so fun? I didn't leave my palace for thousands of years."

Hela controlled her Pineapple Princess character to throw a prop. While racing, she had her hands free and stuffed a handful of popcorn into her mouth. Obviously, other players were no match for her:

"No matter where you go, aren't you still in your territory? My former brother and current sister should want to find something that can help her repair the fairy palace as soon as possible, or ripen the world tree, but Asgar Germany is not my home, but my underworld, Heim, is intact, hahaha."

"Look, you fooled me again. Others may not know, but haven't I told you before that I know the special connection between you and Loki." Su Ming shook his head, but did not delve into Hela's statement. , but changed the topic: "Let's not mention the matter between you and Asgard. It seems that Daisy and Gwen are not at home?"

"Oh, Daisy went out on patrol. You know, the superhero thing. You sold the spaceship and made New York a mess."

Hela skillfully controlled the car to drift around the corner. She picked up a new prop and showed an evil smile:

"As for Miss Poole, she drank too much when she came back in the middle of the night the day before yesterday. She is still unconscious in the bathroom bathtub. It should be what humans call alcohol poisoning? But don't worry, I'm watching her. She won't die. I heard it is Did you invite her to drink?"

When it comes to alcoholism, Hela doesn't know much about it, because people in Asgard really don't drink to death, but she knows how to prevent people from dying.

"No, I gave her money to help me receive a few friends. It seems that her reception work is beyond imagination. She is really working hard."

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